Traditionalist Socialism

Why does Jow Forums provide such knee-jerk support for capitalism over economic socialism?

I personally think some ECONOMIC socialism is a pretty good thing, and I say this while still being CULTURALLY an ultra-right traditionalist.

Do you really want the ethnostate to be ruled by a rich elite who care about nothing but maximizing profits—even if it means destroying the family, the traditions, and the culture of the people?

The push for mass immigration, cultural degeneracy and the deconstruction of the straight white male is orchestrated by the capitalist elite as much as it is pushed for by (((them))).

Capitalists profit from an ethnically mixed society of labour drones who have no shared culture or purpose, because out of the chaos they can build a culture of alienated consumerism.

Also, by flooding a nation with shit tons of shitskin “workers”, big businesses can pay less in wages: with so many people competing for so few jobs, people have no choice but to work for peanuts.

The push for feminism is also backed by megacorporations because it ruins strong family values and gets 50% of the population (women) out there slaving away with men (again, lowering wages) and buying shit (women are rampant consumers).

The ultra rich buy politicians and push countries towards policies that benefit THEM, not the people at large. They decide the mainstream media narratives. They decide what shows up in advertisements. They “donate” money to the think-tanks that decide on the public school curricula, thus indoctrinating a nation’s youth into their destructive globalist ideology from the word go.

(CNTD 1/2)

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Profit maximization cannot be the guiding value of a strong ethnostate. Rather, traditional values like COMMUNITY, HONOUR, EDUCATION, PATRIOTISM and STRENGTH (good social services, fair pay/a good standard of living for all citizens, good education, a common culture, vision and purpose for the white race) should be the guiding values.

It’s time to separate idpol antifa degenerate “leftists” from economic socialists. All you unemployed or underemployed Jow Forums posters need to realize that unbridled capitalism is to blame for a lot the degeneration of the west and the problems you personally and collectively face. We can be cultural traditionalists, and still seek to build a world that isn’t run by profit seeking vultures, but is instead run by people who care about the overall welfare of the people and the white race.


You should post the text under the video I hate listening to robot sluts

Easy, you can decide between two models:
1. Capitalism
2. Hunger
Your choice.

>The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'

Because Thatcher nailed socialism perfectly years ago and you don't need any advanced economic training to understand how flawed socialism is.

Lots of services are socialized and don’t collapse. It just has to be done intelligently.

But enjoy the hundreds of thousands of Africans capitalists invited into your country to ensure they would have access to cheap labour, Luigi.

A fascist state would still allow businesses individuals to freely compete but minimize their harm to society through regulations and bans.

For instance. How much money (i.e. a nation's productive capacity) goes into making makeup for women. Women wear makeup so they can compete better on the sexual market, but that reduces the mate selection ability of males, and since 99% of women wear makeup anyway, the benefit of wearing makeup is lost anyway. Women still continue buying it though because they don't want to be the only one not wearing it. That productive capacity that is wasted on makeup could be redirected elsewear if people chose to spend their extra money on things healthy for society, like higher quality food.

A fascist society would ban the production and use of makeup.

However when it came to the actual production of goods and services a fascist state would let free competition create the business model most efficient at providing those goods and services. For some services, like a plumbing company, small scale businesses will be more economical but for others, like a shipping company, massive corporations will be more economical, necessitating the existence of uber rich ceos and massive companies.

>Lots of services are socialized

This sounds fine to me. But it’s nationalist capitalism beholden to a strict set of rules in a system where the rich and their companies are subordinate to the good of the people. Capitalism naturally tends towards global capitalism, as capital has no borders, and seeks to break anything that blocks its flow down.

Lol where do you think your tax money goes

Yes but with socialism you eliminate the need for innovation and efficiency by making businesses subsidiaries of the government.

Businesses fucking up society (i.e. mass immigration) is a by product of them trying to be efficient as possible. The correct solution is to just ban everything they do that is negative for society, as it appears. If you make the government and the business one and the same you not only remove it's incentive to innovate and economize but you reduce the likelihood that it will be stopped from fucking over society since the only one watching over it's actions will be another branch of itself.

Also there is nothing wrong with some people being richer than others.

I agree that capitalism is responsible for a great number of the innovations that have gone towards improving our quality of life, but I don’t see innovation as necessarily tied to capitalism.

Lots of the fundamental research that leads to innovative products is government funded, and, moreover, capitalism has gotten better and better at teaching us what to want and playing off the most basic aspects of our natures, as opposed to constantly innovating for the sake of the people’s welfare and improvement. People at apple aren’t thinking about how to make an iPhone that genuinely contributes positively to our quality of life. They are spending millions of dollars trying to make one that is more addictive, more impossible to repair, and more expensive than the last ten; moreover, they are spending hundreds of millions on advertising that will teach the population to NEED the new iPhone.

I’d like to know more about how the fascists did it. Because I think “consumerism as the highest good” is a garbage principle to organize society according to, and merely putting some regulations on the activities of capitalists might have worked for the Nazis, but our culture seems too far gone, too swallowed up by mindless consumer capitalism to backpedal far enough via incremental measures like that.

there is nothing traditional about socialism

Nor is there about capitalism. Both are economic ideologies that emerged in the last few hundred years.

