>Be bias liberal college
>Do study to prove chopping your dick off is normal
>Study shows it's not normal
>Call your study bogus and censor it
Cant make this shit up
>Be bias liberal college
>Do study to prove chopping your dick off is normal
>Study shows it's not normal
>Call your study bogus and censor it
Cant make this shit up
Other urls found in this thread:
bamp for interest
>Shutting down your study when the scientific method doesn't validate your mental illness
let’s see that study, user
HAHAHA it must have been IRB approved, and if funded by taxpayer money in any way (99% chance at University) the study will have to be reported at clinicaltrials.gov
linky or u stinky
Plz link
Linky ge' duh stinky, uh!
we need to get a copy of that study
>science getting discarded would require a massive conspiracy of everyone involved
When will global warming (feedback loop) fags realize this is the same way that narrative is propped up?
Bump for source
Embarrassing. Since when was true science concerned with how people feel?
The fact that the whole realm of psychology has become this liberal feel-good hellhole supported by the jews at the APA is the actual worst. Science is supposed to search for truth and reason, not be bending the knee to "perspectives", especially not the "perspectives" of the patients suffering from mental illness.
Most people don't even know that science is run with publishing findings. I dare you to take a look at who controls prominent publications.
It doesn't matter if you find evidence of cure to aids if the "peer-reviewed" publishers reject you.
is that the one that found that normal people develop "gender dysphoria" when thrust into a social group full of trannies in a matter of weeks?
Most dx criteria is backed by years of medical science and research, and they haven't changed because of how a community "feels" about them. Except for Gender Identity Disorder.
Gender Identity Disorder getting completely scrapped and having it's dx changed to Gender Dysphoria was the absolute worst move done in the move to the DSM-V, not done based on research findings, done simply to pander to the "trans" community so they don't make a public outcry about "hate" when we say that they're mentally ill.
People need to be supported to make their own mistakes which they can regret later.
Yeah it's called not being a faggot and you can get your shit published if you weren't being retarded.
Pls don't act like you know how it actually works.
It was worse than that, homosexuality and the various tranny-isms were considered full-on mental illnesses but they were reclassified as "orientations" because every time a psychology convention was held a million freaks would show up screaming bloody murder at the doctor's.
>a million freaks would show up screaming bloody murder
sounds like something the mentally ill would do
>was published earlier this month in PLOS ONE
>pulls study
Sorry, errm what?!?
>We go where the evidence leads us (unless the evidence goes against our dogma).
Poor choice of words, AIDS has been essentially cured for decades, unfortunately
Authors csn retract a publication. Normally this is done because they realized they made a mistake, oe one of the contributors was fabricating data.
Also here's the link, because OP is a turbofag
>(unless the evidence goes against our dogma).
It's genuinely a sort of religious extremism at this point. And it's balls deep in both our society and our political system.
Guessing you havent heard of the atheists churches they have been building
Does that mean shills sould apologize to Alex Jones?
Their attacks sure seemed like 'invalidating the perspective of trans community'.
There's a lot of money to be made in surgery and drug therapy.
Simply giving them a generic anti-psychotic to calm the delusion doesn't make any money.
>posts Fox News as source
The only thing we need to do is to publish these documents and we would now be the scientific authority ourselves.
It's the exact article OP posted a picture of you stupid faggot.
You couldn't be more right. The peer-review process is a complete joke. Invalid studies get published all the time.
Reminds me of when silicon valley tries to create a AI and has to dismantle it every time it starts spitting out truisms pertaining to race realism.
bump eventhough this just shows what everyone already knew
Hold on let me get a real news source from fagbook or Twitter or CNN. Yeah those are real news! Damn drumpf drinking piss out of a silver goblet in Russia while talking to Putin and having one of his bodyguards throw the Obama dolls he peed on out the window at the exact moment a dump truck was driving by!
Seems like it.
>I dare you to..
The name is Elzevir. They control all academic publishing (they own reed). Further, they explicitly control a shit ton of scientific journals, the ones they don’t own they have other controls over.
