What's the future of this country in your opinion?
The future home of the Holy See.
Very dark.
It has none lol.
what happened to Irene?
There's no future here. Only disappointment.
Hah. Good one. Aussies never fail to deliver.
has Jow Forums forgotten her already?
Se shall see.
The future is for white euros to buy houses here and kick us out.
The cornerstone of St. Peter's tomb was already moved to Fatima.
Quiet and weird neighbors
Why weird.
Portugal is the quiet sleepy town of the world.
Not good but also not bad. Just is what it is.
Portugal is a beautiful country. Very rich in culture and history - at a level Australia could will never be able to reach. Had an unforgettable holiday there. You Portuguese have a lot to be proud of.
As for the future, not too sure; don't follow your politics. But whatever happens I'm sure she'll be right
Portugal and Galicia best friends
How do I even distinguish Portuguese and Spaniards without hearing you Iberians talk your language?
Becoming like morocco.
While the EU keeps offering us dick and we continue being on our knees we'll keep on sucking
Our future?
Very close to our past.
Same kind of corrupt fucks in power for at least 500 years.
Not much can change.
Bring D. Afonso Henriques back! We need to go around on horseback killing motherfuckers.
Next stop: assembleia da república.
annexion to Spain before 2030
says the castizo in murica
also didn't i told you to fuck off already?
A - New rise of nationalism and potentially a new Estado Novo.
B - pic related.
The portubros are fucking based, i love them, i hope for the best for them
You are the one indistinguishable from.sand folk because you are one racially.
>there will be anything to anex by 2030
>needing strangers on Jow Forums to tell him his white so he feels good with him self
ROFL keep posting your ugly mug on Jow Forums and claiming you are a iberian.
>You are the one indistinguishable from.sand folk
oh really le me just post my harm to shut you up you fat grease shithead
Cry more you fucking mutt
Typical moorish sandnigger
Moorish monkey.
>pig skin
not even white, just pink
To become an autonomous community of Spain
Yes, thats white skin you moor filth.
no that's pig skin you not even human. KYS
Come home, muslim man.
Nova Brasillia
Autonomous communities*
West spain will be 13 autonomous communities.
Moorish monkey.
Macaco is haram.
you said that already anything new?
If I had my way 80-90% or 50% of portugal will be deported to syria.
Nothing, you aren't white racially.
1. Low IQ 94 or less.
Thanks to importing the dumbest of dumbest from Africa. The genes will spread because portuguese women are having mullato children and we will become dumber.
2. Slaves in own country
Anything of value will be bought be rich while portuguese will be servants
3. Mullato race within few generation
Portuguese will stop being white because of massive imigration from Africa and coalburning women.
You should really come to Portugal. If full of latino looking people. But also a lot of regular white people its actually weird.
>stop being white
Middle easterners arent white.
Portugal YT NO1 trending video
I believe you have the wrong idea about Portugal. There are at least 20/30% pure white people here.
As I said many are christian moorish or jewish settlers, some portuguese are european others are not.
50% or 80-90% of portugal are non white dependant on their community, if you are a white portuguese you would know this as true.
Yes as I said around 20-30% are European.
>numbers pulled from my ass: the post
You could at least know a little about our genetic heritage before saying such nonsense.
This turns me on desu
Portuguese is dead nation. Soon to be replaced by negro and mullatto. Portuguese women don't fuck and if they do they breed with dark races. Lisbon already looks like Africa
Just to let you know, all my family as far back i can go is from Portugal.
I'm actually 100% Iberian, as Iberian as you can be and i don't think im more than others just because of that funny part is that is your dream.
You are already mixed with shit!
Keep dreaming you are iberian you fat fuck
Dude i live in Sintra (Algueirão), looks like i am in Africa.
Lisbon needs to be quarantined and disinfected with all forms of corrosive liquids and gases.
Mm haha, retarded marrano.
>american telling europeans who is white
lol, tell me more pablo
No future m8
And you're all mixed race. Half black or half mexican or half native. Because you think you're white with your receeding foreheads, non existent chins, brown skin and long noses. You're Brazil 2.0, and have a similar demographic, crime habits and healthcare.
You're brown 90 IQ mongrels obsessed with compulsive purchase of frivolities, Hollywood narratives and delusions of grandeur. You're just jew slaves. Dumb, brown, impulsive, easy to anger, easy to deceive, subservient to Israel.
It's going to be a nigger rape hole.
For anyone saying that Portugal isn't white, my grandma was portuguese, she was a blonde hair blue eyed person.
Imagine being this limp-dicked insecure, autistic faggot who continually posts his ugly-ass boomer face for some website to see just to validate his existence.
Advice: kill yourself. I know how insecure you are, faggot. I told you to shave that mutt-pube off your face and you did it. Also got a haircut too. So this must feel ten times worse having to hear this from some anonymous guy on the web: you are ugly. You don't look like you do any meaningful work in life; your double-chin you were hiding with that shitty beard is an insight into how overweight you are. That's probably why you post extreme close-up pics of your munted face.
You look like a white aboriginal; some half-cast stick-throwing monkey. You wasting your fucking time posting this shit is proof that you will forever be a waste of breathe. Come to Ausland you fucker, I'll knock a bottle over that weak-chin and cum in your eye-sockets after I empty them and fill them with vegemite. Looking at a pic of your raped mangled corpse will seem preferable than looking at its current state.
