Jesus is a jew but a good jew

>Jesus is a jew but a good jew
>the jews were chosen but now they’re not
>the jews had to reject Jesus so the gentiles could be Christian
>the filthy gross ugly jews are the same people Jesus was bred from
You do realize once someone with half a brain picks up Maccabees or a copy of The Curse of Canaan it becomes extremely obvious you’re lying pieces of shit. Why don’t you just call the jews what they are, Edomites.

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whats an edomite

Tell me more please

what is Maccabees and The Curse of Canaan

Jesus wasn’t a Jew, Joseph was
Marry’s tribe isn’t listed
Jesus went to preach to gentiles as soon as he was baptized
Jesus said Jews worship Satan

They are all pushing hard brothers think about it, they want you watching porn and being atheist

jesus was a myth made my Roman Caesars who came from Shekelesh
moses was a myth made by the Tribe of Den, Dan, or Snake from Denyen.
jews didn't build pyramids but they did destroy the Mesopotamian, Egyptian and eventually the Roman civilizations

read tacitus faggot. jews have been anti civilization for 2500 years.

Who was the people Mary's tribe is part of

Judea was a diverse city by the time of Jesus. The Edomites who living in it were forcefully converted to OT Judaism but formed the Pharisees and Sadducees who Jesus hated. Esau was the Edomite ancestor and Jacob’s older brother, a racemixing cuck.

Josephus Wars 2:8:2
For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of whom are the Pharisees; of the second the Sadducees; and of the third sect, who pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essens. These last are Jews (Judah) by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have.

All abrahamic faiths need to be erased. Can't keep one without having the others.

They are the perfect curse on humanity.

Maccabees is a book in the Catholic Bible and The Curse of Canaan is all about Biblical ethnicities and the dark origins of the Freemasons.

King James user. Don't poison your mind with the venom of men

Luther removed certain books because the jews told him to, you dumb prot.

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No he didnt he brought the Bible back together. There's no flaw in the bible you can't even dispute it.

Correct answer, there is no historical evidence that Jesus ever existed, it's mythology mistaken for history.

how do you know theres no flaw in the bible? and by flaw I dont mean its wrong I mean that its probably missing some very important information that (((they))) decided to take out

>quoting the bible to prove the bible

what do you mean 'they', you know that Jesus is a jewish myth to begin with right ? a character in jewish mythology.

Who cares. Goyim yanks are useless pieces of shit in comparison with the based American Jews who made America great.

its complicated... but yea, canaanites are to blame

Descendants of Esau, the good brother. See, there was two guys there was Esau, he was a hunter and made his father proud, then there was Jocob and he was a mama's boy bitch. Jacob tricked his old blind father to steal his brother's inheritance. Esau said "well, fuck you you rat bitch, I'll make my own fortune" and he did.
But because this story is a Jewish myth Jacob is the good guy in this story because stealing and lying is the Jewish way to get ahead.

>jewish mythology
everything is jewish mythology nowadays, just like your claim could be traced back to jewish mythological ideals that "jesus wasnt real"
why do they hate him so much? theyre the ones that crucified him and killed him no?