Give me the tl;dr version

Give me the tl;dr version
Seems like a heavy read

Attached: Julius Evola.jpg (1800x2700, 559K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit's fucked, ride the tiger while everything collapses.

Modernism is cancer and the world is too far gone, concentrate on improving yourself and becoming worthy of a right-wing ideal while neither submitting to the degeneracy nor retreating to an ivory tower and wait until modernism kills itself.

It is. Reading it now.

It's not possible to stand in front of the tiger. Your only hope is to hop on it's back, hang on to your ideals, and just maybe it'll wear itself out to the point where it can be killed.

Lazy and stupid anti-Nietzsche for plebeians.

>reality conforms to your confirmation bias!
>d-don't t-think you can change things, you're c-crazy

Yeah whatever, and yet here I stand. E pur si muove.

This and the Yoga of Power paint an extraordinarily small picture of our reality and listening to this will turn you into a myopic moron.

If he believes were are in the Kali Yuga though like Guenon when this shit ends it basically kills all of us and implodes the universe or some shit.

one day you will die and everyone will forget that you even existed

Kali Yuga has two endings. Three if you want to be incredibly specific.

The end is not "the end".

Get on a tiger and ride it bitch

I'm not worried about that. I'm not even from here.

"As it made the best mistakes
And with every body that I find
And with every claymore that they mine
I won't forget who I'm looking for
Oh mother help me I'm looking for "



>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)

>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)

>Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power (Age 29 - 43)

>Joseph Goebbels

>Rudolf Hess

>Ted Kaczynski

>Timothy McVeigh

>Anders Breivik

>H.P. Lovecraft

>Vincent van Gogh

>William Cottrell

>Richard Proenneke

>Christopher Thomas Knight

>Christopher McCandless

>Bill Hicks

>Dylann Roof



>Julius Evola - Ride The Tiger


If you can’t get through heavy reads, you are not ready to ride any tiger.

Books to test out your mental stoicism:

Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace
Infinite Jest
Atlas Shrugged
The Magus
House of Leaves

Evola is actually an easy read, FYI.

Homosexual closet case cerebral narcissist decides he's right and the whole world is wrong. His solution? Wait out until the whole thing collapses. He's so elite he doesn't even want to start a revolution because only a Marxist would do that.

>Infinite Jest
>Atlas Shrugged
>House of Leaves

Why recommend this trash?

Bai, esti prost tare daca tot crezi in idealismului “revolutiei”. Daaa hai sa ne batem or strada si se omorami toti oameni bogati care nu ne place so hai se distrujem toata tara care stramosii nostri sau luptat cu alte tari se o protejeaza. Da. Idee buna, copile.

Don’t be such a pussy pleb and start reading

*pe strada


Fucking iPhones man

>start reading

Why don't you learn Norse and read the Poetic Edda you pathetic pleb?

Essentially Pic related

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Because I prefer superior languages like latin and greek. Also already read that and Ynglingsaga. Get reading, bucko.

Good job you got past level 1.

Now learn sanskrit and read Bhagavad Gita.

Like I said. I prefer superior languages. Also, already read that and the Mahabharata and the Laws of Manu.

Why would you recommend plebshit to anyone then? Are you intentionally trying to mislead them into wasting their life?

Well the book only makes sense if you are already familiar with the type of subjects Evola already discussed in his previous books. And this is also why he stresses the notion of the "Differentiated man", and that the book is not for everyone ( he says this in the beginning of Ride the Tiger). That's because the aristocratic weltanschaung is one of differentiation and hierarchies, and does not concern itself with any of the ideologies currently dominating in the mainstream of our society.
So this period we are in currently is an "Interregnum", a gap in between two reigns, a kind of break in between a ruler and a next. The Marxist weltanschaung is mostly correct now (historical materialism), Evola says, because of the extreme involution which has taken place, and is going on.
(Involution is the process whereby the power is transferred from a higher caste to the lower, a perfect example being when the praetorian guard in the roman empire would slay an emperor they didn't like, and sell the throne to the highest bidder, in this scenario the power passes from the ruling priest / king class down to the merchant class, which is the class concerned with money accumulation and trade).

