Establishing an “unofficial” ethnostate would actually be easy

>Be happy natsoc trad couple
>Buy land in the remote countryside
>Cultuvate a self-sufficient homestead off the grid
>Raise homeschooled children who help with the gardening and animals and don’t have smartphones
>Gradually and discreetly invite other natsoc friends to buy the properties next door and form a little village
>Set up a post office, anal market, and Christian chapel or whatever the fuck pile of sticks pagans have.
>Get about 100 people and vote to incorporate as a town
>Elect a natsoc mayor and city counsel and fly the swastika flag
>Do not announce properties for sale until a white buyer agrees discreetly to buy it
>You legally just formed a white ethnocommunity which will remain pure and weather out the Kali Yuga

Jow Forumsacks could do this in as little as two years time, but are too lazy

Attached: 6FAFE785-51F2-4939-BE2A-C79F214B98DC.jpg (960x540, 108K)

>inb4 bot/glow/spook/fed/shill/nigger

I’m posting from a phone, you can’t change filenames on IOS. Stop falling for this divide and conquer garbage.

Attached: BD76A479-A2FF-4EC2-8566-EA1E488DA889.jpg (1242x1740, 651K)

>natsoc trad couple

If there weren't already enough warning signs here, the Newspeak really gives this away

Fuck off.

*small market

I do not know why it autocorrect to “anal” market, I am ashamed

recolonize namibia

I think that it is 4chans destiny to all live together in a mountain range. All i think it would take to get going is some rich user to purchase the stretch of land.

Are there any anons who would start a village?

I personally would move into a Jow Forums plot and develop it with my own money. As long as everyone is going about it smart and mature, knowing the work that they will have to do to make it work.

We'd have to have females
Thats the flaw in your plan

Well, we could away with just a few breeding couples, the single men still have plenty to contribute until they find someone.

Was wondering about anal market fluctuations

>>Set up a post office, anal market, and Christian chapel or whatever the fuck pile of sticks pagans have.
Yeah, man. Let's set up the anal market.


Right between the post office and chapel.

>Elect a natsoc mayor and city counsel and fly the swastika flag
copy a short lived facist governments flag because your movement is paper thin

the absolute state of Jow Forums

Attached: 1532895928719.jpg (600x600, 24K)

Why give up 1,000+ years of evolution just to start from scratch like some third world agrarian society?

We want the cities, infrastructure, and developments of modern society. Not start from scratch while people who contributed nothing benefit off the society white people created.

Orthodox jews do this in NY, Amish do it etc. It can be done, but a swatika flag is retarded as it would bring unwanted attention and people on a sjw mission funded by Soros to destroy your town.

So no sex slave market? Lame

Best place for it, really.

are you me? this is what im doing..

>ID: cia
>Jow Forums should all move to a remote region together

I think a few groups are doing this now, honestly. They’re just quiet about it.

Isn't this a softer version of an Amish community?
Not that I don't like it, but it's nothing new and it won't last since such societies tend to be powerless on the grand scale.

It's a good Black-Pill solution though; if the West ends up 100% lost, spending the rest of our lives within our small communities would be a nice end of our race.

That’s the point really, havens to weather out the warzones every urban area will become in our lifetime.

We have an anal market in my town.
I believe your mother works there.

How are duck eggs when compared to chickens?

Eggs are actually better, more protein, and they lay all year around unlike hens.

Easier to cut their heads off with a katana, too.

That's exactly what I plan to do when I have enough money. Logging land in Maine sells for dirt cheap but you have to be willing to fix it up a bit for it to be useable
You fucker

It'd be too awkward to setup. Id say work on building its size while being like 30 miles from a town and then bring in a supermarket franchise. Pretty much all you need as we'd all be a pretty good community, if we wanted a pool, we put money in to get a pool etc.