Why the west was vulnerable to Marxism

I've been thinking on this for a while. You hear a lot about the Boomers being self-centered and hedonistic, about their long march through the institutions laying the groundwork for today, and about the propaganda campaigns from the media, but people don't seem to reflect much on why kids in their early 20s in the 60s and 70s would turn on their parents. Propaganda campaigns often fail. Healthy families don't fall apart that easily on such a mass scale. Why, then, did the Boomers turn out like they did?

If you go back and listen to people who partook in the activism, they'll tell you why in their own words. You just don't hear about it from the opponents of Marxism for the same reasons that a progressive will discard a jihadi rant about how he kills because his religion demands it: It was the oppressive hellfire Christianity that their parents imposed on them growing up (which, by the way, was not the more moderate deist Christianity that the founding fathers practiced). Elvis was the devil. Television was the devil. Dancing was the devil. They fled to Marxism much in the same way that some people today are currently fleeing to Christianity, primed by arguments for pathological altruism which are impossible to defeat using a Christian framework.

Second, in regards to feminism in particular, Christianity lacks a deified female ideal. It doesn't have Athena. It doesn't have Amaterasu (a society where women feel liked for being women, you'll notice). The most that it has are total secondary figures like Mary. Our women were particularly vulnerable to people coming along and telling them that the old structure doesn't give a shit about them.

This isn't going to be popular, but what I'm getting at is that Karl Marx is the natural predator of Jesus Christ. The best that Christianity can do is give us another pendulum swing. We need a new higher mission and grander vision to provide the spiritual fulfillment that's being filled by Marxism in our current society.

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>Why the west was vulnerable to Marxism
Democracy and liberalism. The worst pest mankind.
Rhodesia died because niggers were allowed to vote and liberals fought for that to happen in first place.

the west isn't marxist

it was convenience and television. Boomers never learned to work and never learned to think. They never passed down those values to their children, the Gen X and the millenials.

Drug culture and caricatures of war messed up kids heads and consumerism was the band-aid more than anything. Again the CIA is responsible for this. Marxism closed the gap only because every other cult was fairly well stamped out. Thanks FBI for that one.

Christianity definitely is a cure but good luck getting the governments """silent heroes""" to do something positive for once.

You literally belong to an offshoot of Marxism, with the same authoritarianism, victim mentality, and slippery linguistic game, and you'll fall to the same problems of party loyalty and dynastic politics over meritocracy.

King and subject
Guildmaster and apprentice.
[Race] and [race]
[Gender] and [gender]

New package, same stupid theory, same violent process, same goal. I'd also argue that we're more socialist than capitalist at the moment, what with the big guys practically being deep state. It's baffling that people can look at a big guy suing a little guy who's becoming a middle-sized guy out of existence using excessive regulation while taxes take care of the rest and think that the problem is private companies.

Okay, but what made them vulnerable? Why did they feel the need to abandon the culture of their parents? Why would they say to not trust anyone over 30?

They fled strict christianity and now it turns out that it was right all along

You're missing a key point. Traditional liberalism has been in decay for decades. The average person in the west doesn't understand their own political positions. If this were not the case, the marxists could not have achieved what they did.

Karl Marx is literally the second coming of Jesus Christ you retarded mongrel.

i know this is satire, but karl marx is literally satan & led to hundreds of millions getting slaughtered or starving

it's true.

Israel and other (((interested parties))) came into America and completely fucked our religious community six ways to Sunday and it was done on purpose.

All those megachurches, all the hell and fire sermons, it was mostly planned. That which was not planned were just imitators with no sense or attunement to God who just believed what was going on in Christianity at the time was what it was all about.

Nah it was just a clever deception campaign. Well that's ok, Christianity is flourishing nowadays, as well as being flooded by increasingly well-trained patriots who just don't want to get hated for merely standing on a God damn sidewalk.

O rly? Gee user, it’s not like the jews who hate you have been shilling against it for thousands of years.

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>Okay, but what made them vulnerable? Why did they feel the need to abandon the culture of their parents?
Fried brain cells. Literally.

