Has anybody noticed that the New Testament teaches women's values?

Has anybody noticed that the New Testament teaches women's values?

I noticed that almost all women would act as your average male Christian.

>muh feelings
>worship your parents (in the bible it is Jesus and God (father and son) but their relationship is basically what every woman relationship is to their mother
>turn the other cheek
>submission makes you strong (when Jesus tells his disciples to not rebel basically against the Roman because that is somehow empowering them). Imagine for instance modern women " hurr durr I am getting slammed by this black stud to the wall and being treated like the lowliest animal, that is so much empowering me!"
>Reality should respect my beliefs and feelings.

Why do I get the feeling that the Romans invented a religion that teaches men women's values so it can pacify them so as not to rebel?

Isn't it interesting that also the religion appears when Rome was most threatened by rebellions across its realm?

After most if not all subjects accepted Christianity, Rome doesn't experience the same problems anymore. It is only after pagans come from outside that Rome was in trouble.

Attached: Titian_Transfiguration_c1560_SanSalvador.jpg (515x436, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 4&version=NIV

didnt weak feminized christians conquer the shit out of stronk pagans? Really makes me think

>what is the 5th century

Pagans kicked the shit out of christians. Then they accepted Christianity and it took a while to get them pussified as well.

This isn't a bad thing you dolt.
It doesn't. It says that if people start throwing shit, don't act like a fucking animal and start throwing shit back. It never says anything about not defending yourself if it's necessary, or that violence is bad.
>worship your parents
Hmmm seems you forgot the part where it also says that the parents need to treat their children with respect and civility too, not just mom and pop.
>>submission makes you strong (when Jesus tells his disciples to not rebel basically against the Roman because that is somehow empowering them)
This is a gross misinterpretation, never mind the fact he said to never rebel. The very fact that the apostles were preaching Christianity was rebelling against the system that forbade it. I think you're referring to the "render unto Caesars" bit, which was Jesus telling the apostles to leave their material earthy possessions behind to pursue a higher good.
>Reality should respect my beliefs and feelings
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that.
>hurr it teach feminism
It tells men to keep women in line and not to give women any authority or power, or even chance to give opinions on anything, you mongoloid; it's the exact fucking opposite.
>bulgarian """""education"""""

>calls me mongoloid

>doesn't have an ethnicity

>s-so what pagans lost!
>they killed some Christians before then!

How did pagans lose? They conquered the Christians and converted to Christianity. What did Christian win actually? Oh yeah we won being conquered by the Ottomans and the Arabs in Spain... wow what a great victory for Christians

Jesus might have turned water into wine, but even he could not have turned water into a pagan victory over europe.

Attached: 1uplbv.jpg (720x628, 55K)

>le based Jesus, the king of all the kikes

Christianity subverted Europe into being pussies.

>hurr durr let them kick the shit out of you and you will go to paradise

If you've already made up your opinion on Christianity then why are you making threads asking for a discussion?