Women are increasingly drawn to right-wing populist parties


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And then they're telling me "woman suffrage was a mistake"

Come home, white man.

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

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Looks like we're doing good then, but let's not stop here.

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>City people all voted for Hillary
>City people arent niggers

it was and it still is.

B-b-but I thought the right wing was all incels?

I hope these are women(female)

so basically niggers, spics and jews

It is. These women are standing up for not getting the dick.

Can you stop posting this

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(((Suddenly))) a (((study))) (((finds)))

dumb frogposter, go back to redd1t

Good to hear.
Let's hope none of them are roasties.

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> women following chads

pic related your average german right wing politician

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does this mean I get gf

Go to Prague, live there for a few months and then tell me the same sentence. You won't get to second word.

Fuck off snaggle-tooth and stay in your th1rd world country



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Of course, because they're sick and tired of being raped and murdered in the streets and the perpetrators getting away with it because "they dun kno betta"

Of two genders, once again women arrive second to the party.

>being this mad someone called out your redditfrog post

Women, NO!

My problem with it is i don't see a uniform pattern of women always voting liberal/left/degenerate over the course of history. But at the same time it is true that their voting habits differ.

Because they are seeing the way the wind is blowing and seeing the delusion that was (((multiculturalism))) failing everywhere.
They don't want to be a victim to the purges so are jumping the sinking ship.

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shit u got me

>left wing = democracy
>right wing = populist

As if ‘free shit’ isn’t populist.

>right-wing populists
It's as if these people don't know what they're talking about

It's very predictable, women got tired of weak docile men so they started being pro dangerous rapists - turns out pissed off white guys are still the most dangerous thing on the planet - plus women just go with the flow of the dominant culture.

Ffs brit use your bants why do you accept to be defeated so easily?

Are they also not right wing enough?

There is no such thing as right wing in Europe user, all political parties want to give free gibs and have controlled immigration.

They can call us what they want roo bro, doesn't change our values or the fact that people see we are the ones looking out for them.

>gibs in exchange for votes
>importing "economic migrants" because of "muh labor shortage"
>regulating small businesses to death
>tax hike after tax hike
>EU dick in their mouth 24/7
>bowing down to kikes

Doesn't sound like right wing to me

To men it shows that women are incapable of being loyal to a cause (or anything else). To women, it's just being "pragmatic".

Women generally go where the wind is blowing. Women often made some of the best Nazis. They just go along with whatever helps them fit in society best. They see the tides are changing: things are moving very right. It's only the retarded left who can't see the new right is growing stronger by the day.

Women drawn in.
Minorities drawn in.
What's the left have left? Indoctrinated college pussies?
So much for your Blue Wave.

>bowing down to kikes
Who are the real deal then? Some memes with no chance to win majority support even in country as right as Poland?

Suburban=educated succesful, past their teenage communist phase.

If you counter-bant your enemy, they win.

Poland is not right wing or "based". We're just 15 to 20 years behind the West. Young people here are almost as degenerate as Westerners. Even our "nationalists" are fucking civnats. Even the Church is shilling relentlessly for the importation of "based rapefugees". Attendance is dropping, gotta fill these churches somehow. People here are still against gay marriage or abortion, but soon enough, once old people die and the generation after Gen Z is completely kiked and brainwashed, these things will be legalized too and our country will be unrecognizable from the Western Sodom and Gomorrah.

Checked. Here is hoping.

Women whoring themselves as usual


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>Poland is not right wing or "based". We're just 15 to 20 years behind the West.
Now that's a sad insight. However, i do hold a belief that in 30 years the world would change the way you couldn't possibly predict based on previous experience. "The system" is out of order and was there since the fall of USSR.

>be young leftie hippie girl
>get kids
>become right wing ultra
Hmm... It's almost like motherly insticts exist and are directed elsewhere if a woman doesn't have kids

>However, i do hold a belief that in 30 years the world would change the way you couldn't possibly predict based on previous experience.
This is entirely true and I believe things are certainly getting better for us, but if things were to continue as they are (or maybe as they were a few years ago) we would definitely catch up to the west in social degeneracy in about 30 years.

>Tfw you are a sad beta wasting his life away
>Tfw you will never have a qt 3.1415 nazi GF like that

I should just off myself. I failed at life at 3 or so months when I started to develop Autism. I fucking hate my pathetic self. I just don't want to exist. I feel sorry for my parents for being such a useless piece of shit son that will never give them grandchildren.

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what a load of bs

Women go where men/society tell them. These women are following the trend set by men and would switch again to whereever the men go next.


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Brown heir and black eyes.... gas this one too.

t. incel

Bottom right is a legit qt.

He's right though you're a faggot frog poster, what's next, awoo?

fuck, saw that headline and thought hosting a party at my place would finally get me laid

You don't know anything, leaf.

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Married women always become more conservative
Cool wine aunts always end up liberal

Guess which one the jews are promoting the lifestyle of

Remember this the next time you call a leftist out for stereotyping you lol. This is the reality of "white pride" unlike other forms of pride, it cannot exist without being extreme. And you dumbasses only prove the left right when you spout "no blue eyes, blonde hair, kill em". kek

>start acting like men
>women are attracted to us

Women are social and want to be liked. Being a Progressive has been defined to be the respectable, likable position that won't hurt your social status. Generations ago, women were considered to be more religious and more frequently voted for religious nationalist parties, French Revolutionaries feared women would vote the King back in, etc.

Actually, most people are like this, women more so. The root problem is that being a Progressive has been defined as the proper high status "respectable" position to take. This is what needs to be fixed.

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they must have magnets set up in big cities

Pic related.
Be careful, women just discovered that they can whore themselves in the right the same way they did in the left.
>hurr durr MGTOW then
No, Aesop said that you shouldn't take advantage of luck or courage. Women, like land, can only give you something if you do your part and watch closely.
Don't fall for the traditional wife meme, but don't go full MGTOW either. Be smart, do your part, be a husband/bf and not a pawn.

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>The root problem is that being a Progressive has been defined as the proper high status "respectable" position to take. This is what needs to be fixed.
Exactly what i have in mind on this issue.

It's almost like women are attracted to masculine men who are willing to stand up and protect them. No surprise women are more extreme either they don't need to worry about moderating themselves since they are the ones who drive culture.

Why does every american vet get's cucked,do you have to avoid the millitary to not get cucked in the US or something??

>have a wife
>let her alone for some time to fight a jewish war in some nameless shithole
>leaving a woman alone during one year with free money and a smartphone
I really don't know.

>*wears NASA t-shirt*
>give more funding to NASA republipoopoos
>*private companies and military go space*

because their whorish nature is to always have a back up plan in the event their man dies in battle. Or if he comes home all fucked up she can just leave him for the new Chad. Roasties are such degenerate assholes.