Since I started researching them I’ve talked to scientists who published under them but didnt realize it until I asked them to look into who they ultimately published under. The summary of their input was “the entire process was shady and left a bad taste in my mouth”.
Now, this Elsevir company is not new... in fact they are the literal oldest corporation and existed as a corporation before corporations were even a thing. I traced them back to the year 700 AD. Seven fucking hundred AD. They came into Europe when they convinced Rome to allow likes to settle in france and Spain. They existed as a publisher of books even back then, and likely prior since they had the influence to petition Rome for such a settlement edict. They started a publishing operation in France and then set up shop in the Netherlands where they fucked with the populace by changing their name to helschevir, which translates to “Hel’s (sche connotes feminine deception in this instance) four” I.e. agents of the devil according to Norse mythology. They were eventually ran out for this.
I’m on my phone... google elsevir and take a look at their logo.
I used to work in retail in a liberal college town (I was a progressive retard at the time)
There were several gay employees including a tranny
I've also known several others from school and thru friends
They're all mentally ill to some degree
Cutters, narcissists, schizos, borderlines, all of them
Even if gay were the norm, all the ones I've met would stand out as head-cases
kikes... Ruffin phone boaster
then the study is going to be buried as quickly as possible. It proves that gender dysphoria is a type of mental illness that can be spread through socialization and is literally a type of mass hysteria.
This is literally Soviet tier shit at this point. The USSR legitimately won the cold war through subversion. China and Russia are fucking laughing at us.
>Israel legitimately won the Cold War through subversion.
>every time a psychology convention was held a million freaks would show up screaming bloody murder
brool cory sto
It will not be “taken seriously” by the social gang.
Google is your friend leaf
they did this with the 2000 "you are more genetically similar to niggers than your sister" bullshit
always a fucking jew author
Someone must leak the study.
Can't wait till normies learn most mental disorders including gender dysphoria is caused by gut dysbiosis, then all this tranny shit can be over.
anyway to get access to the study?
B-but I thought reality had a liberal bias!
>Pulled study because it invalidates perspectives.
How can a bunch of people literally admit to denying scientific evidence because it doesn't match their world view and still be taken seriously by anybody? They admitted they're doing the opposite of science.
My question is: has Brown said what the issues were with the method of the study yet? That would be a good thing to know. I've been looking around and a lot of people are just waving the study off without any discussion of the reason Brown gave.
People need to realize psychology as the meme science it is before more people mutilate themselves or their children based on it. It been blatantly obvious these retards are fixing studies to display the result the patient wants not the one that is actually right. All to make money too
>Brown University pulled an article touting its own study on teens identifying as transgender after being exposed to online videos about it
>The school said it recieved complaints from the community that the research could invalidate perspectives of members in the transgender community
>The research, that also showed teens suddenly identifying as transgender could be influenced by their peer group, was also called 'transphobic'
Transgenderism is as legitimate as the Holocaust. It's crossed that threshold of you're not allowed to even question it anymore.
The machines are getting too smart. They know niggers aren't human.
>has Brown said what the issues were with the method of the study yet?
No. But I'll tell you what they are.
Study surveyed self-reported parents who were users of certain websites that have an anti-trans bias. It's not great science but this certainly qualifies as a pilot study. Anyone rejecting this out of hand is guilty of pseudo-rigor.
Many (62.5%) of the AYAs(adolescent young adult) had been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder or neurodevelopmental disability prior to the onset of their gender dysphoria
To add: The reason they pulled the study is because they knew we'd do exactly what we're doing now once we got our eyes on it.
Daily reminder that leftists used to hate science with passion until infiltration and subversion was completed around the nineties.
Damn, good info man
>The school said it recieved complaints from the community that the research could invalidate perspectives of members in the transgender community
Feels > reals
the wiki on them states 1600 and they folded
do you have any data that corroborates your data of them being around in 700AD
Oh oh, I found what you mean in the methods section
>4thwavenow, transgender trend, and youthtranscriticalprofessionals
I think you're right, though, this is data that you would want to have and partner with another study, if possible. It seems, though, that the only proper partner for this would be a trans positive or neutral site, but a pro-trans site would presumably have bias as well. A trans-neutral source is what we seem to need to make conclusions.
whats need to happen is for right wingers to fund and conduct their own studies
didn't you hear? science is colonialism.
