Good. Fuck Canada and Fuck Canadians.. And I'm a nice guy. it's true. >The news left Canadians reeling and sent the country’s foreign minister rushing to Washington DC in the hope of salvaging the decades-old North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) – a three-way deal between the US, Canada and Mexico. The stakes for Canada are sky-high; the country sends three quarters of its exports south of the border while roughly 2.5m Canadian jobs depend on US trade.
>“In essence, [prime minister Justin] Trudeau is being forced to negotiate with a gun to his head,” Meredith Lilly, a trade adviser to the former prime minister Stephen Harper, wrote in an article for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. “There are a range of matters still to be resolved, but it seems as though there are no poison pills left – only bitter ones for Canada to swallow.”
>Fuck Drumphf we don't have to do anything! >Oh shit wait Fuck Canada.
James Thomas
trudeau drinks so much CNN koolaid that he probably thought trump was going to get impeached before nafta would get negotiated. canada is fucked for years to come because of this retard, but at least he will be gone next election
Elijah Howard
the most disgusting thing about canada is their women. ive always thought it true.
Please trump, DESTROY NAFTA. I never hated a people more than Canadians, and I've travelled the world. These people deserve to be starving in the streets.
Caleb Carter
The silver lining is that this will get normies to not vote for Trudeau again. At least, I hope thats the case. This country can rot in hell if all this isn't enough to stop people voting for pansies like our current PM, this is 100% his fault.
Ayden Adams
where the fuck are canadas feminists now? the groping allegations were completely swept under the rug, last time it was reported on by the media was almost 2 months ago