She is eventually going to become President of US
This sickens me, just imagine The president of the most powerful country in the world being a LATINO WOMAN.
She is eventually going to become President of US
This sickens me, just imagine The president of the most powerful country in the world being a LATINO WOMAN.
And since I'm going to wife her, I'll be the first man.
Lol it's their fucking future man
they'll be one of us
lol dumbocrats would make a nintendo switch face if she ran for president.
Whatever, she has my bote. You can’t stop this.
i fucked that puta in the bathroom at the beatle bar
Are you insane? That female will never become the Grand Nagus she doesn't have the lobes.
Bartenders will never run our country.
And neither will reality tv stars.
shark eyed people are not human and should be killed in all cases
That is a valid point.
Reality tv stars who became reality tv stars after running businesses for over twenty years. The bartender wasn't even a bartender for five years.
She's a communist. That's the most worrisome thing.
I'd eat her front and back.
She actually explained it pretty well when she mentioned the Jewish settlements.
Never happen. The Republican nominee would run wild in all swing states. Socialism is not welcome inside US borders.
We shall see what happens in Florida...
Oh yeah? Well I'd eat her side to side.
Dude, she is the American equivalent of Diane Abbot. She's a genuine fucking retard.
Nah, there are photos coming out soon with her with a face full of cum. Also, check them
Doughnut and Taco.
But she's pretty based, my colombiANO friend
No one is even going to remember who she is by the time she could run for president
No way she stands up to a debate. Don't be daft.
Shieet i was gonna say that
they ran businesses because they lied their way onto the forbes list.
I have to go S2LSOFTENER is on
You should kill yourself faggot
Funny how Planned Parenthood was created by the KKK in order to oppress the "minority" races. Most abortions are black and brown babies. Don't be naive. The White Power is much much stronger than the masses of Latinos. This is White America. Always has been, always will be.
she expressed support for palestine, her chances at gaining any further power in the U.S. are zero
She won't even win the primary. No worries.
No fucken way in hell, the next 100 year the US president is going to be a white male, and on op of that if trump has his way Anchor babies will be reviewed by the supreme court and made to be illegal citizens, because trump has already said multiple times that anchor babies are bullshit, and if he gets his way he might get 4 supreme court picks, so its in his favor.
That means the large scale deportation of 30 million illegals over his 8 years.
That means the base that would be voting for her will be back in mexico sucking donkey dicks for quarters.
She’s fucking beat as fuck
You spergs are pathetic and thirsty
She is controlled opposition who is being used to get the $oyboys radicalized, the same way Richard Spencer was used to create and radicalize the alt-right. Learn to see through the illusions. It's all smoke and mirrors.
STOP. Think. Wall Street funded bolshevism. Wall Street is the heart and soul of capitalism. Commie/Cap, two sides of the same jewish coin.
imagine those crazy eyes munching on your dick
Oh come on that woman isn't that old. I find it highly unlikely that the sugar walls have been desecrated too awfully bad.
Not a chance. I'd fuck her though.
Shes kind of pretty and has an amazing body. She's a healthy 27 year old woman. This's why she gets attention.
Bitch she can trace her ancestors all the way back to before your people arrived on the continent. She deserves to lead. She has my vote.
^ shill
Her carrying the name of the white guy that conquered her ancestors is also hilarious.
The only thing she can lead are them lips across the head of this dick.
>nigger president
>spic female president
>and finally the jew president and all of the following ones will be jewish too
This is the future of MuttSA
the only way she could be president is if she never speaks again. everytime she opens her mouth she says something extremely uneducated
LatinA, you fucking illiterate.
I laughed a bit.
You remind me of Trudeau.
Its peoplekind
You're a figgot in a straight country.
Live with it.
She got 15 thousand votes.
By November, 7 thousand will be deported, 3 thousand will OD, and the rest will sleep in on election day.
Settle down beaner, this retard couldn't make it past a national debate or the much raking of a presidential election.
ohnos, latino qt, leading The Worlds Most Powerful Nation™ - how canl their self-image of masculine perfection ever recover?