So Evola is mostly concerned with metaphysics, and not physics, which is a main reason most moderns (i say this of course, aware that i am a modern man myself, but a repent one at least) won't understand him.

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Have you read them?

Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian too ! Oldest sources are best sources. First hand tales from the dawn of the world.

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It's not a matter of belief, and it is not the case as wikipedia states that the West is in our "Kali Yuga phase". Rather this is the Kali Yuga. This age is the age that the vedic sages foresaw and warned us of. That is a fact and not a belief.

I promised myself that I would never read any David Foster Wallace after having "experienced" some of his other work and short stories. I have no desire to bother with any of those works, they are far below anything I'm interested in.

>have you read all of harry potter heh nothing personnel


Infinite Jest is harry potter for university. Same with the rest.

there is an audiobook on youtube don't be a fag

DFW is only the author of one of those books, but I will assume that “no” applies to all of them.

You should probably read the things you talk about first, otherwise your opinion doesn’t hold weight.

That's exactly what i've started listening too.
But that monotonous robotic voice (it's a text to speech robot) makes it almost impossible to concentrate.
I've listened up to him critizising Nietzsche and could go on no further

Retard gets his legs blown up walking around during bomb raids and becomes the world's first delusional NEET edgelord

Daily reminder that listening to audiobooks is retarded and lazy and does not give you any of the value of reading the book because you actually engage your brain differently when you read vs just hearing the words.

You are basically losing 90% of the cognitive “backbone” of understanding by just listening.

>you have to read all the twilight books and all the 50 shades of grey books before you can say they're bad
>you have to try importing refugees before you say it's bad


I'll leave you with this: getting "something out of the work" is the same as getting "something out of yourself". The functional difference is that a good work will give you more, whereas a bad work requires you to spend your time to invest meaning into it.

Moby Dick

You actually do, unironically. Hence why I don’t engage in debates regarding Twilight or 50 Shades because I have never read them (nor want to).

You on the other hand, believe it’s ok to engage in the debates regarding the books even if you haven’t read them. That’s what we call “dumb” and “pleb”.

Sorry, that i'm a wagecuck with little free time to spare you NEET

You know what I call "dumb" and "pleb"?

Being aware that you are going to die and have limited time to experience things and choosing to blow that time on experiencing trash just so you can confirm it even though there is no need to do so. You're the same kind of retard who argues "but how do you knowwww that the new McDonalds burger is crappy pleb food if you haven't treiiiiied it xDDDD"

Nah, fuck off.

I’m a wagecuck too working 9-5 and on weekends as well if I have to be on call for production incidents.

Don’t be a lazy cunt and find the time. Don’t you tell me you have no time after work you liar.

Choosing to spend the time on things that interest you and things you enjoy are all that matter. You’ve been misinformed unfortunately, but I don’t have to try to convince you of anything since it’s not my job to do that.

reading books is gay

Here OP, i'll summarize all 2deep4u books all at once
there you go. Use this knowledge wisely

Yeah yeah you're right.
I kill most of my unproductive time during work with audiobooks, but i barely have energy left after work to read; much less on the weekends if i want to keep my girl happy.
I'll fucking read that stupid book on sunday

Dacă chiar te afli în Canada și te doare de pupă de acest site ești cel mai mare fraier pe fața pământului.

Modernity is the root of all of our problems. Men like us were meant for a greater place/time/situation. Disregard the decadence of the modern era, disregard the brainless masses because they're all the same and at the same time all separate from one another. They're all alone, and they're too stupid to realize how alone and pathetically manipulated they really are. Embrace the strange, unnamed things that link men like us together, become more than you believe yourself to be, and ride this horrid, snarling beast until there is nothing left.

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Yes that's a good way to sum it up in my opinion. I've read Men Among the Ruins 2 times, Revolt once and Ride the Tiger 2 times. Ask me anything about those books.

were they worth reading twice? lol

Definitely, i'm planning to read "Revolt" because it is without doubt the best book by Evola out of the ones i've read or browsed through so far. "Metaphysics of War" is also on my to-read list.

Enjoy your McLiterature.

