Let's have another one anons, last one was fun and I have nothing better to right now. Westerners wanting to visit or settle here you questions are welcome.
Bulgaria Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nation of shitskins
>Meme flag
Kys kike
I'll start this off with some nice nature pics
Kill yourself nigger faggot.
Banitsa is my favorite food
Might be moving here after university with my girlfriend (she's Bulgarian also). I wouldn't recommend moving there if you only speak English. While lots of Bulgarians know English, they don't want to speak it. Lovely country aside from Turks and Gypsies.
blow me mutt, go watch you gf get plowed by tyrone
Real white americans don't have a problem with you. Only niggers and mutts will shit on European countries (besides Albanians they're niggers)
nice user, having a bg gf will help you a lot, both to meet people, and to know the right places to go to, and the right food you should try
banitsa with boza is the way to go user
I know user, I'm not shitting on all americans, just mutts like him, you're alright
I have an english friend who moved here with his girlfriend.
What town?
Also monitoring this thread for that guy who still had questions left over for utilities before other thread died.
Bulgaria has one major problem and it comes from India. Wouldn't modern Indians want the so called "Roma" people back?
They literally go and genocide them once every few months so they don't breed too much
Why tf don't you kill every fucking gypsy, then I'll consider it.
I want to like your country but I just can't get past the name.
>Wouldn't modern Indians want the so called "Roma" people back?
would you?
gee I wonder why
>I love shitskins
Kys chomo
>fucking EU flag at that
Please stay right the fuck where you are and do not under any circumstances come here. We're all gypsies.
I mean....
Why are you seeking acceptance from the internet?
>la creatura calls other shitskins
You're the shitskin here chomo
There was a thread made by a british guy earlier today asking what it's like to move here away from communist dystopia Britain, like 6-7 folk came asking similar questions and about 3 of us answered and got to talking among ourselves. Was a lot of solid info being shared and useful for all.
I'm assuming OP made this thread cause one of the brits was still asking questions when it archived.
is it cheap enough to establish a mini ethnostate? if i got the lads together, can i form my own enclave basically.
yeah there was, but like i said bored and don't have anything better to do, but yeah it's also just Bulgaria thread in general
it's pretty cheap, idk about autonomy, but when the west becomes somalia 2.0 you'd have a pretty good start compared to all the western refugees that'll flood this place
i hear there area already foreign owned villages
the legal system isn't very harsh, but i'm not sure if you'll have quite the freedom you're imagining
Kosovo is legitimate Romanian clay
A Bulgarian invented the computer nigger
There already is one, there's some village that like 10 british families bought, they made a pub and an old style post office and live in homesteads each. It's pretty funny.
I still wouldn't recommend it, it's not a great place if you don't try integrating. Can be a nightmare even.
Gotse Delchev is Bulgarian. I just had some rum and a shopska salad. This week I have learnt how to dance Horo style.
guns, drinks, hunting and no wogs. that's what im imagining mate.
i'd make an effort to learn the language for sure, it just feels wrong on a visceral level if i didn't.
>time to shill for muh Plovdiv
horo is the dance itself, not a stile, stil lgood for you user
you'll need a permit for the gun, but that's not hard to get, hunting sure you can do that, and booze are cheap af
>Westerners wanting to visit or settle here you questions are welcome.
I hope we invade you again I want my sweet dose of pillaging.
Oh well I did something, so yay
M8... you are 3/4 Bulgarian, have some respect
Makedoniya e bulgarska ;)
Are Bulgarian women sexy? I'm not too familiar with your people. Post sexy Bulgarian qts please.
Invade what nigga, yourself?
Nonsense I am a turk now open wide I want my sweet boypussy.
yeah, there are your normal hunting passes, and hunters get to own guns (drinks aren't restricted, tho brewing your own stuff could get you in trouble, i'm not sure)
also gypsies don't build houses (illegal dwellings get taken down), so unless you sell them a house (>implying they can afford), or a house is empty and they move in (which has low odds of happening)
I will ask again, why do you see acceptance from the internet?
