Paganism, Christianity, and Spirituality

I frequently see people calling pagans LARPers, which can be true in some cases, but far from all or even most. There are plenty of LARPing crusaders too. The whole "Christcucks" and "worshipping a kike on a stick" is just board culture in the same way calling pagans LARPers is board culture. But rather than just constantly replay this staged act it would be better to actually discuss the ideas and theology at hand.
I think ultimately all religions and spiritual philosophies seek to answer and study the same questions about the nature of existence, and as such I think there should be a general respect for people of spiritual inclinations that seem to get closer to the absolute truth (though I'll exclude Muslims and Jews).
One of the problems that we cannot ignore is that Christianity is indeed dead and has been dying for 2-3 centuries. Nietzsche declaring God to be dead was absolutely correct, God is indeed dead in the current iteration that we have constructed him as. The old system has outlived it's spiritual tenability in the eyes of most people, largely because of the conflict in our new understanding of science and the older traditions written in the Bible. When you have those who would rigidly stick with a fundamentalist mindset and strictly following the Bible word for word, Christianity begins to lose credibility when it is directly contradicted by scientific evidence. The early 20th Century saw World War 1, the depression and nihlism that followed, and world war 2, with the rise of autocrats who rejected the Christian faith (Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler). This is a direct result of Nietzsche's correct observation that God is indeed dead. There will always be those who hold onto the faith and will still believe in it, but it is highly unlikely for it to make a resurgence in the West.

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The obvious conclusion of this situation is that we need to forge a new spiritual system and mindset that ia better able to encompass our new understanding of science and theology. This is what (at least I) advocate for when I advocate for Paganism. It would be very different to fully recreate older pagan systems, which have a long period of discontinuity and would not have legitimacy in America. Many of the old forests of Europe are gone too, sadly, to make room for greater levels of industrialization and development. Europeans would have some legitimacy in trying to revive such beliefs, but Americans would need to forge a new tradition in order to attain such legitimacy, which would require a new spiritual mindset and age.
A great strength of Paganism was it's focus on nature and reality for what it is, whereas semitic religions tend to reject the natural world in favor of trying to achieve "the kingdom of heaven" and focusing on a reality that is separated from nature. The best system would incorporate a healthy mix between the two, both the ideal world of the Divine, as well as the earthly world as we experience it. Fundamentalist Christians who reject the scientific explanations for our world do Christianity a massive disservice and turn away rational people. However there is still much metaphysical truth in the Christian tradition, however no one system will ever fully encompass the absolute truth as it is.

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I see you now all ready to say that we cannot make new traditions, that we cannot move forward into a future that we ourselves create, that such a movement would constitute "LARPing." But you must realize that all traditions and religions start from somewhere and the same people who would call me a LARPer would necessarily call Jesus a LARPer.
Another perennial argument is that pagans do not actually believe in Paganism, which I also disagree with. Why would I not have legitimacy in my beliefs yet you would in yours? Why would the God(s) I believe in have less legitimacy than Yahweh? Do you really believe that Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine, and multipled fish and bread? Such beliefs are overtly claiming magic to be real, which again turns away rational people. Do Christians actually believe such nonsense and if so, how could they have any justification in saying pagans don't believe in their own God(s)?
In the same way that Catholicism incorporated pagan beliefs, I think a new spirituality would necessarily do the same. The idea of a singular God from which everything stems. God is not a physical entity within the universe that can be found, but he is the very nature of the reality we inhabit. Aquinas knew this. If God is the very reality we all live within, the reason why anything should exist at all rather than not, then the nature of God is manifest in reality. That which works (which must also mean is good for the people, for long term stability) is in line with God. This is why the Chinese believed in the concept of the Mandate of Heaven. Only a good ruler who provided prosperity for his people had the Divine right to rule, which was revoked when he was no longer able to do so. Nature favors those who are able to provide actual and tangible good and nature is the will of God.

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The more paganistic elements come when one seeks to understand the many faces of God. This not only provides for a scientific and rational explanation of natural phenomena, but also provides the meaning that the modern world definitely lacks, connecting the individual to the universe around them. God is all of reality, the good and the bad, the point from which all stems and to which all shall return (to borrow from Monism), but in order to better understand the nature of God in his many forms we can break him into distinct personalities and iterations that embody reality as we experience it. God is eternity and thus must experience every possibility of reality in order to fully be whole and complete the event that it is "to be." The organization of this God of course must entail a hierarchy of divinity, meaning, and experience. The profound is a higher form than the profane, and thus we should seek to evolve into ever higher forms of existence. In other words this is not an excuse for degeneration because God happens to be everything.
In the same way that Christianity was founded on many prior western traditions (Zoroastrianism, the cult of Mithra, Sumerian, Babylonian, and Hebrew traditions) we must once again create a new spiritual age incorporating the beliefs of European Paganism, Monism, Pantheism, Science, Christianity, and perhaps some eastern philosophies (like the Tao, Mandate of Heaven, reincarnation, and Yin & Yang).

