How come the Jews are never held accountable for the Black Plague?

How come the Jews are never held accountable for the Black Plague?

Attached: jews poisoning the wells.jpg (395x324, 164K)

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Not everything in the world is a Jewish conspiracy

that sounds like something jew would say

>flag checks out

It sounds more like OP is one. By spreading the "Jews are to blame for everything" he is reinforcing the notion that Jews are a scapegoat, blamed for everything just because.

Because they had nothing to do with it you inbred.

Fuck, they did this too ?

How come they're not held accountable for Ebola?

what is wrong with them

What proof do you have that they didn't cause the plague?

Excellent question!

Attached: lynn de ratschild.png (300x300, 80K)

True. Just most things.

There seems to be evidence to support that they did. Especially since they were NOT affected by it as much as the rest of the populace.

Also, the wikipedia entry lists "the myth that jews were responsible for the plague" under the "anti-semitism" subcategory.

enlighten us OP. I'm listening

Attached: Z0pFSJFizgyIsL2MLeoe5aFM6_3XMu-UJhuEJnMXPEs.jpg (712x532, 26K)

in the case of the plague the jews unironically had nothing to so with it. The mongols invaded and brought the disease with them, European immune systems weren't accustomed to it and they didn't have proper medicine to fight it so it spread rapidly and killed a ton of people. Rats make their way around, they don't need help from kikes to spread disease

Because if we honestly just blamed the Jews for disease spreading we would not have developed modern sanitation to ACTUALLY prevent diseases from spreading and we'd still be wiping our asses with our hands and eating rotten food.

The plague spread along the trade routes from asia into europe.
Jews are merchants.

What if the Jews are the rats in the stories.

But the plague was spread by literal rats that hitched rides on cargo coming from the East, it's not like that is anything that can be manipulated, the Jews didn't have some magic knowledge of germ theory in the 14th century, nobody knew it was rats spreading the disease at the time.

Jews spreading Black Plague is referenced here

Attached: Karl XII.png (1920x1129, 199K)

Well, from what I learned recently.
Jews would concoct potions made from frogs, snakes, lizards, and various other animals and would use that poison to poison the wells.

Also, if you google some information on "jews bubonic plague" or "jews black plague" you'll see several articles saying "the myth that jews caused the plague" or "Christians blamed the plague on the jews and would persecute them." or something like that.
Stuff like that is suspicious.

>Especially since they were NOT affected by it as much as the rest of the populace.
I mean the jews were obsessed with keeping themselves clean so in this case I unironicly think they dindu nothing

They're also obsessed with worshiping themselves and killing gentiles (especially Christians), so I unironically think they did do it.

I'm so sick of Jews. They've been causing problems for thousands of years.

Hitler always solved the problem, but dumb fuck whites ruined his plans because they were brainwashed by, you guessed it, Jews.

Seriously, fuck Jews. Fuck them to hell.

i'm gonna look it up... another redpill to show my brother that jews are evil. Thanks dear gabacho




Yea, I still need to do research myself. But I also think they did it because they also used to kidnap children and sacrifice them for their blood.

Also, some old pictures leads me to believe that they used dead people essence or blood to poison the wells as pic related demonstrates.

Attached: Jews-Collect-Blood-Children-1350.jpg (790x1000, 129K)

If it makes you feel better, Jews are gonna get what's coming to them in the end times when the Antichrist betrays them.

Stop it you’re using logic on here which is frowned upon

I hope so. They all deserve the worst possible outcome. Burning in hell for eternity is too good for them.

makes sense... you are opening my eyes

The standard medieval pattern was .....

Removes jews from your territory ... then you have to put up with the return of the Black Plague.

Check out the dates for the plague in England for example. Jews come back out of the shadows in the 1660s and conveniently the Black Plague 'miraculously' ceases.

Anyone have a high resolution source for OP's image?

I've deduced it's from Édouard Drumont's book La France juive (or also titled: le juif dans l'histoire de france), but I can't find any scans of the images.