What do you know about the Jesuits, Jow Forums?

What do you know about the Jesuits, Jow Forums?

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They are

Kill yourself

Were once suppressed unjustly which destroyed the potential for a truly Catholic system in North/South America.
Were infiltrated by modernists in the late 19th century and communists in the 20th (cf. Bella Dodd testimony to Congress).

Now, need to be suppressed.

Enough to not like them.

It's an Illuminati Lizzardmen tier strawmen and cop-out, when Jow Forums tries to pretend that Christcuckery is not cucked.

>It's an Illuminati Lizzardmen tier strawmen and cop-out, when Jow Forums tries to pretend that Christcuckery is not cucked.
Adam Weishaupt was studying to be a Jesuit then left the Church and reversed the spirituality and tactics of the Jesuits to form the basis of the Illuminati.
What was the opposite of Jesuit spirituality?
Freudian psychology.
You have it backward.

all i know is that each of their preists are trained in exorcism
as opposed to the catholic church which has like 30 or something.

here's a jesuit op youtu.be/bSLkr9fJzP4

a really funny story that involves Ireland.
Specifically the story of St Patrick chasing snakes off the island, but were they actual snakes? Nope, turns out they were Druids who practiced similar jewish blood passover rituals like painting the doorframe with blood, but for slightly different reasons. Legend has it that the Druids came by boat and landed on the island somewhere around 1800BCE. Well, in the Torah there is a tribe called DN (Dan, Den, Snake) who loved to sail. Around that time the Sea Peoples union existed and one of the member lands was Shekelesh which later became Rome. Anyways, the reason why the Vatican never canonized ol'Patrick because they too are a tribe of DN creation, and Irish were considered less-than-niggers during the trans-atlantic slave trade

Attached: Tribe of DN - Vatican 1.png (1310x1384, 2.43M)

here are the family names of the Jesuits:
>Aldobrandini/Borghese, Breakspear, Borja/Borgia, Chigi, Colonna/Cologna, Conti, Farnese/delle overe, Gaetani/Caetani, Merdici/Medici/Domedici, Orsini/Maximus, Pamphii, Somaglia, Este Estence

Started when a spaniard spent 9 months in a cave with (((angels)))

The world is run by satanists.

Attached: 108.jpg (1920x1080, 512K)

Mmmm, not sure who you're referring to.
I posted information on Satanism last night.
>Baphomet is Baphe-Metis, the Baptism of Wisdom
>Baphê is Greek for "dipping," as in a vat of dye;
>Mêtis was a Titaness who presided over the fourth day of the week, the planet Mercury, and all wisdom and knowledge. After the overthrow of the Titans by the gods, Zeus developed a lust for Mêtis and seduced her. An oracle predicted that their child would be a girl, but that the next child of Mêtis, if there were one, would be a boy who would eventually depose Zeus as he had deposed Cronus. To avoid such a catastrophe, Zeus trapped Mêtis and swallowed her whole. Days later, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, burst forth from Zeus's skull.

>Dr. Hugh Schonfield, one of the scholars who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls believed the Word Baphomet was applied with the Knowledge of the Atbash Cipher. "This is a Hebrew code which substitutes the first letter of the alphabet for the last and the second letter for the second last and so on. When Baphomet is applied to this code, it generates the Greek word Sophia which is translated in English as Wisdom.
It is a gnostic principle meaning baptism of wisdom.

Attached: file.png (624x671, 340K)

It's a symbol meaning the baptism of the mind/a baptism of "enlightenment."
A variant would be the OTO's Gnostic Mass or the Missa Nigra (black mass) which the latter requires a consecrated Catholic Host (Greek: Hostia; victim).
The Missa Nigra is so ordered toward "dark enlightenment" that it is even modelled after the Catholic mass.
Compare Missa Nigra
with Traditional Catholic Mass

The Satanists are so unimaginative that they imitate the true mass and even acknowledge the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, saying "This is the Body of Jesus Christ."
>pic related

Attached: file.png (404x241, 126K)

Crowley founded the OTO, Ordo Templi Orientis, the Gnostic Catholic Church.
In the canon of its mass he sheds light on the meaning of Baphomet
>pic related

Satan always imitates and perverts Holy Mass. He knows Christ is present, Body, Blood, and Soul, in the Holy Eucharist.

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Do you have more information about the history of the Jesuits? And how they were subverted? Because i tought that they were always cucked.

They were infiltrated by communists about a century ago and they have since served as the revolutionary vanguard within the Catholic Church. Other darker cliques and personalities have since joined, using the society-within-the-Society as a veil-within-a-veil for their activities.

