Sometimes I wish native americans weren't basically extinct

Sometimes I wish native americans weren't basically extinct.

I mean they're not nigs, and they're pretty exotic and unique looking. Unique genetically too. Shame they kept attacking whites when they already lost and couldn't keep their heads down.

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Would have been nice if they were large enough that we could have just incorporated them in as states, Charlemagne style.

they killed each other off

10k years and invented a teepee
I really don’t have any sympathy for indigenous people, maybe if they had built a wall to keep the europoors out they wouldn’t be minorities in their own lands
That’s the real takeaway here. You have to keep invaders out

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Don't fall for the "muh noble savage" garbage. They were fucking savages

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Depends on the tribe, to an extent.

I don't think so. They're all closely related. You still see the same drunkard savage behavior, raping, and wife-beating behavior among various injuns. Whether it's eskimos in alaska or cherokees in oklohoma or indios from guatemala. They're vermin.

To be fair they came to america 20,000 years ago. Whites have been in europe for about 45,000 years.

The aztecs and mayans were starting on something. It does make me wonder.

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They must be pretty inbred by now. I remember hearing their population keeps decreasing every year, so they must so ugly now that they won't even have sex with each other. Months, years can go by without me seeing an honest to God to injun, but when my dad was a kid he said he saw plenty of them in his neighborhood, though they were already on the decline for sure: You could find these brown paper bags all over the neighborhood; injuns sniffed glue out of them.

I know of this one town in Arizona somewhere that's like 90% injuns of this one tribe. I'm guessing the they get some kind of bennies if they live there or there's a particularly large Listerine factory there.

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Have you seen Mexicans? They’re basically Aztecs speaking Spanish.