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>board culture
>only existed for one year

The Chinese concept of Yin and Yang is unironically based in reality. Men are light, order, and heaven, while women are darkness, chaos, and Earth. Men are of the political realm, trying to create order and deal in more abstract concepts, while women tend to be tied to the family, home, and natural world. Women are also the bane to the creation of men and ultimately cause the chaos that men must later restore to order.

Clever men build cities,
Clever women topple them.
Beautiful, these clever women may be
But they are owls and kites.
Women have long tongues
That lead to ruin.
Disorder does not come down from heaven;
It is produced by women.
-Chinese Book of Songs

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>Christianity is dead and the west can't survive with it
>so lets adopt paganism, a corpse fully dissolved in the grave whose bones cannot even be located anymore
No, if we can't go back, then we can't go even further back into the abyss either

>I'm not smart and have no argument
Cultures change. Whenever pagans or Christians are brought up it always devolves to one accusing the other of being a christcuck and other a LARPer. It's like a ritual and we all know how it goes and that it leads tk nothing productive.

I said create a new spiritual foundation. Christianity started at one point too and it was a new tradition at that time. Once again, would you call Jesus a LARPer?

No, but the teachings of the bible are rooted in nature and human biology, to flat out say they're wrong because Nietzche said something once would be horribly ignorant, I think that the radical, but also more intellectual Christianity of old needs to make a return, and we need to give up the calm and methodical Yankee preachers of today for more fiery and extremist proponents

No retard, you do not have one.
A list of this that disclaim your dumbfuckery
>HURR Christianity is dying, therefore let's go to an already dead religion
>Your God is false and made up, therefore follow the pagan Gods (totally real)
>Complains a about being called LARPer
You are not a LARPer for being pagan, you're a LARPer because you're A GODDAMN ATHEIST pretending to be pagan and started this thread solely out of butthurt at Christianity (Which is what atheists do 100% of the time)
Argument discarded, once again you prove yourself to be another butthurt atheist (anti-Christian)

Apparently you can't read or have very little reading comprehension. You telling me what I am and what I believe means nothing and is just a projection for your own reality, false as it is
Not gonna work and you're going to accelerate the Christian decline guaranteed.

Not gonna work and going back to religions which we don't even have proper documentation of the rituals and beliefs is? Varg doesn't even believe the gods exist, we're just gonna slide back into atheism whether you like it or not

>You're an atheist
>Your god isn't real (but mine is)
>Jesus totally multiplied fish and bread, turned water to wine, and walked on water, but you sound silly for believing in a different God than me
>You're a LARPer
>But Deus Vult, burn the heathens
And for what it's worth I do have a lot of respect for Christianity, however it's only equal to my respect for other coherent spiritual systems including Paganism.

Holy shit, can you not read?

Cool argument.

I addressed what you said already. I explicitly said I don't want to try and go back to old Paganism, especially as an American. There is no legitimacy in it for us. I want to create new spritual traditions, as has happened many times in the past.

Christ has risen!

People react defensively when confronted with uncomfortable truths. You just hit the nail on the head too hard. Being a Deus Vult is part of his self-image as a glorious warrior, and you're revealing the obvious truth that he's just as much a derpy LARPer as any wannabe pagan.


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>the teachings of the bible are rooted in nature and human biology
not really. It's not human nature to "turn the other cheek" when attacked. Christianity in general is about practicing abnegation. That's why puritan settlers weren't even allowed to enjoy music. Talk about ruining everything that makes life meaningful. I'm fully prepared to retire Christianity to the trashbin of history, unlike this respectful user who wants to protect your feelings.

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>turn the other cheek
let's not go over this again, and no user, puritans were not the only christians on earth

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Christianity is life-denying. Full stop. It's all about sacrificing your ONE chance at earthly existence so you can have infinity orgasm 72 virgins reward in the afterlife. It's a sinister system of human control and you are victimized by it.

That is Buddhism, so many familymen in history have been christians, and their salvation is as equal as to any monk or martyr, I don't get where this anti-life idea comes from,