Trump cancels pay raise federal workers were due in January

What now Drumpfkins? Your god emperor is going to piss off alot of republican federal workers by turning his back on them.

So much for promises made and promises kept huh?

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People in Palm Beach needed a tax cut.

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>Trump cancels pay raise federal workers were due in January

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>Your god emperor is going to piss off alot of republican federal workers by turning his back on them.
My President is going to piss off a lot of sellouts by not joining them.


Fuck government bureaucrats.

Fuck federal employees, get a real job

>Republican federal workers
All 3 of them?

This. Fuck those pieces of shit. Useless paper pushing, tax raising, desk sitting faggots.

You're fucking scum you know that?

Without government workers nothing would get done. Contracts wouldn't be approved. Money wouldn't be appropriated. Lives WILL be put in danger. Again, kindly go FUCK yourself you stupid cretin.

>disdain for plebs
The stock is doing wonderful!

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Congress could still do something similar, bake it into the budget and he’d have to sign it

They can work for minimum wage with no benefits like the rest of us

>federal workers
Federal workers are almost always diversity hires. If they're not a diversity hire they're a cat lady. Anybody with any experience in this field would know that.

Bringing everyone down? How Communist of you

The government says minimum wage is enough. government workers should receive that wage.

Government doesn’t tend to employ high school dropouts (aside from the Military)

How many lawyers, accountants, engineers, law enforcement are going to work for minimum wage?

>Without government workers nothing would get done
Because the government has it's hands in fucking everything. Downsize the government and fire 75% of the government workers and you'll see the country prosper.

Yeah because they fill our lives with their government bureaucracy bullshit and force us to go through them. Permits are the biggest scam in the 21st century.

Lots of people would do those jobs for minimum wage. Government works should work for the people not for their own enrichment

Why should the government need engineers, and why isn't law enforcement just handled at the local, county, and state level? We don't need a federal police. Realistically, they shouldn't need lawyers either, as they shouldn't be doing anything that could get them sued. And they shouldn't be needing to handle so many assets.

Accountants are a given, but they certainly don't need 100k+ a year and pension and the best benefits in the world.

They're not 'due' any of my paycheck.

>Republican federal workers
Yeah because when I think of Republicans I think of fucking government employees.

Their wages should be SLASHED.

Trade cuck detected. Learn to do something an illiterate illegal can’t

Why have a country or borders then? You realize no border patrol/ICE means the floodgates for illegals open right?

Contractor fag, this is shockingly accurate. No faith in government because of this.

Highly paid govt employees cant even prove trump is a Russian.

Leave it to the states. All the border states don't want spics, except Cali. And that can be solved with a good wall and tough defense surrounding Nevada and Arizona. The states can have all the power they want in that regard.

However, a strong, central Fed can dictate law to force California to build the wall. In this day and age it's so far removed that couldn't happen.

Alternatively states can put a bounty for every hispanic head you bring to the courthouse. $10 a head.

This is a good thing you idiot. Government workers are already over paid. Trump is working for free in fact

fuck the government bureaucracy?
these will be the people that whine the loudest when they find out corporations dumped toxic chemicals in their water and now their daughters have penis cancer

>hillary get fucked on wikileaks
It doesn't matter.
>Trump tweets at 3 am

Oh no evil BLUMPF is a conservative president whatever shall we do?

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Based Moroccan

Absolutely based. Thank you Mr. President.

>republican federal workers
Republicans have real jobs.

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>telling people who hate the fucking government that if you don't pay the government the government won't be able to do anything
If this isn't your point then try not to make it sound so wonderful.

>i think i should get paid more
>>burger flippers don't deserve more, get skills!
>i don't think government workers should get a raise
>>you communist faggot! i hope you burn in hell!

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>Republicans have real jobs.
Unloading cases of Pepsi at Wal Mart isn't a career Cletus.

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Stay mad, NoVa!

Government jobs are inherently unfulfilling. If you are hired by the government to fix a problem, is it in your interest to fix that problem? No, because then you would be out of a job. So it’s actually much better to just show that you’re “working on it”. It’s the same reason government workers don’t leave money leftover at the need of the quarter/year. If higher ups find out that they did the job under budget, then they will cut the budget.
All of government is filled with this sort of intended unfullfilment. It keeps them employed.

I should know, I literally work for the state of Wisconsin.

This. Govt employees are statist democrats and career faggots/sheboons. The DMV is an accurate demographic sample of federal and state government workers.