Do you unironically believe that any of the *Nglo scum here will actually move to Bulgaria? Stop taking incels on the internet seriously.
She has property (inherited) in Vidin. I've been to Vidin twice- it's where her family is from originally. I don't mind it there, it's quiet, sure there are gypsies l (just like anywhere you go) but to be quite honest I'm not a people person. Cheap property and fast internet is all I need since I work from home. We're seriously considering it. My experience is that Bulgarians aren't all that receptive to foreigners, understandably.
Definitely having her is a big help. So far I love the food she's shown me. (kebabche on village bread is fucking kino). Looking forward to coming back.
Look at these SEETHING barbarians mad cause no one wants to move to their shithole country
president's daughter
depends what you're into
I was the OP who made last thread this should be a regular thing cause it's great to actually not talk about muh trump and shit. Plus I want my sweet 6 bedroom house
fix yer heroin trafficking problem op fic.nih.gov
>I am a turk
Disgusting. I threw up some banitsa.
So close yet so far from you
we;re not complaining
Now remember your place my little slave because we will invade soon enough to improve our economy.
Quite a lot do and if they ask questions I'll answer. I'd rather if anyone DID move here they were informed and didn't get swindled or become gyppo bait, which becomes a problem with everyone.
>Bulgarians aren't all that receptive to foreigners, understandably.
Vidin and the Northwest are genetically pretty much serbs and no, they are NOT receptive to foreigners.
I'm sure that would be the least of your worries
Do I have some bulgarian features?
I am Romanian
yeesh, this article is older than you
>this should be a regular thing
There's a regular active thread on Jow Forums and it's a literal hellhole of furries, trannies and other such crap. But balkan threads here, when not just "balkan thread" but actual conversation on some relevant subject get pretty comfy.
>Vidin and the Northwest are genetically pretty much serbs and no, they are NOT receptive to foreigners.
kill yourself faggot
What Balkan countries aren't allowed here then? Maybe only Bulgaria and Greece.. but I'm no expert
Can't tell from the photo, but probably.
Romania was in bulgarian borders for like 400 years or something in total, you have bulgarian ancestors guaranteed unless you're from far north/northwest.
yeah vidin is basically the porest shithole in the country
I don't agree there's a shithole of brits that moved in the villages around where I'm from and literally no one gives a fuck and people are pretty friendly to them
What do you mean what balkan countries aren't allowed here?
You're not in the Northwest though are you
Pay us tribute and we might not attack you this time.A 1bn euros a year should be good for starters.
looks romanian to me
>Quite a lot do
irl obviously. No one from here.
Why not discuss more important things? Demographics, economy, geopolitical shit.
>Why not discuss more important things? Demographics, economy, geopolitical shit.
That's what we did discuss though
They have Turks in the Plovdiv natural history museum
We need to restore the tsardom
Holy fucking shit they all look like THE worst degenerates possible, completely confirms my idea Jow Forums is pure cancer and should all remove themselves.
Yes, but no jew tsars this time and if one of them wants to go to war with our neighbors (except turkey) we kill him immediately
Well Albanian users will start shit. So I think we should ban certain Balkan countries from posting
nigga turn around right the fuck now, and go to Karlovo and Kalofer, that shit is some of the comfiest places on this god damn earth
Albos are hilarious though, they are literally 50 IQ inbred motherfuckers who try to hide themselves or something and it ends up being pure comedy.
Imo serbs, who I don't hate, but man do they love drama and arguments
Do it again.
I have a thing for this qt reporter. She interviewed me once and I made her uncomfortable with a politovally incorrect answer (about fag marriage, it's not allowed here). She is sexier in person, muuh dick.
I'm from Bpaцa бaцe
But I've been in the car for 7hours traveling today sight seeing. And tonight I wanna get drunk. I'll add it to my list though
I would never visit bulgaria.You fuckers corupt over 9000
I don't understand, are you being friendly to the english folk to make them trust you so you can beat/rob them then?
bulgarians are subhumans but you're even worse.
Sorry yannis