Jews are freaking out in the comments.
Jews are freaking out in the comments.
Best president
Based president
I fucking love this man. Can’t believe I fell for the Jewish propaganda in 2016
Based Trump
What did I miss?
Cohen was the bait and they bit hard
enjoy the show boys
Why those 2 jews are always on the top?
Biased algorithms
based poojet
Wait, source for what?
Still none of the coup plotters or former Obama admin officials have been arrested.
Trump's presidency will set the record for most crimes covered up (and it's not even their own crimes!)
Source of all this winning, LOCATED. Learn the pujas based friends. Let's step up the game.
>Where is your proof that you didn't collude with Russia?
How delusional do you have to be? You can't prove a negative. How the fuck would ANYONE be able to prove that?
(((Krassenstein))) 4 Showerroom
The President’s office hasn’t covered up any crimes since Obama left.
I love this. He can take swings at them as much as he wants and since what he's saying is true, the more they try to push back, the more ammo they give him. The only thing they can do is fuck off and let Trump mock them and bleed them dry in the public eye. He is making them his bitches.
source on what?
revoke their press credentials
based poo recognizes the god emperor
i assume the tape of trump saying nigger
Source on what?
where were all these mccain supporters in 2008??? i dont understand at all
>Jews are freaking out in the comments.
What else is new.
Imagine how many hours of time Trump has wasted of freaking retards posting retarded comments to him.
What a great man.
Ah, Trump always the liar, always the hypocrite. Every single thing about you is fake. You're a fraud, a phony, a charlatan. A street level huckster.
Based and poo pilled
LOL keep crying faggot
> guaranteed replies
daily reminder
What the fuck was even the point of cohen and his lawyer pretending to have shit this whole time just to retract everything at the last minute? Did they not think they would eventually have to deliver? Was it just to get the media talking about for a while?
Why doesn't Trump move to Gab?
Because he's gonna force twitter to uncuck itself kike.
you mad bro?
I've never felt such love for a politician in all my life.
I use this to troll leftists on faceberg whenever they start sperging out about Trump. It sends them over the edge.
Trump will win in 2020, the wall will be built, and civil war will come to fruition in Germany, followed by the rest of Europe. Screen cap this.
It's just a game of barking between Trump and the fake news outlets to victimize and empower him.
If the news wars were actually serious, CNN Times and ABC would have bankrupted already
Get the news bark, bark bark bark, oh poor Trump!
Poor shill baby spamming pics
Anything, really
Remember to PUNISH the Republicans SEVERELY in November, America! When we control the house and senate, we will release Trump's Tax Returns, begin impeachment proceedings and ACTUALLY make America Great Again!
>we will release Trump's Tax Returns
Standing with a traitor makes you a traitor, too!
i'm saving this apu thanks
So....Trump Jr. didn't meet with Russians and daddy didn't know about it?
Cry all you want fat fuck.
For anything. Have you ever seen any source from them? Less credibility than onion.
If America stands with the traitor, doesn’t that make opposing the traitor treason?
I watched this debate live. It won him the election. He fucking destroyed that old cunt, and this was the best show I've ever seen on TV.
I think it made all Bernie supporters vote for him too.
holy shit, so this is why this timeline is going so smoothly
It would have been much more badass if he had said: "Look hard because it doesn't exist. I killed him."
why are you shills so unfunny? if you're going to try and subvert me at least make me laugh.
Lol because you have to be sitting inside the oval office to get work done
magapoo is best poo
> rejected by the people
>What is working remotely
>Like the idiot "journalist" probably did when they shit this tripe out on their laptop.
Trump isn't a news organization.
somebody doesn't understand satire. :^)
so many good aneurysm inducing Trump's to pick from.... it must feel awesome knowing that your smile can ruin the day of a lot of awful people
>Robert De Niro was a client of an international prostitution ring that hired underage children and specialized in providing prostitutes to wealthy, high-profile clients.
>According to court records from 1998, Independent journalist John Lichfield discovered that the prostitution agency routinely ensnared girls as young as 15, forcing them to have sex with Hollywood’s rich and powerful elite.
>"we have another source"
>doesn't name the source despite naming the other one
He doesn't realize that:
1. The joke is always on him.
2. Even when it's not, it is.
3. People only raise him up to bring him down. Even his supporters.
What a retard. He deserves every ounce of ridicule this big baby gets. America is going down the gutter and no one is batting an eye.
he likes for people to hate him so he went to the nest of everyone who hates them. i think part of his strategy is to have all the liberals freaking out with tweets about him so it riles up his own base more
4d chess
Any Poos want to let me know where I can find instruction in this pujas?
I need to do the pujas.
Notice how he's a big Chad Pajeet and not one of the little scrawny ones.
None of those liberals or democrats spoke ill of him, hated him, or even had an opinion of him, except that many were fans, until he won the primary then ultimately the general and the media told them what to think. Why are people in America so fucking stupid.
this guy is singlehandedly keeping this wordline on the rails towards humanity's brightest possible future
What was the fake story this Berstein guy published?
>Ah, Trump always the liar, always the hypocrite. Every single thing about you is fake. You're a fraud, a phony, a charlatan. A street level huckster.
you forgot President of the United States
Are you the cuck that runs racist watchdog twitter?
The Cohen Trump Tower "story"
holy fuck i love this. based poo.
>move to GAB
As soon as Trump does that, Twitter no longer would be held responsible for "protecting" the presidents Twitter account.
If Trump moves to Gab, Twitter could suspend Trump's account for "violations" and make him sink or swim with Gab. If only a small number of followers go with him, then Trump's ability to reach his voters would be greatly diminished.
i bring this point up with liberal people irl and the reaction is always the same, but still fascinating.... they know what you're saying is true and you can tell from the stunned look on their face that the gears in their brain have begun to start turning and they're asking themselves: "have i been lied to this whole time?"
but sadly the MSM conditioning kicks in and they revert back the FUCK BLUMPH FOR SOME REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN rhetoric
Hey shills. UNDERSTAND THAT NOBODY IS MOVING OFF TWITTER. Twitter will be FORCED to comply. Do you understand?
Did he smear 'poo' on Trump's forehead? (in the picture)
Am I the only who sees this?
The DOJ, which is part of the executive branch (which is led by the President) has covered up every crime from the Obama years, as well as the crimes committed against America and Trump after he took office.
Try again