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so yesterday i watched the pictures of the facebook page of this arab throat-slasher are they all this metrosexual? is that some sort of trick they play on people, pretend to be metrosexual weakling and then pulling the knife and put your intestines all over the streets?
that hurts my ears... the beautiful militaristic German language used for that filth talk...
Camden James
Heil Merkel, Meine Ehre heißt Toleranz, Diversität und Ehre, Buntheit über alles
Ryan Morales
still thinking there is a revolution in protesting Mr Shill?
How long ago was it that PEGIDA started? What happend since then? This is a big fucking nothing, something that gets dangled in front of garbage like you to waste your already useless time on.
>Die Bundesregierung fördert aktuell keine Projekte mehr, die in der Trägerschaft des umstrittenen türkischen Moscheeverbands Ditib liegen. Es „wurde die Ditib betreffende Förderpraxis überprüft“, teilte ein Sprecher des Innenministeriums in Berlin mit. „Seit 2017 wurden keine neuen Anträge auf Förderung von Projekten in alleiniger Trägerschaft der Ditib vom Bund bewilligt.“ welt.de/politik/deutschland/article181366656/Umstrittener-Moscheeverband-Bund-stellt-Foerderung-von-Ditib-Projekten-ein.html
not asfaik. short version is that there is simply no proof whatsoever of those "pogroms" of right-wingers against immigrants claimed by the media at first. the twitter links show an extreme overrepresentation of immigrants when it comes to crime in general and esp. to sex crimes in Chemnitz, the city where we have those massive protests ongoing right now against merkels migration policy (migrants commit 15-16 times more crime here)
Andrew Long
ihr wisst schon, dass das ganze hier ein gigantischer honigtopf ist, ihr herero-negers.
chillt lieber mit den paar freunden, die ihr noch habt und genießt den deutschen herbst.
sonst chillt ihr wieder den ganzen tag auf twitter rum und schiebt euch gegenseitig likes zu, homos.
yes, there was a spergout between him, shlomo and ein volk, ein rayk, ein futa. it involved per person likelihood of violent crime, he claimed in a convoluted way the stats were invalid because of a red marking iirc
according to faz he got some numbers and facts wrong
Ethan Allen
it is unbelievable every uni german i meet is hardcore leftist muh refugees go to book store some sign for fucking refugees god fuck refugees fuck em why uni people are so retarded or is it this shity nrw state fucking
you seem to have forgotten the fact that the bnd is a cia außenbüro since 1947. also the largest nsa facility in europe is located in Darmstadt-Grießheim.
nothing we haven't already known for years in it (basically Islam is incompatible with civilization) but the leftists and msm will act all offended and spread this message even further it'll only work because of the people bitching about it and they alread do in full force (Zeit alone published like three big articles about his book over the last day)
it's basically every campus who has a social-/political "science" faculty that is pozzed up to the max. didn't have this shit when i was doing my bachelors on a purely STEM-uni.
John Young
>The state is rubbing its hands, because of the chemnitz shitshow.
The state is completely clueless on how to handle the situation at hand. They cant just convert half the population to merkelism, and they also cant use force because thats how you get a civil war. And if they just ignore it they will get flak from everywhere because that would mean that they dont have a backbone. They are really stuck between a rock and a hard place.
this old socialist boomer is laughing all the way to the bank.
civnat cucking is not usefull.
Cameron Garcia
wouldn't put it past him to have pulled an orange jesus here desu
Carter Carter
He is just getting shekels from old people. Also all the focus on Islam is dangerous, while it is the most immidiate problem I wouldn't welcome Chinese immigrants either just because they have high IQs or Slavs because they're 'white'.
Nevertheless, Deutschland schafft sich ab and the mainstream response was a great eye opener for many when it came out.