Well here's a image I found of the porn video he was watching.
Alex Jones with tranny porn
He has good taste.
>surely THIS will be the end of Alex Jones
We all already know about this and clearly nobody cares. Nobody cares that he's likes cock, nobody cares that he's a hypocrite, nobody cares that he lies at every opportunity. Nobody. Cares.
Your shilling doesn't work here kike.
if alex jones is gay all of the sudden then that means he's a frog if the chemicals got to him start a hashtag #thechemicalsgottohim
You shills are so retarded. Alex already explained it was a popup. Popups have all sorts of crazy shit on them from viruses to porn. Kikes are trying to stick degenerate filth onto the man leading the charge and driving the knife into their satanic corruption. Not going to work. Alex is not a degenerate and he's not gay.
>Alex already explained it was a popup.
Nobody buys that. I don't know what to tell you if you actually believe him.
I do buy that. I get weird popups too all the time. People are acting like computers and technology doesn't do weird shit like that and it does. Why would you buy kike lies that slander him?
He tried to warn us. He just became a martyr for the water filters he so highly touted for years.
one of us!
one of us!
>being this late bro the party
Go to bed, Alex. People don't get pop up to specific videos like that. It would have been better off addressing it in a comical way, no one buys the deniability. Franklly, no one cares about it as anything more than an embarrassing moment.
The frogs finally got him
>I get weird popups too all the time.
Never once have I gotta a porn "popup" on my phone, nor have I ever seen any kind of "popup" for a tgirl on my computer
Tranny ads before a video, yes, but never had one that shows the title of the vid at the bottom, number of viewers, and the option to like it.
Marissa Minx has an insatiable hunger for hard cock.
Alex Jones shared this ravenous cock hunger.
The only way for a virile man like Jones to relieve his shared cock hunger was to watch this tbabe engorge himself on every inch of cock.
This was the only way Alex Jones could relieve his cock hunger. So BACK THE FUCK OFF!
Why don't you go shill in the other anti-Alex shill thread faggot? Is one not enough for you?
hes an in the closet faggot- no doubt about it- however this tbabe is hot
that faggot should man up to his tgirl fetish- god damn faggot
Something tells me Alex Jones wouldn't watch porn without at least having Incognito mode on or something. My retard friend sends me tranny porn all the time as a joke.
There was still a possibility that he wasn't lying and he did just click on a Tranny add by accident but well it's 100% he likes Tranny. There is no way he is gonna stay now.
If you don't believe the kikes can make that shit appear on his phone then you're an idiot.
> Anonymous (ID: i68VhhaB) 08/30/18(Thu)10:15:37 No.184029903▶
>We all already know about this and clearly nobody cares. Nobody cares that he's likes cock, nobody cares that he's a hypocrite, nobody cares that he lies at every opportunity. Nobody. Cares.
lol i have literally never had a tranny popup
because i do not look at tranny porn
Nice try shill. Alex Jones is a real man, and real men need tbabes to relieve their cock hunger.
Yes a pop up that goes directly to a porn video and he leaves it on his phone I'm sure it was "just a pop up"
How come there are no other porn videos? If he were watching porn without being in Safe Mode or Incognito there would be at least another page of it.
because he deleted em but I guess there was something special about "Marrisa"
Marrisa was the only one that could relieve his cock hunger.
idk sounds like a stretch.
I'd suggest that it was a desperate (and successful) advertising stunt but he was back on faceberg and jewtube the next day.
Don't care. If he was an absolute scumbag like Weinstein or all the other creeps, then i'd care.
Now u know how they blackmailed him in '07
I honestly feel sorry for the perv everyone occasionally looks at something a bit far and you think that was some messed up shit but for fucks sake his like 50 something I stopped wanking at 14. Well he was only damaging the Alt right.
Do you think Jared waits outside the hotel room while Ivanka gets raped?
yea a stretch for his COCK!
>I stopped wanking at 14.
unironically based and redpilled
It's clearly this but nu/pol/ is filled with teenagers and shills at the moment.
Plus this whole thing just reeks of liberal hypocrisy. These same people have been telling us trans people are normal and indifferent to whatever gender they perceive themselves as.
No a girlfirend
Fucking aussies
>Hotter with short hair
If a man can look like this what is every other woman's excuse?
That fucking pic sums up the entire Alt right me sad me Pewds
mmm I can tell you want some STRETCH STRECH
This is old news.
cremation of care ritual is why no one cares, it's the main thing that made jones famous, his masters at the cia allowing him to film inside the bohemian Rhapsody grove.
OP pic related
Not your personal army brock.
Funny how this happened right after he got banned from YT don't you think?
Here AJ pulled a classic play from Roger STone's book.
>get caught doing something purposefully disgraceful and sexually deviant
>remain in the public's view for a little bit longer
AJ will be back on YT soon, and he's a wise man.