>It will trickle do-

Defend this drumpftards. Why do you love corporate dick so much?

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>Only looks at production and non-management wages

You're excluding like 80% of the economy

>production wages

Kek, those are like highschool jobs

>production wages
Like the name says, they are the ones actually producing something.
What are non-production wages? Bankers and CEOs, who move money around without producing anything? They are the ones making more and more money because of the tax cuts.

Learn how to shitpost

>those are like highschool jobs
In an ideal world, sure.

>still a wagecuck
I'm doing great under Trump's economy, poorfag.

You can't refute anything I wrote because it's true. Look at the statistics. Those are hard facts.

Large-scale economic growth is the reason why you live like a king. It doesn't matter that the elites have much more than you as long as our economy, technology, medical fields, etc keep growing at a tremendous rate. 1% of the wealth in our economy is still a lot of money.

Automation is the leading cause, more robots and less people, means lower demand wich means lower wages.

Like the fact Hillary lost ;)

Workers don't own 1% of the economy. They own a fixed wage that doesn't increase despite productivity increasing.
Only elites benefit from the economic growth.

if rich people have more money, they can expand their business and provide more jobs you dumb nigger
if low wages are such a problem to you, well fucking suck it up life isnt fair

Companies were able to hire more. So while everyone's making shit wages, at least there's more people making wages at all.

Got $2.5k as a direction result of corporate tax reform. In company stock no less, so it's now $2.6k (Trump to thank for that as well!).

Even fucking Walmart store associates got a bonus and saw their minimum hourly pay go up. Walmart is the largest private sector employer in the country and this affects millions of workers. And that's not to even mention the dozens or hundreds of other businesses whose employees have also benefited from tax reform.

Wall still isn’t built. Wages will continue to be suppressed until immigration is strictly controlled.

This is anecdotal evidence. The statistic in the OP are facts. Overall wages didn't go up.

Why aren’t bonuses included or people’s 401K?

this along with massive illegal immigration to keep wages down

we need to start arresting employers

Real wages. Inflation has been on the rise, that's the reason Fed has been cranking up interest rates. Not corporate America's fault the government is inflating away workers pay increases. Take that up with the Federal Reserve.

They absolutely should NOT go up. EVER
This causes vast inflation.
What should happen is that things get easier for them ,e.g. goods prices are reduced, bonuses occur more frequently, raises, promotions and holidays etc,

yeah keep telling me that me and everyone I know aren't making and KEEPING more money under Trump we all must be getting forged paychecks from Russian hackers

Great, now include unemployment statistics.

Because that doesn't fit their narrative, friend.

Wages can’t go up because we import cheap labor.

classic dumbfuck neocon boomer argument.

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Trickle down works in the stock market. What do you think happens to the average 401k when the market grows over 25% in two years?

People also take more money home with lower taxes. Real wages could decrease and people would still be better off now. Get fucked communist scum.

>wages haven't risen despite corporate profit surge
we're back at full employment for the first time in decades yet wages have stayed exactly the same
that almost never happens
there is more money flowing into the lower and middle classes than ever because so many people have jobs now


shut up kid. spit shine my shoe and ill give you a quarter

>doesn't define "Real Hourly Wages"
>does not include non cash benefits to jobs
>does not understand the tax cut given to people has freed up more money

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See a lot of unemployed people around? forgot you still live with your mom.

By living at home and not working?

You are a retard, why do you think the US has higher wages than most of the world?

The primary reason for wage stagnation over the last 50 years is women joining the workforce and Democrats importing shitskins faster than they can be processed. I know you're a dipshit but presumably you can grab econ 101 level supply and demand. If the supply of labor healthily outstrips the demand than the economy (demand) can grow without a huge increase in wages.

Stop importing shitskins and wages will skyrocket

>Get your fuckin shine box

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Trickle down economics is a myth perpetuated by the low IQ bugmen of the left. Trickle down economics is not a thing and has never been promoted by the Republican Party.

>before tax

Why do you care faggot?

>Only elites benefit from the economic growth
Tell that to my working class 401k.

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Don’t companies hire more, thus making them unable to pay more

He's a NEET living in a basement somewhere. He doesn't know what a 401k or an IRA is...

Trickle down lol. They need more Mexicans and other illegals. Rich people only create jobs, but don't actually work. More money you give corporate bosses, more migrants you will have and more outsourced your economy will be. Bosses don't do anything else than create jobs, more jobs means more migrants. Nobody produces in capitalism to the limit of what country needs, they always create more jobs.

> after tax

So tax revenue increased, more gibs for the non working class

So you were saying, production wages are the backbone of America. They are not matching corporate profits according to the graph.

What factors do you think are causing this disparity? Surely you voted Trump because of his rhetoric about helping "forgotten American" workers.