>too dumb to read evola

>reading virgin evola when you can be a carrier of chad EBOLA

>hurrr durrr u mad

Da. Ai dreptate. Ma doare in cur.

I know the feeling of “not having energy” but it’s actually due to a habit you form by not doing anything after work. Similar to how you feel sleepy at certain hours because you always go to sleep then.

If you manage to push yourself for a week or two and actually read or exercise after work, you will notice that lack of energy will diminish.

Reading is an exercise for the soul and mind that you have to force yourself to do sometimes to stay happier and healthier overall.

You're a better man than i am, leaf
I'll try to follow your example

I've only read the important excerpts from Tiger and it really opened my eyes. Tell me, what do you believe Evola's most important work was? Was it Tiger or was Ruins more important? Because I hear Men Among the Ruins is a poignant one.

I personally believe Men Among the Ruins is his most refined and coherent book which has the most spot on criticisms for modern society and touches on the political world the best. Revolt is really good for a historical look at tradition and Ride the Tiger is a very Nietzschean criticism of morality and guide for personal satisfaction.

From what i've read so far his most important work was "Revolt Against the Modern World". In that book he demolishes every ideology, while also explaining the true meaning of religion and myth. It is a book that changes your life. The first chapter which is about the two natures, and how modern people tend to only notice the earthly nature while Tradition acknowledges the earthly and the divine nature, is very important.

Your analysis is on point and i agree, furthermore if you would like an audio version of "Men Among the Ruins" there is a youtuber who has one which i recommend, his name is "Marshal Ironsides".

that has little relevancy to the day, the here an now, which is always and has always been and always will be and is the only thing that matters.

Turns out, barbed dicks feel pretty good, both physically and socially.

Tradition is not an ideology. It is not "traditionalism". It is a metahistorical force that shapes and supports every society which is Traditional (in the sense of the word that Evola uses, not in the profane sense of the modern english language where tradition might refer to a habit for example). Modern society is Anti-Traditional, it is an aberration.

I’ve stated how I feel about audiobooks previously in this thread. That said, a thought just occurred to me: if there was an opera singer like Luciano Pavarotti or Placido Domingo that would sing through the entirety of a Julius Evola book, I might just listen to it.

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I like to see “tradition” as the “eternal truth”, referred to as “sat” in Sanskrit. The stuff that bubbles up to the surface in whatever condition of suppression, and the stuff that envelopes over our ruined civilizations like the overgrowth of the wild. Truth always wins out, and that’s what we should all adhere to. To me, that’s the tradition Evola talks about,

jazz music is negro. not even kidding.

>Dio enters
>Begins singing
>HOly DrIVA!!!

Atlus Shrugged is awful garbage. If you cut out half that book it might be bearable, but then it would have no point.

it's 35 pages long and sums up to "the justification for war is heroism" in the sense that it allows for a transcendental spiritual experience

Sure you could look at it that way. That viewpoint has merit.
My comment on Tradition is that it is what binds us mortals with the gods. It is the concern of the priestly class. It is the bridge between Earth and Heaven. There is a fact of life that every living being seems to enjoy a short life, reproduce itself and then wither away. Everything seems to operate in cycles, even stars operate in this way.
So Tradition is what we pass on, what was handed to us, and what we hand over to the next generation. I have a good quote from the Iliad which always comes to my mind:

>“Like the generations of leaves, the lives of mortal men. Now the wind scatters the old leaves across the earth, now the living timber bursts with the new buds and spring comes round again. And so with men: as one generation comes to life, another dies away.”

That appeals to me. But i can see how it would trigger leftists and weak men alike. That's not an issue though when you realize that this kind of knowledge is only for the few.

Start with the greeks

I dunno it was pretty cool mystery/sci-fi with some very Dostoevsky-like diction and rhythm.

I thought it a was a really perfect meld of Russian philosophical “heavy”-ness and American 50s-era capitalist idealism.

Also objectivists are very similar to the traditional man Evola talks about.

you can listen to summary videos or skim it if to dumb to read or no time to do so.

basically cultivate strength within yourself (this is implied by the title) because society is collapsing and nothing you personally do can have a huge impact.