Literally no one in the entire history of the universe has ever seen a non-illegal spic doing that job, and we both no they're on your team faggot.

found the CIAnigger

kek kekkekekekekekekekekeekekekekke

republicans have real jobs, unlike you.

>Federal workers are almost always diversity hires
Pretty much this, you have to be a gay minority with transgender issues and a military veteran with a top secret clearance to get any kind of government job these days. It's fucking insanity.

The only republicans working for the government are in the military and military pay raises are staying in place.

>do nothing
>fuck up everything you touch
>get a pay raise while the working/middle-class of America haven't had raises in decades

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Now start firing them and we're getting somewhere.

Des offensive. :^)

LMAO! Well said.

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To be fair I've gotten over 17 grand in raises since Trump passed the tax cuts, and a lot of people got raises. But all of us actually do real jobs and work hard, two things not a single person in government from the last 100 years can say - so fuck them, hope Trump also slashes their pay.

You should ban orange from your flag.

Didn't mean to post that meme but since I did - Great News

HISTORIC! Black Business Ownership Under Trump Jumps 400% in ONE YEAR

Thanks Trump!

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And the leftist fags should boycott CNN to say no to CNN culturally appropriating one of their faggot colors

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*dabs on the commies*

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I made the same thread an hour ago and they all laughed at me too

We're fucked lads, we voted for the wrong Evil Overlord

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Yeah it's amazing what can happen when a tax burden only a Fortune 500 company could afford (read: dodge) is relaxed.

Seriously fuck Democrats.

Digits don't lie

Better get to work my fellow commie scum or we will surely die!

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LOL! Most people that work for the government are stupid, lazy fucks

>voting for Drumpf

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>federal workers
>no pay raise

Fire half of them.
Slash the other half's pay in two.
Make them do all the work.
Cut their benefits.
Get rid of the civil service register.

Fuck government workers.

And gas all the Jewish ones.

So how about the federal government stops being a bloated mess and let localities take care if more?

We all know that Government workers are like 95% tax and spend democrats. Trump is going to lose 5 votes over this in the DC area and that's it.

If you have minimal skills, then you should get minimal wages.

Same shit up here. I work for my provincial government.

I'm losing more money now, great. Can't believe you fucking idiots voted for this all because you're afraid of some darker people.

>federal workers
breh like 95% of them are dems
also gov workers are fucking retarded and dont deserve shit

Government contractor here - defense industry. GS employees are for the most part worthless. They hire contractors to do the actual work. In a building with roughly 800 employees, most are contractors. The government employees are mostly niggers, women, and white males who just couldn't compete on merit alone. One of my current GS was so fucked up he didn't get picked up on a contract. No one wanted him, so now he is a GS 13. He doesn't really know what we do and has a reputation for kissing ass as much as possible. He's basically an over paid PR man when he should be "managing" our section - he doesn't, we manage ourselves. If dropped off the face of the earth tomorrow, it would be business as usual. If one of our team were to quit, we could recover, but it would take months. He is literally a non entity.

I hope this is a reminder to all his supporters who work in the government why he is a shyster who will literally redistribute wealth from the workers to the hoteliers.

He is literally a reverse Robin Hood. You have been conned.

Don't confuse people being sick of dealing with something to their being afraid of it.

>Unloading cases of Pepsi at Wal Mart isn't a career Cletus.

>mocking honest working people while demanding even more gibs for government pretend "jobs"

Be happy it's your wage getting cut, not your throat.

>Cut budget and destroy diplomatic corps
>Pull out of international treaties
>Make sure world knows they can't trust US to keep its promises

You couldn't even get enemies like this to reduce USA's reach overseas.

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>Without government workers nothing would get done.
nothing gets done anyway maybe now it will be a cheaper nothing

>government workers
Gud 1 m8. Private sector companies want customers because customers = cash. Public sector "companies" hate customers because customers = work. They also have job security out the ass, so shitters almost never get fired, just laterally moved. The jobs almost never disappear either because the employees spend their time making up justifications for their pay check instead of working. There's also no incentive for saving money because they get your taxes no matter what. Government is literally a leech that sucks the cash from the economy and uses it to grow.

>redistribute wealth from the workers to the hoteliers.
so his children don't have to do porn to revive the failing empire like Paris Hilton did?

>reduce USA's reach overseas.
the fuck are you talking about we can destroy anything on the planet with a laser shot from orbit in a matter of seconds

Found the the bureaucratic pencil pusher. Get a real job you faggot

Which one of you clowns wants to be the next Alex Jones?

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