>Nor is there about capitalism.
What is capitalism?

>Why does Jow Forums provide such knee-jerk support for capitalism
you mean nu/pol/ plebitors right?

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>give up you culture
capitalists have existed throughout history

>The economic doctrine prevailing from the 16th to the 18th centuries is commonly called mercantilism.[35][40] This period, the Age of Discovery, was associated with the geographic exploration of the foreign lands by merchant traders, especially from England and the Low Countries. Mercantilism was a system of trade for profit, although commodities were still largely produced by non-capitalist methods.[41] Most scholars consider the era of merchant capitalism and mercantilism as the origin of modern capitalism,[42][43] although Karl Polanyi argued that the hallmark of capitalism is the establishment of generalized markets for what he called the "fictitious commodities", i.e. land, labor and money. Accordingly, he argued that "not until 1834 was a competitive labor market established in England, hence industrial capitalism as a social system cannot be said to have existed before that date".

What do you mean by capitalism?

>Karl Polanyi argued that the hallmark of capitalism is the establishment of generalized markets for what he called the "fictitious commodities", i.e. land, labor and money
This has always existed

You don’t know economic history lol.

National Socialism?

That’s a bingo

People have always made money off of land and investments

Sure, but capitalism is more complex than that.

What part of "capitalism" are you complaining about?

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You have it ass backwards

imagine thinking that the jews control the worlds wealth yet this one guy (bezos) isnt even jewish and completely BTFOs that argument rofl

>yet this one guy

You “argue” like a kike. Any time I say one thing, you make a claim; when I disprove that claim, you change the subject and act innocent. Read the OP if you don’t yet know what parts of capitalism I’m complaining about.

Also, I don’t know why you posted that picture with the Evola quote. That’s essentially what I’m arguing for. An economic system subordinated to higher national or even pan-European values

is scott adams michel foucalt incarnate but less faggot?

What do you propose?

Stop reposting this garbage, you fucking leaf.

Stop making up ideologies.

And you're an idiot if you think Capitalism and Socialism are new.

First thing’s first, the right needs to realize where a lot of it’s biggest problems stem from. If everyone keeps giving unconditional support to capitalism, the west is going to keep degenerating.

Do you support
>minimum wage
>social safety net
>"free" healthcare
>"free" education
>social security

Why not, if it were an ethnostate? I don’t mind good wages, healthcare and education for fellow whites.

Degeneration is from the following:
- Race-mixing encouraged by leftists
- Promiscuity encouraged by leftists
- Transgenderism and Pedophilia encouraged by leftists and much of the work originating from the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, a Jewish and Marxist organization.
- Anti-White/anti-west propaganda exclusively encouraged by leftists
- Gender equality encouraged by leftists
- Anti-Darwinist safety nets encouraged by leftists

Capitalists are guilty of three things:
- Doing nothing to stop Marxists
- Supporting globalism along with leftists
- Extreme individualism

You’re wrong man. There’s a reason all the ads you see encourage sjw shit. We all know that the people with money influence society. There’s a reason the west looks the way it does, and it’s not just “leftists” or “pathologically altruistic” white people. It’s because IT MAKES MONEY.

As I say in my post, capitalists want more foreign workers because then they can pay less in wages. They want western culture demolished and replaced with a culture totally driven by consumerism. They want us of all different races and cultures shoved into the same area, fighting with each other, because we’ll be too preoccupied to fight back.

Marxists are the cause of degeneracy. Capitalists are just letting them.

Foreign workers are paid the same, unless they are illegal. Minimum wage isn't conditional.

Unless you mean that it's a conspiracy to inflate the supply of workers, making them less in demand.

And under certain conditions, some foreign workers are subsidized by the federal government.

You're precious arguments and present one remind me of myself when I was a 16 year old Marxist. Refreshing. You know nothing Jon Snow.

This is emblematic of the mode of thought everywhere in the west where growth is “stagnating”. Watch the video my dude. The capitalists push for “multiculturalism” because they are about to flood all our countries with millions of nonwhites and are trying to teach us how to all get along before they really double down.

Neoliberal kike stooge of the highest order who was too stupid to understand what socialism actually is.

beacuse people on here paid attention in history class. socailsm doesnt mean we share the riches resources. it means the rich leave and all the middle class people get to live like the poor fucks do. If you think anyone but lawyers would complain about soros and bezos money being taken and redistributed youre a fucking retard.

The responsibility to maintain Family, Honor, and Strength can not be entrusted to the state, as it will always be subject to the whims of the most powerful and invested. Even when not explicity or directly in the hands of "the rich" even the slightest slip in vigilance leaves the society open to manipulation.

This manipulation happens slowly over decades, generations, in the same way that the modern leftis ideologies have rooted their way into our society. Elites and profiteers turning useful idiots against the public.