What is the one book with the skeletons on the front that always ends up being talked about in topics like this?

Really bad book coming up with philosophically flawed conclussions, mainly due heavy intepretational mysticism, to affirm his romanticism of the coming of golden age.

It's occult right-wing, tarot cards.

I'm a right-wing Thelemic extremist. its weird but I'm okay with it.

the way of men? by donovan?

Yeah, that's definitely my next read. Thanks, Swedebro.

>uses the word romanticism without knowing what it means

Protip: it doesn’t mean arguing for things you don’t like

Because of all the humor

Thanks bruh

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Very good explanation. Thanks Swedish user.

this is an introductory level of reactionarism, I thought you Austrians were supposed to be well-read.
Just close your laptop, go to your local library and sit down among total silence trying to understand sentence by sentence. It's not the Vampire Diaries.

He says that everything is basically fucked and that modernism can't be reversed through political activism (which is pretty much correct at this point) and that you should participate in the modern society (riding the tiger) while rejecting it inside as a "man of tradition" who is living in a time his inner self doesn't belong, then be ready when modernism will irremediably collapse on itself.

The Unabomber has the kind of same argument inIndustrial Society and Its Future, they just use different words for the same thing, difference is that Evola interprets modernism based on the history of ideas while Kaczynski talks about more concrete sociology of techno-industrial societies.

That said it's a nice book however it's kind of too esoteric and masturbatory by moments.

He is not anti-Nietzsche, he just says Nietzsche deconstructed a model of belief to replace it with one that can be just as easily deconstructed through nihilism:
>Thus Nietzsche's solution is only a pseudo-solution. A true nihilism does not spare even the doctrine of the superman.
In a way he subscribes to what Nietzche wrote, just that he didn't create a new doctrine but just went full circle.

Pretty much, Evola didn't write for "people" at large, he write for other "intellectuals" (in the sense of influential scholars, philosophers, etc...). There is an interesting part where he talks about religion and greek/egyptian mysteries, basically there are two layers in religion, one manichean/basic to grasp and full of rules for the plebs to follow (the dogma), the other much more obscure and free for metaphysical interpretations explorer by higher individuals (the esotericism).
His main reproach to christianity is being a religion castrated from its esotericism btw.

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In order to fully grasp the ideas of Evola, one must read throghouly his Trilogy: Men Among the Ruins, Revolt Against the Modern World and just then Ride the Tiger

>In a way he subscribes to what Nietzche wrote, just that he didn't create a new doctrine but just went full circle.
Only through the ending of the Kaliyuga man will be able to rise among the fallen ashes of western civilisation. He's a halfway pessimist in that sense.
Yet his belief in Magic and esoteric knowledge makes him quite obviously aware of higher powers ruling over profane mankind.

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but the kali is about to end user.

written by an italian so it will not help you to create the ethnostate

So what is the tradition that he speaks of, is it a certain way of acting, thinking, being?

I got near 100 pages into this book and couldnt stand to keep reading. What an absolute slog


>kali yuga


Correct. Specifically, as he states in Revolt Against the Modern World:

>"...the experience of asceticism was regard as the path leading to the other region, or the world of "being," or to what is no longer physical but metaphysical. Asceticism traditionally consisted in values such as mastery over oneself, self-discipline, autonomy, and the leading of a unified life. By "unified life" I mean an existence that does not need to be spent in search of other things or people in order to be complete and justified."

That is great, and I have already been on the path. Self-mastery is hard for me. Thanks, I should read Evola, he sounds like my kinda guy.

>just be yourself
the handbook

Your countrymen are literal descendants of hindus. The word "hrvati" is derived from the Sanskrit "Sarasvati".

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Rene Guenon is probably the best place to look for when it comes to "Tradition" in the meaning used by Evola since he is essentially the founder of this school of thought(founder as a sort of movement, since the central point of it is that this is not a philosophy i.e something they thought up themselves but rather a rediscovery/translation of ancient knowledge in more comprehensible terms for moderns)

Infinite Jest just made me even more suicidal, and left me with blue balls because the last QUARTER of the fucking book was left to be INFERRED. was right, DFW was a fucking hack.