Can Trump ever recover?
Neil Young Onstage: ‘F–k You, Donald Trump’
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Day of the Rake moves ever closer.
no he's over
Inb4 300 replies to this shitty bait thread
Neil Young looks like a perverted pedo...people bashing Trump and then it coming out they are sick pieces of shit is at a pretty high rate. Neil what are you hiding?
Build wall
the curse is coming
neil young more like neil old haha.
Sage. Sweet Caroline sucks.
Based Neil.
Trump curse soon
That's Neil Diamond.
Rusty Pedo Never Sleeps
hope neal young will remember...southern man dont need him around anyhow..
1. he's a Canadian
2. he abandoned his wife and kids because he wanted to be a singer / musician
3. if people weren't high as fuck in the 60s his career would have nose-dived from the start
your website and music is great. your politics suck though
I don't think he ever recovered from this
looks more like Neil Old than Neil Young
how to interpret this post?
Neil Diamond is fucking based.
Grandpa Edgy Blurts Out Nonsense Again. Everyone Marvels.
I call him Neil Old haha I'm funny
Why do washed up musicians hate Trump?
why do these faggot hate trump so much? trump is unironically a good president.
It's all they've got left to remain somewhat relevant. If I act edgy the kids will like me.
It's not even edgy to hate Trump though. It's literally the cornerstone of all current entertainment and news media.
A southern man don't need him around
A large part of this anti Trump bullshit is coming from the older crowd who were much younger during Nixon. They are just reliving that fiasco in the present and dragging the gullible Obama Youth with them.
Thankfully those fossils will be extinct soon, but the Obama Youth will remain to carry the Red Banner.
This is very inspirational to me.
A fucking leaf
100 quid says he's gonna die within 6 months.
I don't listen to the political opinions of entertainers. Neil Young is an absolute legend. One of the greatest song writers of the 20th century and an icon of Canadian music.
He could walk on stage, perform a grunge cover of Tik Tok by Kesha and dedicate it to the memory of Yitzhak Rabin, then for the encore he could hold up a picture of Ron Paul and say, "Fight the real enemy" while tearing it up, piss on an amplifier, and fall off the stage, and I would still give him a standing ovation and continue to buy his records.
His music is separate from his politics. Neil is a fucking legend.
I hope he has a massive stroke first so we can laugh at his drooling mouth and droopy face for a while before he kicks the bucket.
Neil Young is busted. He wrote a Bush protest album over a decade ago and it was pure cringe, stop giving him attention.
o shit someone tell /mu/
Neil Young? More like Neil Old.
Neil Young's only good song was Sweet Caroline and that was actually Neil Diamond so Neil Young fucking sucks.
How fuckin boring can you be?
These people are complete losers.
Welp we all know Neil is a pedo now.
What the fuck...another one musician I liked that I'll never look at the same way as before...
Fuck you Jow Forums I never asked for this.
di gits for auto asphixiation
Keep the music and the politics separate.
I still watch Sean Penn act because he's a good actor. Politically, he's retarded. Doesn't mean he can't act.
Blindly following someone isn't a good idea user. You can respect his past musical output, but draw a line. There's some dodgy rumors about him and Darryl Hannah been kicking around for a while.
I don't know why all of these "artists" want to have sex with Donald J. Trump. Why do they keep saying "fuck him fuck him fuck him unghhhh"?
Who is this turbofaggot? I do t really care either way, have a sage.
Who needs Niel. Trump's got Kid Mutha' Fucking Rock!
Ihope he remembers a southern man don’t need him around anyhow.
If Canada is so great, why is he here?
Croak, you filthy pedo bastard.
He liked him when he was begging for money for his shit failed toblerone shaped flac player
We aren't Canadian and he's basically a nobody to most Americans. Brits were the only foreigners putting out music anyone cares about here back then. I had to look up who he was to realize I know 3 of this songs including that faggy war protest song by buffalo springfield.
LOL, when was the last time Neil Young was ever fucking relevant?
I dont get it
>born November 12, 1945
why did he had to do this? now he'll fall down the stairs and die
This fucking 80 year old boomer wasn't relevant the first 4 times he flipped off a conservative POTUS, what the fuck makes you think he matters at all now that 95% of people don't even know who the fuck he is?
Truly it is better to burn out than fade away.
All his children are actual retards because his genes are garbage
a true American psycho
>Neil young
More like neil old, amirite?
literally who
Yes, but it looks like Young ain't gonna be alive much longer.
Time for this dipshit to be hit by the Trump curse.
The Trump curse spares no one.
Who is this homeless looking guy and why do the kike boomers at media matters think we would care
It's the craziest shit to me, because his words and actions is directly supporting the people who would have every record as comfy as Harvest be burned in a bonfire. I don't like anybody anymore.
>Neil Young said-
Trump is canceling raises for federal employees thanks to Neil Young's remark. Want to try him again?
He needs to spit out some more retard progeny. His DNA is deeply flawed
Two different cumdumpsters; two different spazzes. You can't blame the women's' DNA. He's a genetic aberration.
Southern man don't need him around anyway
He wrote some of the best folk and rock music of the 1970s. That's fine if that's not your thing, but trying to discredit his musical work for his retarded political opinions is masturbation IMO.
>another butthurt leaf
and nothing of value is lost
>He wrote some of the best folk and rock music of the 1970s
That and a cup of coffee will cost you $2.00. $3.75 in loonies.
Oh look an old desperate 'star' trying to wiggle their way out of the crypt into the lime light. Pandering to try and find relevancy by saying "Fuck Trump". Haven't seen that 100x this this month.
He's been doing this since Reagan. No offense but typical canadadian.
Ugh he sucks
Sounds like an old woman when he sings
Trump Curse incoming.
Look nigger, this faggot is no bethoven. I'm going to guess you're about 20 years old and a hipster to realize NY has always coasted on whatever political controversy he could stir up. It's literally why the nigger fell out of popularity in the 90s. He was still making shit music the entire time, there just wasn't a conservative anywhere to be found that he could throw a tantrum at to stir up record sales.
to not realize
Why did he call himself Neil Young when he's nearly dead?
Neil who?
Didn't he pocket millions from crowdfunding for this?
So, we gotta listen to this shtick for the next 6 years?
I've never liked his music. His singing voice irritates the fucking Hell out of me.
>Grandpa Edgy Blurts Out Nonsense
Also true any time Trump talks.
Who is the bag lady playing guitar?
Is this a photo of an actual scarecrow? Who cares what this irrelevant old cunt thinks.
neil young dies In a week
this is bait I hope
Basedrocker boomer
Damnit Neil haven't you heard of the trump curse?