Black Thug Culture

What caused the rise of black thug culture in the USA?

black thug culture includes:
>acting tough and aggressive
>using violence to settle disagreements
>hip hop music
>speaking in Ebonics or improper English
>glorifying having lots of pre marital sex with many partners
>glorifying substance abuse
>lack of appreciation and respect for education
>an over all "not giving a fuck" outlook on life

it is interesting how this human behavior is what developed when people all moved into big urban cities together. Even white kids are listening to hip hop and "acting black" to an extent.

Blacks didn't used to act like this in the Motown days. What process took place that lead to this cultural evolution?

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Also follow up question:

What will black thug culture be like in 30 years? Will it still exist?


>Blacks didn't used to act like this in the Motown days.
They did, you just didn't see it.
They've always been shit.

How do you know? I've heard there was still lots of drug and alcohol abuse among them even back then

We stopped lynching them. Niggers have to be lynched from time to time or they get uppity.

This was probably the entire reason... welfare allowed blacks to reside in ghettos without ever having to assimilate into white america... and I guess the product of sitting around in ghettos all day long with no job is "hip hop" thug culture.

Liberals decided they wanted slavery again, but had to hide it under the guise of helping vulnerable communities.

>Niggers have to be lynched from time to time or they get uppity.
thats what the cops are for. they still act like niggers

Jews own the record companies

But how does that develop into "yo yo yo muh nigga"

Stop it you brainless idiot. Racist whites has been lynching black people despite of their outfit and dress code

Jews realized that sex drugs sell.... but if pair that african rythyms and dance... you will make a fortune

Listen to old Johnny Rebel songs, even back in the day blacks were shitty.

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Bitch have you even seen a black person once in your entire life? Gtfo


Ok, since you seem to be unaware I will go over what happened in simple terms.
Pre 1960s blacks in the US were doing alright. Most homes were families, they worked, went to church, ect. Sure there was racism, but for the most part blacks were normal and there was no real reason for the segregation to exist. During this time, white business started realizing that negros were often as reliable, or even more, when it came to repaying debts (I fucking know right, but they could be seriously fucked if they did not pay back debts at the time). So negros became more integrated in the consumer economy. They could afford new things, but often could not get access to the higher end stuff; colleges, supervisor positions, ect. This essentially started the civil rights movement. Now at this time, the democrats worried about losing their southern support opposed the civil rights movement, causing blacks who were fairly balanced as dems and repubs to go heavily away from dems.
Cut to JFK's happy little accident, LBJ gets control and realizes he can get those "niggers to vote democrat for the rest of their lives." So he rolls out massive welfare and food stamp programs, essentially removing the need to work for negro men. At the same time, they start funding groups like the Black Panthers to start creating division and hatred, as well as promoting the original gangsters which they successfully modeled after their idea of a stereotype 1920 gangster + scooby do (I know wtf). This worked well at first but the Black Panther like groups they created started to form real off shots that actually wanted the black Christian family back. Ruh roh. But wait, there are these warlords we are supply in Central America with guns to kill communists. We have been giving them guns for free, but they have a lot of cocaine, let us trade guns for coke and sell it to black gangs to make some money back, lets also teach them how to turn it into a free base to smoke. This worked amazingly

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With the push for integration ending because they stopped worrying about education, black communities were left without any real culture and so developed a bastardized version of their own with bits and pieces pulled from different areas.

It inherited the celebration of blackness from the desegregation movement that told blacks they could be anything, but turned it into celebrating ghetto mentalities because that's what existed by that point due to welfare and public housing promoting a "good enough" mentality.

Blacks played right into liberal's hands and became slaves again for two generations before stagnating and having Clinton start imprisoning anyone who tried to escape their clutches.

Maafa 21 explained the whole thing.

Cut to Hip Hop.
Oh Shit, they are starting a movement calling us out for selling the crack, and this war on drugs we made combined with prison labor is starting to back fire. I know, let (((us))) buy out the hip hop labels are create our own artists. We will push these artist to the general white population as Vitamin Water salesmen and movie actors, while blacks hear them rap about killing someone over $5. Let us also monetize this gangster culture, we can recover some of our costs. Ok, this is working, but black unemployment is reaching >50%, I know, we will redefine what unemployment means, problem solved. Ok, so the world is mad at us cause we blew up two countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, we need to show hope... and change... Hey who do we have as a CIA asset. Perfect! Can we run him against someone ridiculous to insure our modified election results will look legit? Perfect!
Look world we solved racism!
Ignore black unemployment at >50%.
Ignore that we sold crack to black communities.
Ignore we started gang culture.
Ignore we used the war on drugs to create a source of prison labor.
Ignore we destroyed the black family.
Ignore we promoted all black supremacist groups.
Ignore we slandered and assassinated any black leader that advocated for the Black Christian Family.
We have a black President now.

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Interesting take. Thanks. But why the fuck does a Norwegian know this? I can't even name your prime minister

Im a white old fucker from the midwest.

CIA crack cocaine social engineering + pic related

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Empty your mind for a bit and watch straight out of Compton. It is surprisingly redpilled on the JQ for a nigger-made, normies tier movie.

Who dat?