They are essentially what Jow Forums likes to call the jews


this is father peter norden, former jesuit chaplain for pentridge prison in melbourne, and current marxist revolutionary / RMIT professor, he does not deserve to hide in the shadows any more.

he indoctrinates the youth of today with his own bizarre views, such as ALL criminals right to freedom.
thats right. he thinks prisons should be abolished, and criminals should be free to walk on the streets, regardless of what they have done (child rape, murder, terrorism).
he does all this, despite the fact that australia already has one of the most pathetic prison systems in the world (comfy personal cells, flat screen TV, internet, pool tables and pinball, michelin star quality food, PS4/XBONE, etc).

he was already an instrumental force in having the death penalty abolished in australia.
he was even officially pardoned in the 1970s/80s after using his position as the prison chaplain to ACTUALLY help a violent murderer escape from prison, then proceeded to drive him 45 minutes across town to a safehouse.

he is close friends, almost family with the most notorious gangsters and violent criminal from melbourne.
he has close ties with the psychotic pettingill family from melbourne (meth crazed, murdering lunatics, they made an australian movie and U.S TV series about this family, it's called 'animal kingdom').

he acted as a middle man for imprisoned gangsters for decades, you can only imagine what atrocities he has been responsible for over the years.
now he is brainwashing your children, to think like him, and take on his own sick and demented virtues.

Attached: Peter+Norden.+Pentridge+Prison.+Former+Chaplain.png (425x425, 268K)

The Missa Nigra (black mass) and other older variants are basically merely reversals of the Holy Mass and the blaspheming of the Sacrament of the Altar. Satan knows his enemy.
We know that even in 110AD by a man who was ordained a Bishop by St. Peter and sat at the feet of St. John the Beloved Apostle that the 1st century Gnostics abstained from prayer and Eucharist (mass) because they did not confess the Eucharist to be the actual Body and Blood of Christ. This was 270 years before the Church put the Scriptures into canon of 73 books.
>Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans

The Jesuits were the most powerful force for counter-revolutionary activities in post-protestant revolt Europe. They were demonized as the worst of the worst for this fact; even carried over into the US when a Jesuit was running for office against a Quaker. He made up this fake oath that supposedly Jesuits have to take--the same oath was later revised to make it seem like Knights of Columbus members had to take it.

One of the co-founders of the Jesuits (Francis Xavier) converted more people in Asia than St. Paul did in his entire life. These were tough men; men who were considered the marines of the Church who were sent behind the Iron Curtain to offer Mass for the Catholics in Soviet Russia knowing their eventual fate.

Look to the Congressional Testimony of Bella Dodd who personally placed communists and sodomites in the priesthood (specifically Jesuits) in the 20th century for the eventual subversion of the Church from the inside.
I believe she has a recording on youtube, but her book School of Darkness tells more.

Attached: benedictxv.jpg (565x510, 51K)

I know they're a largely clandestine religions organization with a very high standard of education. They have a history of dipping their fingers in politics and not in a good way.

Mostly Faggots

The only good jesuits are the ones in the hard sciences (and even then, not all of them) the normie Jesuits are actually full of sodomite liberals

the Jesuits are full of homosexual liberal radicals pushing Marxism and every heresy they should be suppressed again

This is incredibly autistic. The Celts worships pretty much the same pantheon as all of the other European Pagans

they're the Catholic special forces, representing the counter-Reformation
they infiltrate all non-Catholic controlled institutions and take them over
they are the most hardcore true Catholics there are

They Hegelian master-lords and play both sides of the world drama to consolidate control.

>In her public affidavit, among other things, Dodd stated:
>“In the late 1920’s and 1930’s, directives were sent from Moscow to all Communist Party organizations. In order to destroy the [Roman] Catholic Church from within, party members were to be planted in seminaries and within diocesan organizations... I, myself, put some 1,200 men in [Roman] Catholic seminaries”.

And found this video:
I will watch it later.

>they are the most hardcore true Catholics there are
Used to be.
Used to be.
There are still some good ones, but as one of the members in the hierarchy stated (his name escapes me), 30% of the Jesuits are homosexuals. 30% are subverting the entire group.
The subversive disorientation is largely dependant upon the locale. In America, the subversives in the Order promote Americanism (cf. America Magazine) and everything that goes along with that: classical liberalism, sodomitical rights, abortion rights, etc.
In Latin America, the subversives in the Order promote liberation theology.
Again, not all are like this but the only ones you hear about are the subversives.
That's the one.

comunist in disguise ,at least they are smart very smart

filthy globalist communists