“You’ll vote for me, right user”

“You’ll vote for me, right user”

Attached: FD2C8857-29B1-46A1-9FA3-4CCB8357AC31.jpg (240x355, 90K)

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I don't vote for people with ties to organized crime.

MS13 is a serious gang and you have yet to refund their donations, which come with strings attached no doubt.

Attached: GUID-posts.png (1697x875, 458K)

of course I'd vote for you

I like this post because it shows how retarded and tech-unsavvy nu/pol/ is.

Thanks leaf! It is called American confidence.

Attached: confidence.jpg (1080x1080, 245K)

No I don't really concern myself with the politics of Puerto Rico, but if you run for office there and stay out of the US then I'll gladly support you in your efforts. I'm sure you could do a much better job than their current government, so go for it chica!

No but ill tear her vagina open and shit in her mouf in a Chicago alleyway.


Puerto Rico is part of the US dumbass