DMC dropping some redpills

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God bless.

from my observations despite people insisting that the complexities of race are more complicated than black and white, from what I’ve observed it isn’t. Black morality is simply Nietzschen slave morality where all of black people inadequacies and failings are glorified Into virtues. Being anti-intellectual, aggressive and prone to theft. While most black people aren’t like this, in black culture these acts are ignoblised. While white culture is all the boring stuff like being responsible and independent of others. It makes perfect sense to me why young people lacking a sense of true carnal masculinity (such as a suburban white kid) may be attracted to it. Most people grow out of their rape phase and in my honest opinion I feel like rap is on the decline in America. Ironically from what I’ve observed is that Hispanics and Asians seem to always sort themselves on one side or the other in the end themselves. Especially 2nd generation kids.

same process that makes white white culture

only difference is white thugs typically grow out of it and become alphas

niggas get locked up before they can ever tie their shoes, let alone produce sense and understanding about the world for themselves

>how do you know?
Says the fucking retard thinking they were happy go lucky wholesome folk. Ike Turner acted just like a modern day nigger with money would . Even found a white whore to fuck and subsequently beat the shit out of. They have always been subhuman creatures, the jews just found them easiest to manipulate

Hip hop just over took rock n roll as the most popular music genre in the USA though.


Here you go young senpai's. This is the vinyl that started it all.

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I side note, I have noticed that music in general is becoming more standardized.
Old days, you would get a record or tape and maybe 1/3 of the songs sounded similar while a lot of the other songs the artist experimented with, some became hits others not, sometimes the title track fell into obscurity and some random track on the B side exploded the radio.
Now you pick up any major artists you can barely tell the difference from track to track, it seems like they are utilizing a computer algorithm or something to generate standard music that people like, but no one really loves or hates, and with this being the only real retail option people get their choice between meritocracy for the sake of maximized profits.

White thuggery was an Italian thing I would argue.


It’s just niggers being niggers but on a bigger scale.
Look at “TFN” (That Fucking Nigger) Obama a classic example.

From what I know about the rap industry this is basically true. The melody is computer generated. From song to song the only truly original aspect for most musicians is the lyrics and the vocals. And sometimes both of those are artificial too. I most listen to hits from the past anyhow. I listened to post molone (n1 rapper in the world rn) and it was seriously dull. All the kids I know like British indies music from the 90s (the smiths) but tbf we’re a weird bunch.

Oppression, dumbass

Because the Italians you got were lower class immigrants from southern Italy.

You could make this case for the blues, not rap/hiphop though.

>IDK, What caused the rise of white thug culture in the UK?

Affirmative action, early social justice, and welfare. You can take a thumbtack and put it right there on the timeline. We started deincintivizing ambition, responsibility, and self-reliance in black communities and the culture immediately rotted as a result. People can rise to whatever standards you raise them up in. We stopped having standards, because some white leftist types decided standards were unfair and meritocracy was racist. As a result, they largely turned into for an children. What do you think is the cause of fatherlessness among American blacks? They are incapable of acting selflessly because they're overgrown children. To even suggest responsibility to them is an insult- they've been brainwashed into thinking that all of society owes them a free ride. prisons are private corporations. One day, prison execs and record execs came up w a brilliant plan and all met together in a mtg. They divised a plan right before the boom of gangtsa rap. They would pay these "gangtsas" more money to be as foul, ruthless, and menacing as possible, as well as treat women like shit, and talk about money and drugs. There was a 2 tier goal. 1 - invest in the prison system before the boom of gangstas going to jail as a result of listening to this new gangsta rap. Once gamgstas are in jail, profit. 2 - completely and totally demolish the culture of the black man. The problem is (((they)))didnt think it would last this long, or spill over into the white culture...or did they...

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Nigger in a suit like lipstick on a pig

Very simply you tell one population they're victims whilst at the same time telling another population that they're responsible for the first populations victim status.
Result: White liberal guilt assuaged by welfare.
Result: The infantilisation of niggers i.e. they bear no responsibility for their actions and can therefore justify laziness and criminal behaviour.

Prison culture

NWA is literally a black boy band. Dr. Dre, Arabian Prince, Ice Cube etc. they were all gerry curl wearing Prince-looking faggots in the mid-80s. They hook up with Jew Jerry Heller and all of a sudden their sporting baseball caps and gangsta clothing and telling the police to fuck off, nigga this, nigga that.

Gangster rap is literally manufactured from the ground up. The only one who was semi-legit was Ice T who experimented with it and everyone else ran with it.

It's always nice to get a history lesson, most of it sounded believable with some speculation. I wouldn't know where to start to verify something historically that far back.

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>What caused the rise of black thug culture in the USA?

Absence of a father in the household. 70% of AA birfs are to unwed single mambies.

Who invited to social justice nigger to 4chin?

Wop: noun. racial slur
Used in the United States as a derogatory term for Italians. Originates from the word Guapo, a southern Italian slang expression meaning a thug, a pimp, a swaggerer. Used often by Italian immigrants to the USA in the early 20th century in a similar fashion to how blacks use the word nigger.

To Anglo ears the Neapolitan pronunciation sounded like wop and was eventually adopted as a slur against Italians.