Why black people can't swim

The REAL reason why black people can't swim is NOT because they don't know, but because of HISTORY...


Jow Forums BTFO

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Pools closed

Well they are safe to swim in the oceans. Sharks won't touch them. They think they're whale shit.

Denser bones

Not going to watch it but I'm guessing it's somehow wypipo's fault.

niggers ruin and get kicked out of every public pool for acting like niggers....shocker

So they won't excape from the island

You try swimming with a sponge on your head

no pools in the projects

Maybe true but blacks are naturally less suited to swimming. 15% smaller lungs, more dense bones. I know blacks that swim, but they are definately less buoyant in the water. The ones I know can run fast as shit and jump like they have springs on their feet, and have never been oppressed by any swimming pool conspiracy; they just don't swim as good. No one is trying to find a conspiracy why whites can't run as fast, but blacks assume whitey must be holding him back if he isn't #1 at everything.