You will never find validation here, because you aren't accepted here. You never will be, not here nor any other place in life. Cunt.
>the one American shitting the thread with "YOU"RE NOT WHITE"
Every time.
>telling europeans
>people who live in europe are automatically racially european
Retarded marrano animal.
White Americans don't have 90 IQs and they largely aren't mixed, especially in areas other than the South.
>being so insecure as to post face pic
Could easily pass as Portuguese too lel
Every. Fucking. Time.
I cant because i am.not a sand monkey
You motherfucking cum-guzzling cunt I'm not fucking joking when I say I'd kill you. Kill yourself so your country will be at least 60% white
>mexicans telling europeans mexicans are the real europeans.
This pic too!
Have you even been here?
We are faced with "European" levels of degeneracy, "Former Colonial Power Syndrome" levels of multicultural invasion but!
... our political system is still the same since the end of Fascism. Our generations haven't evolved the way those of most of Europe have.
That's why we don't have a true right-ish wing party or why no one stands up to the multicult. Yet. The same happens in Spain. Why?
The total cultural and meta political defeat of the "right" is too recent, still.
Eventually, some Portuguese will discover the ways of old were beneficial.
Basically: Shit will get worse before shit gets better.
But the possibilities for us to "get better" - and what that means to us and in our context - are almost ilimited.
Why? You ask.
Well, because we've been doing everything wrong. Any step towards improvement is a big win.
Just bear in mind that Portugal is not a country easily affected by "European politics" naturally, because we are an Atlantic country. We are shielded from other Europeans.
Bear also in mind that in the curent dogma we can't "defend ourselves" or "stand for our culture / people / race". But we will eventually have to in order to survive.
The Traditional Order of Portugal has perished. We're a pretend country now.
Our Traditional Order literally offered us centuries of stability and a power far greater than our small size could seriously allow us to imagine.
Basically, it's clear to me that "the right" only has to find the will to work seriously and it will definetely take it all (if we are not restrained by other powers like the U.S. or the E.U.).
Who's this whore?
Well you've lasted this long. I'd say you'll probably be fine so long as Spain doesn't get hungry.
Your maxilla is not vertical to your brow ridge thus you are sand race.
>You look like a white aboriginal; some half-cast stick-throwing monkey.
Thanks Ausbro, I love your country too, lived there for 5 years.
I think you guys could use Salazar 2.0
Based Aussie with the smackdown, you bloody legend!
I didnt even read.
Is it worth a visit? Also good luck Portugal.
You have no idea the potential of a Traditionally Catholic based Portugal would unleash. Consider the following:
1) Holy Christian (Catholic) Cities: 1) Jerusalem; 2) Rome; 3) Constantinople (more or less, currently dead); 4) Santiago de Compostela; 5) Fátima.
Consider that besides Jerusalem and Constantinople... of the three most holly European Catholic cities one is Rome and the other two are in "Portugal": Fátima and Santiago (in Galiza but, legitimately Portuguese, consider Portugal and Galiza unite for its the only Nationalist policy that truly makes sense and is capable of generating a new fire in us all);
Consider that Portugal has a Tradition of building a Fifth Empire of the Spirit. Which no one really knows what it is, only that it is a "Western" Empire based on the Spirituality of the Nation itself;
Consider the secrets of Fatima on its own and a potential renewal of Traditionalist Catholicism from it. Consider the conversion of Protestants into Catholicism or even the union of the Catholics and Orthodox;
Consider also that Portugal lies closer to the Americas than other European Nation.
Consider Portugal's History as a fight to expand religion and what not... against all the odds and through all difficulty.
I don't know if we can do it. I only know that there is tons of potential.
Fucking mericans
she looks slow
t. faggot.
Dude. Get out.
Portugal is less moorish than Spain.
One in every corner, my dude.
You are either a brainlet or unaware of aussie slang or both. You are also butthurt.
Yes kiwi bro just don't spend too much time in Lisbon, the place is a tourist trap and blacks. Come to the north, Oporto is beautiful and so is the coast, you can drive up to Galicia which is also lovely.
I want to go back to Oz though, shit was cash.
I'm coming for you faggot. Currently working with Russian and Chinese globalist hackers to doxx you so I can glass you and make leather boots out of your pink non-iberian skin.
Be seeing you cunt.
Of the european race portu is few.
Should be fine as long as they don’t accept many refugees. With their safety net, they’ll crash harder than Greece if the flow rate of gibs becomes too high.
Im tracking you down lebo.
How much more cancer can this user be?
What are you saying?
As I see it:
There's a new blue pilled Nationalist group called Nova Portugalidade which is so blue pilled that they claim everyone can become Portuguese. Yes, it's a disgrace. Yes, not much good will come from it.
However, it is a group which moves the overton window and bothers leftists in general. It brings "Nationalists" and other personalities to speak at Universities and what not.
Anything that serves to normalise Nationalist discourse is a win. Even if it is blue pilled as fuck Civic Nationalism tier.
That video of yours is just a nigger that is claiming he is the new portuguese. Not related.
Why do you join the fag whiter than you Mohammed challenge?