>Update, as of yesterday the three women have had the filed charges dropped
>The five defendants -- Wahhaj; his sisters, Hujrah Wahhaj and Subhannah Wahhaj, who are thought to be the children's mothers; Lucas Morten and Jany Leveille -- were each arraigned Wednesday in a Taos, New Mexico, courtroom on 11 counts of child abuse related to the neglect and abuse of the children.
Who claims to be the one that called the cops on his son. youtu.be/YpjVKo1ixRQ But only 8 months after he was kidnapped. Although the boy was missing since dec, Imam Wahhaj waited until this story broke in Aug.6 to send a message on his kikebook page asking to pray for his missing grandkid.
Siraj is connected to Bassam Estwani, who has ties to the Clinton presidential administration. Siraj was suspected in the 93 WTC bombing but was let off the hook after snitching on someone else. I am certain it was Estwani's connections to the Clinton admin that brokered that deal.
Siraj Wahhaj is the father of the dude that "kidnapped" his son to this jihadi camp. discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/siraj-wahhaj/ A man known for statements such as: >“If we were united and strong,” Wahhaj said, “we’d elect our own emir [leader] and give allegiance to him…. [T]ake my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.” >“I will never ever tell people, ‘don’t be violent, that is not the Islamic way.’ The violence has to be selected…. Islam is the only answer because it is only Islam that we do it for Allah…. [We are] commanded to do jihad…. [W]hen Allah commands us to fight we are not stopping, no one will stop us.” >“As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.” >“Those who struggle for Allah, it doesn’t matter what kind of weapons [you use], I’m telling you it doesn’t matter! You don’t need nuclear weapons or even guns! If you have faith in Allah and a knife! If Allah wants you to win, you will win! Because Allah is the only one who fights. And when his hand is over your hand, whoever is at war against my friends, I declare war on them…. The Americans are not your friends … The Canadians are not your friends … The Europeans are not your friends. Your friend is Allah, the Messenger and those who believe. These people will never be satisfied with you until you follow their religion …”
The camp was his (Siraj Wahaj) entire extended family 2 daughters 1 son 1 son-in-law and one daughter in law and 11 grandkids. Although the boy was missing since dec, Imam Wahhaj waited until this story broke in Aug.6 to send a message on his kikebook page asking to pray for his missing grandkid. edition.cnn.com/2018/08/08/us/new-mexico-compound-complaint-school-shooting/index.html
A man with statements such as >“As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.”
>A judge on Wednesday dismissed child neglect charges against three of five people arrested at a remote desert compound in northern New Mexico where 11 children were found living in filth and the body of a 3-year-old boy was discovered.
>Judge Emilio Chavez ruled that he could not keep the three in custody because prosecutors missed a 10-day limit for an evidentiary hearing to establish probable cause for the neglect charges.
>Prosecutors could still seek charges for the three — Lucas Morton, Subhannah Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahha — by asking a grand jury to indict them but offered no immediate indication on how they would proceed.
>Authorities are pushing ahead with other charges filed against the dead boy's father, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, and his partner, Jany Leveille.
Bumping this video, I feel it gets lost within the OP text. Very informative and has lots of info I do not have written sources for.
static.infowars.com/videos/MEDIABLACKOUTRecentArrestsInNewMexicoCompoundHaveConnectionsToTheDemocraticPartyAndCNN.mp4 rundown from memory, Siraj jr and the kidnapped son is in a car crash/flip, he has many weapons in the car, police escort him with his guns to a gas station where a friend comes to pick him up in a box-truck, instead of opening the back to load the weapons they load them into the back trough a hole from the cabin. The defendants in the case also rent/buy several houses with fake names, all names have some arabic first name and last name "Jihad", many variants of "xx Jihad" on the leases. The vehicle flip with the now dead son happened after he was kidnapped and the police let him go.
Nice one, was about to post that. Did you find that in yesterdays thread? If not, do you have any links to the articles mentioning the Toronto shooter's brother being in a coma, while living in the same house with that huge drug & gun bust? I'm thinking they tried to make it into a gas/aerosol and he got a big whiff of the brap of death.
Dominic Ward
No, found it on google for a visual component to discussing this with my ma. All I know is the whistle blowers that stopped the carfentanil being in the heroin are putting a lot of effort into saving scum.
Chase Clark
This is what I was referring to. Only rapport about carfentanyl being used to spike drugs with that I've seen was from Canada, other than that I've never heard about carfentanyl being used in drugs, mainly fentanyl due to how much harder it is to make carfentanyl in higher quantities. The fact that these guys was busted with such a large amount makes me think it was intended for terrorist purposes, not drug spiking. globalnews.ca/news/4353028/danforth-shooter-older-brother-coma-charges/
Jayden Taylor
can we call in some airstrikes or something? we need justice
Thanks for that. I still think the bust in Canada was intended to be weaponized by those jihadists though. 330 guns, 40 kilos of carfentanyl and one of the inhabitants of the resident in a coma while his younger brother shoots up a resturant with some muslims in it just screams feudal muslim stuff to me.
Justin Martin
I want to know, how does one synthesize such a fatal chemical is such quantity? You'd need a lot of supplies, a big lab, and a lot of time, yes?
Liam Campbell
Yes, and knowledge, to produce such a big quantity of any relevant purity you need to be a real Walter White, this was not done by those muslims, they must have gotten it from someone else, likely Chinese as this is Canada we're talking about. As we've seen from South Africa, Chinese are not foreign to arming opposing groups to create instability for them to come in with foreign funds and buy up cheap, so that makes me wonder what it is in Canada that Chinese investors would want and what it is that they could destabilize trough spreading spiked drugs/staging terrorist attacks.