God killed like 40 million people in the old testament because he didn't like the holes some dudes were putting their dicks in lmfao

Explain how capitalism isn't evil using a Christian framework. Remember, eye of a needle. Also, give all that you own and follow him.

When people are just sleepwalking, they continue with the old trajectory. It fell due to hellfire Christians and the fact that Marxism is basically in line with altruistic values that would have been familiar to them.

But here’s the catch. While you were being retarded the jews burned all the books and took over the churches. They killed all your most important traditional religious knowledge. Good luck becoming Christian now that your parents abandoned knowledge.
>My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Personally I've always thought of the "Christian Bigot" stereotype to be a strawman or propaganda stereotype, but am willing to listen OP.

If what you say is true, then the next natural question is why and how. Why did Christianity suddenly take such a sharp turn towards this "radical" stance, and how did it happen?

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>I'd also argue that we're more socialist than capitalist at the moment
So more of the means of production is owned by the workers than by capitalists?

Jow Forums has no idea what terms mean and just uses them as smears because of decades of three letter agency brainwashing.

>"Those seeking profits, were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. No other depositories of power have ever yet been found, which did not end in converting to their own profit the earnings of those committed to their charge … I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom."
-Thomas Jefferson:

>"All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
-Benjamin Franklin

Yes, we cultural Marxist Jooz are winning against you net exploiting, vapid, capitalist goyim. Enjoy your ride.

Many Boomers and even their parents went to brutal Catholic Schools that mistreated them. So, they learned to hate organized religion.

>Explain how capitalism isn't evil using a Christian framework.
It demonstrably produces better societies than Marxism, and nowhere are we told that the government should be forcing people to redistribute wealth.

My parents were raised Catholic but as boomers they decided we would be raised to come to our own conclusions without any religious influence. Needless to say we had no spiritual cohesion and it seemed like an excuse for them to just not go to Mass. For them it was the "progressive" thing to do.

In hindsight lacking a spiritual connection caused many problems for myself and my siblings. Starting at 0 is a lonely place.

A society where there are more empty houses than there are homeless, where people work until they are almost dead for the profit of others.

We do not live in a better society now than people have in the past. We have some more comforts but the modern worker works harder than a medieval peasant and has fewer things legally owed to him from his boss than the peasant could demand from their lord.

A peasant got to keep a flat % of what they produced, now you get paid by the hour.

science and trendy atheism upended Christianity which was the foundation of western morality, now we have nothing but meaningless consumption

Fear of death pushing people towards religiosity. Bible thumping America really kicked off with the civil war, and then we had WW1 and WW2.

They're owned by companies that are so protected by and involved with the government that they're practically pseudo-governmental. We certainly don't have true capitalism in this country right now. A hospital being on the city board who's job is to decide who gets to set up medical services in their city is not a function of capitalism (is that a true private entity?), nor is a big book of regulations that you need an army of lawyers to navigate, nor is 30% of your wealth being eaten up in taxes.

Also, yes, so long as you have the synthesis of government and economics, you'll get corrupt policies. The founding fathers were not infallible, and have not been around to witness most of the past two centuries. They went to war partially over a fucking 1% tax hike.

>t demonstrably produces better societies than Marxism

Not a Christian argument.

>nowhere are we told that the government should be forcing people to redistribute wealth

It does condemn great wealth, though. It would make sense that a Christian community would be in favor of at least ostracizing the 1%.

You sound like a fucking moron. Is this how your gender studies "professor" help you understand economics?

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>Fear of death
Compared to the centuries before it where death wasn't a almost every day occurence? That's too simple a answer to explain the waxing and waning of religiosity over history.

Centuries before didn't have industrialized warfare and weren't changing as rapidly. There might have also been something of a backlash to the idea that God is dead, which is something that you hear a lot from late 19th century and 20th century writers.

It's not that complicated.

>the white mans biggest weakness is his women's love for BBC
>appeal to his gullible, conceited, dumbass, noble side and convince him to let BBC in his country
>white sluts suck down black seed like a fat bitch sucking soda
>no more whitey

Omg such 5d chess