>find anons >rent a fucking house >get work >pay rent >anyone asks who you are >we wuz good boy americans/brits/germans/martians going to church getting them programs >keep making money >save money >get more anons in >reach out to average family and do normal shit like talk about bullshit stuff while helping clean up the community >continue under radar until normalised
If this gets exposure, then other Whites can follow the goal.
Don't take out loans. Don't own any bank accounts. Don't get a job. Don't pay your taxes.
Watch the government and their banker buddies shit their pants.
Gabriel Rivera
How can this work when only a few of us will do this? Instead you can obtain money and save it in larger numbers and put it to better use. I think you are a kike shill who wants Whites jobless and without money. Try again.
Dylan James
If it gets exposure, then other Whites can follow the goal.
Yes, Whites will follow the goal of finding each other again and helping each other find work. I knew you would get it, (((user)))!
>not an argument So no.
What comes to your mind?
This. It gives us autonomy as well as we have a group of us all having an income and spending as little as possible on rent and food etc. With that combined income, we can put it to getting more Whites into the area, getting more housing, getting a business, funding political candidates WE want etc. Use Pat Little as an example, imagine he had 50k+ USD and 100 anons in California helping out because could all afford to take a week off from work and had the cars and food to mobilise cross country?
I don't want to be the mommy for a bunch of incapable incel Jow Forumstards who'll constantly want me to cook their tendies and flirt badly with my girlfriend by trying to strike up a conversation about their favorite anime.
Nathaniel Carter
>BIG SUPPER SERIOUS ALT-RIGHT™ PLAN TO OWN THE LIBTARDS >Act like normal fucking people for once, and even then use subversive language about it you know your movement is awful but at least you're getting some sense
Daniel Ross
its a good idea ... i dont see the problem , if people had roommates they would have more money to save and spend . they would also have a larger impact by increasing the amount of whites per household , and also increasing their chances of meeting women and bringing them home . larger groups have better chances and advantages in almost everything , especially in the city . takes one to know one
Nah, a lot of these guys are right. Drop out from the system or at least be minimally involved. Find local Anons, Train and wait for the day of the rope.
Blake Wood
They will only use this as an excuse to bring in more immigrants you idiot.
Jayden Harris
>P-Projecting! Keep telling yourself that buddy, go move into your final fantasy house with all your dude buddies while the rest of us live with our girlfriends and wives lmao
Alexander Mitchell
nah , that might be good if youre off the grid but at least TRY and be successful before logging out
Probably only spend money when you must. For example grow your own fruit/ veg and raise livestock, walk places rather than drive, use a fireplace rather than central heating system etc. Probably left over money would go to education, travel (long distance), extra food, homestead equipment etc.
Matthew Edwards
In group preference for fucks sake. Time for whites to stop acting like they are Gods. Only care for your own people, it’s not a revolutionary concept by any means
>yeah, we should do what OP says and just try to get as many guys as possible living in a single house for some reason XDDDD
Owen Richardson
>are you 12 No argument. I am waiting for you to present an argument in as to why Whites getting housing (not communes) won't benefit us.
That is up to you, user. Deride as much as it makes you feel better, you have been (((trained))) well. Also, it helps that we speak with each other before doing this.
>jewish levels of sarcasm As with the nervous German, you have to do better than that. How is Whites having housing and behaving legally a bad thing? We can help families coming into the area once we have enough money and secure ourselves in the area well enough.
Our people are dying for this. They need a place to raise their kids while the system is at large.
Why can't all leafs be like you?
I am not talking about being a millionaire, but securing financial stability between Whites. We can share housing and thus bypass the internet for our discussions. Nothing illegal needs to be said and if enough Whites get word that coming together without the fear of media attention, (((they))) have lost.
Why wait for the DOTR when we can be pro-active? This is that same 1488 judaic mentality poisoning Whites today.
If you have a GF you wouldn't be here. Even if you do, then what are you doing besides deriding others? You can have your gf there with Whites aren't spergs? You are just being a defeatist.
Fucking hell leafs are on fire today. We do need to humble ourselves.
How can they even compete?
Think about it as Whites becoming men again. We used to do it naturally and now we have forgotten. No larping about National Socialism. We just need to establish ourselves again before larping.
What is bringing more people into the area (not house)? See how weak your bait is?
Camden Clark
way ahead of you. let's all become strong and capable and then let us all combine our strength and become the hand that pushes back.
Lucas Torres
oi mate you got loicense for that opinion? I live in toronto and housing is super expensive , so for me this is a good idea and what i will probably do for a few years
And seriously, why would you want to live with lots of men that you don't even know?
