Have you ever noticed that people just take for granted that Western Europe doesn't have a future?

Have you ever noticed that people just take for granted that Western Europe doesn't have a future?

Like every discussion about 21st century geopolitics/military/economics has the same basic premises (listed from most to least likely)

>maybe China will rise up and take over everything
>maybe the US will stagger along and dig its claws in to maintain hegemony
>maybe the Russians will regain their lost influence
>maybe large developing countries like Brazil and India will get their act together and become superpowers

But everybody seems to take for granted that the hundreds of millions of wealthy, educated, industrious people here are just going to ... go away.

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>everybody seems to take for granted that the hundreds of millions of wealthy, educated, industrious people here are just going to ... go away
they will just get out-bred by shitskins thanks to le no borders socialism meme

Why are we lumped in with the Nordics?
This. It has a future. Just not the ideal one.

the bottom line seems to me about resources, west Europe is poor in basic primary resources and now that the military edge that allowed it to raise on top is gone, we are basically cucked
although China isn't much better I guess


Because no power on this planet has any interest in europe being anything other than a giant trade market

Western Europe has pretty much done everything you can do though.
There's nothing left to achieve.
A fatalistic nihilism has set in as happens in all comfy countries and everyone stopped baby making.
Same shit will happen to the third world in a 1000 years.

It's all about demographics.

its always the meme flaggers

It's already happening in some 3rd world countries.

Its future is collapse.

By this logic shouldn't you guys rebound after things get *really* bad?

Like the golden age begins 10 blood-soaked years after they can't send out dole payments anymore

>maybe China will rise up and take over everything

>maybe the US will stagger along and dig its claws in to maintain hegemony

>maybe the Russians will regain their lost influence
to who? a bunch of drunk tartar cossacks?

>maybe large developing countries like Brazil and India will get their act together and become superpowers
ya because they are rich in valuable resources and people.

H1-B detected

Have you ever been to one of our major cities lately?

It is a fucking disgrace, we have been niggerfied, France and England with the guilt of their colonial past, Italy and Germany with the Fasci/Nazi guilt, and (((they))) are trying to guilt trip the poor fucking Slavs because they are white.

Only a major war could save Europe whites at this point.

Another incorrect map!

> trying to guilt trip the poor fucking Slavs because they are white
Yeah, good fucking luck with that.

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>Only a major war could save Europe whites at this point.

I've been debating lefties and centrists for a few weeks now an account of the upcoming election. The basedboys don't even understand that there's a problem. My cousin, who used to be an intelligent fellow, just made an argument that boiled down to: Immigration to Sweden is not so bad because most of the people who come to Sweden come here because they are already Swedish in their values and culture...

I ran the numbers recently and I concluded that we have about 3 million legal migrants in our country right now. This number was vehemently attacked or ignored because numbers are patriarchial and oppressive. I also checked by how much this number has increased in recent years (Pre immigration crisis) and I found that on average this group has increased by just over 4% per year. That means that in less than 20 years that group will have doubled. So then we will have 6 million rapefugees in our country and people just don't get it. They think it won't change anything. For comparison the roman, norman, and viking invasions of the british isles only accounted for an increase in population of a few percent. And those events changed British culture for ever. We're fucked without a big fuck off ethnic cleansing!

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It's a kike in hiding.

When will the world realize that we europa, are the only power that all the entire world should fear. burgers are done, demographics tell us that, they will fall first.

Western Europe achieved its aims because it signed a hidden pact with the devil

The pact is between the elites and the populus: we provide you with safety and welfare, we don't kill and steal and in exchange we all get entertainment and promiscuous lifestyle

how stupid are you?


YOU ARE WHY THE WEST HAS COME TO SHIT. Take a fucking backseat anglo scum. Just like you did during Greek/Roman times. Fuck back to your cave, kikeslave fag.

Nice to see there are some uncucked Swede left.

Unfortunately we agree, yes it is a misfortune because we agree that we are doomed.

Maybe a few mountain villages in Hungary will remain white but we are doomed for certain.

Sweden is beyond doomed you are already declining, IQ ratings, safety...

Who would have thought that importing Africans to Europe would have Africanized Europe instead of Europeazing Africans ? /s

Well yeah. You become a minority in your own lands and then you die. Same thing will happen in the US.

>I ran the numbers recently and I concluded that we have about 3 million legal migrants in our country right now. This number was vehemently attacked or ignored because numbers are patriarchial and oppressive.

You are not alone in that issue ofc, all our countries are being invaded at least in the west of europe. The way by now it is vote (far right anti immigration), then reconquista 2.0

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Spic identified.

The sad part is that when we discussed these things just 15 years ago everyone knew things like:

>You can't have a generous wellfare state and multiculturalism. Which is why the US doesn't have wellfare state.
I remember a clip I saw when I was a kid regarding the discussion about socialised medicine and the US in the aftermath of Fahrenheir 911 and they said on a prime time news show exactly that "Multiculturalism is not compatible with the wellfare state" and then the scientist coughed "Except now we are a multicultural society and we have a wellfare state..."

>The reason africa is fucked up is becaue multiculturalism means ethnic conflics and instability.
It was taught constantly in school that africa was fucked up because of colonialism and specifically because the colonial powers drew borders without considering the people living within those borders creating multicultural societies.



I'm looking forward to the reconquista.

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it's getting fucking ridiculous, even in my 4 thousand people village in nothern Sardinian highlands I fucking saw two niggers in a popular woody trail, and often I see a few around in town
makes my blood boil

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With all of the sex happening, you would think that baby making would be done. Contraceptives were a mistake.

We were born in an age of security, only a handful of people today in Western Europe have had rough upbringings and even then it's still not comparable to what our forebears went through.
Hardship is what makes strong men, which means things are going to get a lot of worse before anything happens.

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>>The reason africa is fucked up is becaue multiculturalism means ethnic conflics and instability.

That's pure Marxist hogshit and you know it deep down.

We Euros (the Spanish/Brit/French really) carved the whole world up, and drew wrong borders all over the Earth why only Africa is fucked up beyond repair and instead Asia took the fruits of colonization: railroads and other infrastructure and civilized themselves?

Didn't we drew borders in Asia and the Americas too?

Why is Haiti fucked up like Africa and the Dominican Republic on the same fucking island is at least like Southern America?

Africa is poor because it is full of Africans, that is, primordial hominids that didn't discover anything, no agriculture, no animal domestication, no metals, no nothing.

Faggot either that or with slaveshits
>Want rephraser?

>That's pure Marxist hogshit and you know it deep down.
Doesn't matter you're missing the point. The point is that this is what we were taught in school: Multicultural societies always degenerate into violence. And they still went for the multiculti experiment.

Yes, I agree on that point.

It is this sick egalitarian/feminist religion that it is dragging us down.

Now thinking about it your example is particularly revealing because you said that you Swede understood in theory that multicult is incompatible with the welfare state and you went for it anyway.

We in the rest of Europe not only had the this Theory but since you Nordics committed racial suicide a decade before us we also had the result of your experiment in Practice and yet we went for it anyway!

It is Judeo-Feminism that is "suiciding" us.

Sometimes I think that the complete religious Islamization of Europe and the subsequent destruction of feminism and jewry is the only bitter solution to prevent Niggerization.