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Hahaha dumbass.
>Looks at the bottom, least skilled jobs.
>Ignores jobs that require specailized skills
>ignores second level jobs you get after promotion from the bottom

Do you really think there are no jobs between the bottom and CEO?
Holy fuck Dems are ignorant.

not true. women and immigrants are not forcing companies to pay an unlivable, subpar wage. The only thing that can force, literally force, a business to alter there wage practices is the government, and the US gov doesn't give a shit, so companies don't improve pay.

You really think some chad manager on a yacht somewhere if losing sleep because he wants to pay his secretary more but the business can't afford to? lol pathetic wage cucks

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David Stockman created Reaganomics based off supply side (Trickle down) models and calculations. It failed spectacularly and buttfucked the American middle class as de-regulation morphed into things like the 2008 housing crisis.

Stop gaslighting people you creep.

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>Corporate profits AFTER TAX with inventory valuation adjustment and capital consumption adjustment

This is looking at after-tax income, and it's double-counting the effects of the new bill allowing capitalization in the first year.

>Average hourly earning of production and nonsupervisory employees

This is pre-tax income (after-tax income went up). It also fails to account for:

>Increased working hours
>Increased job availability
>Increased benefits and non-wage compensation
>Increased hourly earning of service employees

Taxes went down. I don’t need a pay raise I need the governments hand out of my pocket.

Who cares if my Wage goes up, my Income Tax goes up as well.


Paying your employees is literally communism.

maybe if rich people and corporations paid a more proportional share to the government, instead of hiding behind the "taxation is theft" meme, then the government wouldn't be trying to make poor people pay more

>who cares if wages have been stagnant since the 1970's and not kept alongside the rate of inflation if i get more of it
Tbf, the income tax should be abolished for import tariffs, a export tariff on agriculture, and a higher sales and excise tax, but this is just neocuck-talking-points-tier if youre not going to at least acknowledge stagnant wages

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Bla bla bla. No success of boss is going to raise anybody's salary you moron. Does your successful workout give your neighbor muscles? People who talk about income tax are 100% thieves and Jews.

Those higher profits lead to companies increasing their production, which leads to higher employment rate due to job creation.
Why do you think employment its so low now in the USA?

Whats your solution?
Increase minimum wage?
That would lead to both companies laying off people to cut losses and companies increasing product prices to keep their profits leading to inflation.

In the end people would be getting paid more for minimum wage, but at the same time they would be paying more for everyday products and added to that there would be higher unemployment.

Reality is that minimum wage jobs are worth next to nothing in todays world thanks to overpopulation and automation thanks to advances in robotics and AI.

Never said anything of the sort about that, you slavnigger
Abolish the income tax so actual working people can actually have and use all their income. I do not give a shit about executives' incomes, but if you think that any/all income tax arguments are about muh trickle-down, you are a testament to the subhumaness of Slavs

Increasing production means nothing else than importation of more workers you pleb. Economic growth = more illegals, literally. GDP growth = more illegals, literally. You really think those companies need to expand more natively? Does Microsoft need to expand more natively? NO, you all used their shit already, they going to expand foreignly. Does Ebay or anything in silicon valley need to expand natively, does housing need to expand natively? No, they expand with foreigners for foreigners. That's what GDP growth means in capitalism. In China it means something else, since they produce what they need. USA is global seller, China is buyer. China is economic growing what they need for themselves. Corporate bosses won't grow what you need, they grow for international profit. Economic growth is a very very bad thing in capitalism. Job growth is a very very bad thing in capitalism. Capitalism is only working for natives when it increased efficiency, but they don't do that with illegals who can barely speak language or boomers who don't sell their empty houses. A boomer sits in one room, Mexican worker cleans other rooms, he cuts grass to show he's master, doesn't needs anything in house besides his computer and toilet.

>You really think those companies need to expand more natively?

Except thats what Donald Trump forced them to do with his economic policies coupled with his crackdown on inmigration.

They are literally forced to create jobs in the USA and since he is cracking own on inmigration most of those jobs go to americans.

The funniest part is how liberals pretend they don't believe in the same thing. Nearly every Democrat believe in Keynesianism, which is basically the government giving tons of money to wealthy private contractors in the hope that some of it trickles down to the common folk who are actually building the bridges, roads, etc.

Let's not kid ourselves, both sides of the aisle believe in essentially the same economic model and agree that putting money in the hands of job creators is how to improve the lot of the average worker. The only place they differ is on small nuances like how they give these job creators more money (either letting them keep more of what they earn, or taking it from them in the form of taxes and then giving it back).

Income tax doesn't matters you nigger, what matters is buyer's power to buy things. You can have 90% income tax and buy things easier if they cost less. Your housing prices should by logic drop a lot if you have illegals, but for some reason they don't, because they make excuses that more people means they can raise prices, but what they then do is also build more houses. They are creating their own demand with migration, nobody asked for that. No matter their projects to build more, you ain't gonna see more salary or less illegals. If they increase your salary then they can always also increase prices. The problem is merchant prices. So at bottom of problem is basically stock exchange and there not being a base source of fixed price, upon which everything could be built upon, so you have no way to measure the logic of your shit capitalism, it's all merchant prices, free market.