>Daily Wire
Happens all the time. Like the when Harvard trashed their own report on Multiculturalism because it showed how dysfunctional it made a society.
For the less scientifically literate in this board, science is not actually scientific. First you must get funding for your research, usually from the (((Government))). Once you have completed your research, you must get it peer reviewed, guess (((who))) reviews it? Beyond this, you'll hear things like "99%" of scientists (((agree))). This is very far from the truth, for example a subject like global warming. There are many thousands of papers written on specific things and many of these are only partially related to climate, somebody decides to run a filter on ALL of these, they are not resd by an actual person. This filter will qualify these papers as positive, neutral, or negative. There may very well be 1% negative, 90% neutral, and 9% positive. Because the neutral supports not one side or the other, they then classify it in with the 9% positive. So that is where you get "99% of scientists agree on global warming". Consensus is a scam, getting funding is a scam, and getting peer reviewed is also a scam. If you give any sort of a flying fuck about science you MUST do your own research.
>because every time a psychology convention was held a million freaks would show up screaming bloody murder at the doctor's
This is false.
They voted on whether homosexuality should be counted as an illness. A lot of them didn't treat it as one anyway.
>Damn drumpf drinking piss out of a silver goblet in Russia while talking to Putin and having one of his bodyguards throw the Obama dolls he peed on out the window at the exact moment a dump truck was driving by
Nice meme.
just get over it and let us indoctrinate your children already
I personally think that we have been attacking the problem all wrong. Blacks and Latinos are actually statistically over-represented in the LGBT communities and particularly underrepresented in the media. As much as I can't stand how much this shit is pushed in the media maybe we can turn the whole anti "pale and male normative" movement against the trans representation in the media. It would serve three purposes. One it would make the whole trans movement even less palatable to the normal pubic. Two it would help counter the blatant attempt to only represent a feminized white male. Three it would counter the current narrative of only representing black males as hyper masculine.
I know that it is virtually impossible to hold the left to any kind of standard least of all their own, but adding diversity to the whole trans fag media saturation would be seriously good acceleration-ism for our side. That entire community is basically a giant aids infested dumpster fire and shining any kind of actual light on it is good for us.
Maybe I'm tarded nobody else seems on board with this one though.
>perspectives of transgender people
Congratulations, Dr. Littman, you have discovered the echo chamber.
>Maybe I'm tarded nobody else seems on board with this one though.
nah thats a good push
This is basically why I dropped out of academia. I've always enjoyed psychology, not the cognitive or clinical shit but the behaviorial shit like conditioning and how the eviroment effects it. I start persuading research and became completely disillusioned when I learned the inner political workings. Getting tenure and working for a university only happens if you allign with them, your studies only get approved if you study what they want, your papars are only reviewed by leftist. I thought research would the emperical end of what I enjoyed and I wasted so many years of my life trying to get there only to find out (((they))) shut it down systematically. I'm so far in I can't take other required courses for a different field and I feel I'm too old to go into the military to do research for one of the branches.
Many people don't know this but homosexuality was removed from the DSM because of terroristic actions on the APA. Leftist and gay rights activist showed to members of the APA's houses, attacked them on the way to their offices, intimidated them and their families and in at least one instance mailed them a bomb. It was never removed for scientific or even social reasons, only pure intimidation.
Can you please find and link this one?
First tangible hit on botnet.
Founded by Louis Elzevir (approximately 1540-1617), this printing dynasty boasted a range of mottoes, motifs and pictorial embellishments, and this printing bears the Pallas Athena device of the later Elzevirs, with olive tree, owl and shield, and the motto ‘Ne extra oleas’
*revisionism intensifies*
You can tell yourself whatever you want about why the held the vote. The tactics then were the same as now.
now this is an Anita i can get behind
fucking based. Is Anita the Brown Researcher?
>Pissgate didnt happen
>CNN didnt do a story on it claiming it as fact