Camden Reed
>projecting >men haven't lived with each other for millennia The question for you is, why are you so scared of Whites forming up and getting money and training together again?
Landon Cruz
>If you have a GF you wouldn't be here Seems like you're projecting that one buddy
The only person who seems to be on board with this asinine idea is the incel leaf who spouts newfag teir responses which just further proves my point that the only people who would be into this idea are the ones who don't have their shit together. How do you hope to support the white race when neither of you can even get something to breed with?
Jacob Murphy
>training together again
Ok there is absolutely no way that you're doing this unintentionally
Jaxson Edwards
>Tending to my memes >Pepe >Filename: pol humor so bad it's funny
Gabriel Wilson
When you are erased it will be to late
Jordan Ward
You won't do anything to propagate the white race if you just live with a bunch of sodomites who droll over each other
Aiden Davis
i wasn't being sarcastic i was being serious, sarcasm isn't Judaism, and i said it was a good thing, but the way you were thinking about it is the way the alt shite thinks about all their ''plans'' and its always bad and subversive
Considering what we were up against we may as well as have won, the generation after the twenties would have won the country back for good if things had gone different
Michael Martinez
you nancy
Gavin Wilson
In the 60's hippies thought it would be a good idea to start communes. This is the same proposal.
Asher Jackson
Sarcasm against Whites getting together away from jews is judaic. It funny how this particular top rouses the shills against it with the shitty kike "humour" you see in hollyjew.
You're a fucking brainlet. This isn't a commune, you fucking kike. Take any White who can work and build up money to get them to being financially stronger and in contact with their people again and you have nothing like hippies, you thick shit. Fucking kill yourself, you worthless fuck.
More projection.
Isaiah Mitchell
And other than the marxism, how was that a bad way to destabilize and live outside of a hostile system?
Tyler Long
James Jackson
you're being retarded, i wasn't being sarcastic i was calling the alt right shit, and said your plan was good at its core, thats not jewish
Brayden Russell
fucking based.
Robert Miller
>okay >like >this absolutely >omg right >I heard You couldn't be more of a faggot if you tried. I know you are a shitty troll, but this is for others lurking to learn from, you take portions out of my post to assert your shilling. This is a failing tactic and you know it.
Fair enough then. I read you original post wrong and agree that the alt right is shit. They could have done this idea when the numbers were high. Think of C'ville but without the arrests and one suicide. I even had alt hype kick me because this idea takes away from the larpers and get everyone involved. Fuck the alt hype and Spencer.
Mostly because it didn't work. Marching off like naked babes into the wilderness results in disaster.
Sebastian Cruz
I didn't pay tax once, didn't go well. The government always gets its money in the end.
Angel Cruz
But no one is speaking about doing that, you low IQ mongrel mouthbreather.
So use money wisely. We are in this mess because Whites spend money on such shite. If we put it what helps is be it politically or helping us become more financially stronger, there could be a shift in the minds of Whites again.
Owen Thompson
This is called white vanguardism my lads. It's how we win
Ayden Lewis
Any institution, no matter how corrupt, exists for a reason. It serves some purpose and fills some need. Before you tear something down you have to identify what needs it was filling and come up with a viable alternative.
Nicholas Edwards
Babes in the Wilderness
Liam Jenkins
youre on to something, what is the step after that? shit idea will have no impact unless 10s of millions do this together in an organised fasion
Camden Harris
"go to the church"
2018 ---> nobody goes to the church
Thomas Stewart
I guess it's up to us. Not a cop out answer. I just don't know. It can go to getting more Whites in, business ventures, funding political candidates like Patrick Little or another one of our guys.
Just keep it legal then no one can be infiltrated or at least tried for anything. Keeping our people healthy and financially autonomous is what (((they))) cannot control.
Juan Ward
How fucking dumb are LMFAO!!!!! Reread my OP and realise how fucking stupid you are. I misread the Irish lads post and admitted it.
You forgot the part where the FBI sees white people living together in peace and burns their homes down because obviously they were racist.
Andrew Edwards
works up until the part where you realize it'd be all guys and mostly incels.
Dylan James
Middle-Age's finished, deal with it hoe
Brayden Lewis
it would be good to create a network with other groups doing this sort of thing then pool money together for investments and business ventures. then accumulated profit can be used for political influence or related things thats what i was thinking. op this is a good idea but i dont think Jow Forums is where you want to start off. try find like minded people elsewhere would be my advice.