Grayson Hughes
whoa. is Farrakhan involved?
Dylan Perez
Chemist here. Fentanyl is NOT a hard drug to make, and can be done at room temperature, one of the biggest hurdles for the retarded home chemists. . There was the full procedure posted here a few times.
Nicholas Bennett
Is that one of the men at the table? I've heard his name but I'm pretty unaware of him, please educate me, this is a general after all, I've posted all I got on this case so far.
Huh, well that goes against everything I've read from other chemfags here on this board. Even getting a high enough purity for the picture above of a lethal dose to be true? Could you direct me to those guides? for science..
Joseph Brooks
Fuck. I just now realized you wrote fentanyl, not carfentanyl. Is carfentanyl harder to make than fentanyl then?
Louis Farrakhan is a leader of the Nation of Islam. A black muslim psudo terror organization. They are believed to be responsible for Malcolm X's death. He is very anti semetic although he disputes this claim. He would be /our_guy/ if he didnt also hate whites and blame them for a lot of black issues but he also blames blacks for being lazy. His semi recent Breakfast Club interview is kinda interesting. I think he actually endorsed Trump early in the last election. A bad dude.
TLDR Old school black supremacist interesting guy though.
Ian Foster
So did CNN. That isn't the point, the point is what they include in those reports. How many times have you read about the people at the camp being the extended family of this man? Siraj Wahhaj, or his connections to the 1993 world trade center bombing? How many mention that it took him 8 months from his grandson was kidnapped to him writing a public message on facebook asking for prayers for his safety? How many mention the fact that Siraj Wahhaj is the grandfather of almost all the other kids at the camp? How many mention the houses the people at the camp rented under fake names, first name something bland arabic, last name "Jihad"? How many mention that Siraj Wahhaj jr, the father of the kidnapped boy, who kidnapped the boy, was involved in a crash with his son after he had been kidnapped and was let go by the police? How many of them mention Siraj Wahhaj sr's links to Bassam Estwani? Or how many mention Bassam Estwani links to the 1990's Clinton admin? Or that Siraj Wahhaj sr was let go from the WTC bombing for snitching on someone else? discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/siraj-wahhaj/
Yeah I read some of that wiki, no apparent clear links to Siraj or anything that stands out so far, gonna dig some more.
Justin Miller
Would totally not be surprised if he was involved he would love seeing white schools getting shot up as long as black muslims weren't doing it.
Carter Reyes
Funny that, in the thread yesterday someone made the thought that all the recent school shootings, the shooter has been dressed in full armor with a mask, while the guy being arrested was always ID'd as the shooter. This could kinda make sense, that they train other kids to go shoot up schools, wear masks and then have some white(jewish) patsy.
Brandon Howard
Stay based Nordic Bro
Thats Farrakhan (bottom right) with Wahaj (bottom left) I would totally expect them to get along. Did some more digging on the picture they might both be members of the Coalition of African American Muslims (CAAM).
I'd also be very interested in seeing the names of the donors to this, but I think that's something for federal agencies to dig into, not us anons.
Kayden Barnes
WOW thats fucking wild
Nicholas Hall
Yeah this whole thing reeks of Sara Sourgoatpussy. It's quite insane, literal terrorist networks being covered up by federal agencies, state police, media and democratic politicians.
The silence around this makes me think there may be some big eyes on this that want's to keep it hush while they do the legal work, but I see it as much more likely that it's the opposite, a cover-up.
Nathan Bell
here's what is happening.
it's a glownigger trap. everyone in the glow agencies are under an electron microscope. the cover up is being allowed to map the networks of operatives involved.
Wyatt Gutierrez
They were released because the feds want them to bring in bigger fish.
Jeremiah Thomas
Also, Hujrah or whatever the fuck her name is works for CNN. A fellow autist found a good photo of her at her arraignment and compared it to the Facebook profile by the CNN employee. It matches. Terrorist bitch works at CNN.
Tyler Gray
zzz nothing to see here folks lets go to sleep it's almost friday time to party this weekend
Julian Scott
Jeremiah Collins
Really though? I've seen the picture, to me it looked like the standard picture that people take when on tour of CNN studios, not that she was affiliated with them. This pic. Please try and dig up source for her affiliation beyond this picture.
Best thread on pol by far. Sounds like your posting daily but I lurk at odd times so go figure. It's Anons like you that open motherfuckers eyes, makes this place worth stopping in. Thank you user. Down the hole I go. Peace.
Carter Turner
Nah, I started this yesterday, but felt like doing a revisit with a more relevant picture as I think yesterdays picture and headline didn't catch peoples eyes to the subject.
Trying to establish it as a general, anything that is memory-holed or has a media blackout is welcome here. Feel free to go "off-topic" in that sense. Or to make another /mbg/ at anytime. Tired of the board being nothing but shitty opinion threads and twitter pictures, hopefully if this catches on it will be a useful source of such info.
bamp 4 dey dindu nuffin just a nice little African-American camping trip out in the NM desert you guys are just jealous for implying that blacks don't go camping.
You're a guy for fighting to keep the thread alive, thanks bro
William Diaz
Ethan Reed
someone has to teach burgers about culture and the gods have chosen me. but i am only mortal and now have to sleep. feel free to fill it with anything memoryholed
why has this been struggling so hard for so many hours
Cameron Evans
bump b4 sleep
Eli Cox
Most of us have had a glimpse beyond the curtain. Everyone knows there is some deep trouble going on, and we see its symptoms everywhere. These are interesting times, as such, nothing is particularly interesting by itself.