If capitalism wants to work for natives they should create a law where you have to be 30 centimeters away from property at least 20% of your time in a week. Since USA is bunch of hoarders who don't use shit they stack and expand into forever, sitting on shit, not using stuff, they lack any kind of efficiency.

The tax cut only helps (((the bankers and ceos)))

>a business to alter there wage practices is the government, and the US gov doesn't give a shit, so companies don't improve pay.
you mean gommunizm?

been there done that
food rationing got boring very fast


Wages are flat because workers are fungible cogs, unlike brilliant politicians and bureaucrats.

Do you even understand what word rationing means you dumb Christian nigger? Rationing means you don't storm all at once to doctor or all at once to iPhone store. Yes, Communism had rationing, as well as any sane company. But go on produce more food than you need, they sure going to need more Filipinos and Ukrainians you rat who needs others to feed you. Socialism produced for own self, we didn't need supermarkets. Bio products last for 1 week until they get rotten, so it takes 1 week to sell them. Supermarket food lasts for months, if not years.

Hello, my Canadian friend. I've come to talk with you again.

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lss bosses don't need 99.99999% of stuff they have and they never have enough. P.S. they even stack money there in Switzerland bank, so expect more foreigners, since money disappears and doesn't turns into work when it's printed, then they need to print more and they print money only to employ people.


Tell that to the people in this country who still live in destitution.

t. Ron Paul


Attached: Wage Growth.png (763x501, 42K)

IIRC the net immigration into the US is very small.


The Democrats are by and large not a left wing party.

point at this retard and laugh

wage growth means nothing if not compared to price growth

So taxation isn't theft?

>suspend non-white immigration and deport the ones already here en masse
>encourage women to stay at home
>give tax breaks to companies that automate the "essential" jobs that the browns were doing
>force wages up
>less money goes to welfare niggers
>virtuallly all white men are able to start families
easy peasy

id rather tax incentives to encourage more new industry than a bunch of bailouts to banks that almost fucked the world into a new dark age

Taxation is tribute to country. Depends what country does with that tax it collected. It can happen that both country and capitalists are same people and they always steal money. So taxation doesn't matters, you are always screwed if it exists or not. The only thing that matters in universe is ownership. If you pay tax for your own ownership, then it's good, if you pay for somebody else's ownership then it's bad.

>shows wages
>Doesn't show earnings

that's very jewish of you.

>trickle down economcis.
Nice strawmen.

Without some kind of basic taxation a government cant pay for basic services like the cleaning of public places, road maintenance, police, fire department, etc.

>using trickle down economics because op is a dumb commie nigger

FUCKING STOP THIS! There is, never was, and never will be an economic idea of 'trickle down economics'. No economist in the history of economics has ever used or supported or created this. It's a fucking lie pushed by the commiecrats and spouted by idiots.

You're all gay and need to be gassed.

>I refuse to qualify my quantification

That graph shows “real wages” or “purchasing power” stagnated. Even though wages have increased, what you can buy for a dollar has remained the same.

Actually the reason why low skill employment has stagnated in wage is literally because of immigration and population growth, the same also goes with STEM and other technical jobs that have been flooded by mass immigration and illegal employment not being cracked down on.
Want wages to go up for McJobs, halt immigration for 20 years and they’ll go up a fucking lot.

That's true, but people have government also because they themselves can't play cop and robber at same time and don't have time for everything. If you ask me when country starts replacing people with niggers it's basically not needed any longer. What use is economy if people are extinct.

As for that picture. Is belive he’s more voting republican for smaller taxes and that the left keeps trying to destroy his hobbies.

>I don't understand basic economics, e-explain them to me!


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>muh not understanding economy
>doesn't explains anything
Yes, you don't know shit about economy.


Why not apply that logic toward everything? Why even vote with that attitude?

because we are landed white males and thus vested in the economy. why should we let people vote who don't have land or stock, why let them vote on things like taxes when they have no stake?

It doesn't mean shit that your pay went up if inflation negates those gains. That's what this thread is about. Your purchasing power has not changed in at least a year. That is simply a fact, published by the labor bureau actually.

What is the logic behind the idea that increased profits should naturally lead to increased wages? If a person is being paid what a job is worth, why would you pay them a penny more?

You want increased wages? You’ve got to increase the competition for jobs by either increasing the number of jobs or decrease the number of qualified workers to the point where unemployment falls to zero. When workers are in demand, wages go up. Just look at the tech sector.

Ironically, when wages DON’T go up, losers complain about profits but when wages DO go up, losers complain about gentrification. You can’t satisfy a loser.

>but when wages DO go up, losers complain about gentrification
You need to practice your talking points a little better. What you said makes no sense.