As such, the government can not have any power or sway over this, lest they become a weapon with which to bludgeon the free thinkers and proud people of the nation. Instead, it must be entrusted to the disseminated will of the people to defend themselves, rather than a leviathan governing body

"A people who live in fear of losing their freedom are not truly free" no one can be free so long as the potential to have it stripped from us by the very people you claim to be a danger. Economic socialism is the very vehicle by which these evil people you describe entrench their monopolies and infect our culture.

A mass wave of regulation to crush competition, relentless loyalty based marketing distracting from the idea of quality. An invasion of the education system, and centralizing it into something they can control, and then finally, passing it off as some social good. Using fame and connections to public figures to manipulate culture into a weapon to crush the innocent and learned.

Capitalism is the only answer, because capitalism is a sword which cuts at the wrist of those who wield it. True unfettered capitalism

1.) Destroys the idiots who the evildoers would manipulate into being their slaves. Only the strong and intelligent survive.
2.) Makes the very foundations upon which they build their empires unsteady. Fear and mistrust prevents any true stability.
3.) Makes a need for skill and quality in the leadership. Leading to turnover.

A political model can't fix a nation with a broken culture.

Change the culture, change the country.

>I think educating the population, paying workers enough money to live, and making sure they don't die are bad things
wew lad nice ideology

You're looking at things too superficially and through a lense created by leftist academia.

The private ownership of property, Capitalism, among a few other things, are intertwined in American culture, since the very beginning. Nationalism and exceptionalism are enemies of the Marxists. They cannot hope to obtain power without undoing these things. So they are combatting the culture as a whole, with multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is incompatible with Western values. And the West excelled because it lacked it.

While I think Capitalism and it's advocates do have its flaws, and while I certainly do not call myself a Capitalist, I am pragmatic enough to at least acknowledge that it is the lesser of two evils and helped the West excel.

You need to reject your leaf mindset.

Multiculturalism is pushed by CAPITALISTS because they are flooding our countries with cheap immigrant labour and it’s a band-aid solution ideology that will enable all us diverse worker drones to get along. Multiculturalism IS incompatible with the west. And so, now, is global capitalism.

You keep repeating yourself after I explained the worker lie.

I'm done. I don't entertain people who argue like kikes.

What worker lie?

An economic model can't be good or bad. People can be. Just because the model changes doesn't mean all the bad people go away. They will still be there tomorrow ruining your new system the same way they ruined the last.

It's incredible how you can type so many words and yet actually say so little.

By bringing in a greater supply of workers, demand for worker decreases, leading to a net decrease in wages. This makes it a buyer’s market for labour instead of a seller’s market. The introduction of women and then tons of foreign labour into the western workforce saw a corresponding decline of wages. That’s why wages are stagnant and have been for a long time, and the purchasing power of a dollar is shit all. Meanwhile, national GDPs continue to grow.

Huge corporations are making more than ever by a long shot, yet the average household in America is making less than fifty years ago WITH BOTH THE MAN AND WOMEN WORKING. This is why Germany accepted so many “refugees” and economic migrants. Their reproductive rates weren’t high enough to keep GDP growing, so instead of switching to a different, sustainable model, they kept on with the “we must grow GDP at all costs” model.

All costs indeed. The majority of children in Germany will be nonwhite in a generation. And the same thing is in the horizon for Canada and the US

God you commie shits are sneaky fuckers.
Learn what profit is and what purpose it fills before you spit ignorant nonsense for a long debunked pseudo-scientific economic system based more on feelings than logic, that failed spectacularly in serving the wants and needs of society.

You want something? You need something? The fuckin market mechanism has got you covered bro? Need a good new engine for your fighter planes? We got you bro. Need highly calorie dense ration packs for your soldiers? We got you bro. Need to transport troops around? We'll build some trucks for you bro no worries. You need to transport food and resources around the country? Our rails have got you covered bro. Need to help the poor? We'll develop incredibly effective mutual aid societies and charitable organization, you wouldn't believe how effective they are at helping the poor volk. The market has your back, commie shit just want to put a knife in it.

Give a commie a pencil, ask them to make one and watch them sperg out.

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>WITH BOTH THE MAN AND WOMEN WORKING. This is why Germany accepted so many “refugees” and economic migrants. Their reproductive rates weren’t high enough to keep GDP growing, so instead of switching to a different, sustainable model, they kept on with the “we must grow GDP at all costs” model.
This. It's ironic that the ex-Soviet countries will stay White/Asian long after the Western nations become non-White. GDP isn't everything. In fact at this point its probably better to have a shrinking GDP. It may lead to another 1929-1933.

You want a white country with traditional values? We DONT got you covered bro!!! Too profitable to import eighty million shitskins who will work for cheap! Too profitable to get your wife in the workplace and to train your daughters to become worker drones too! Don’t worry, they’ll spend more money than anyone once they have financial freedom!

>Lots of the fundamental research that leads to innovative products is government funded
this is so underrepresented
when you take into account government funding going into military/space and university research. it accounts for 99/100ths of technological advancements.
the guy-in-his-garage and corporate research theories of technological advancement is such a minute portion and it's usually focused on bullshit like hair growth and chip crunchiness.

Measuring a nation’s “success” by GDP is such a smokescreen tactic. “Oh no! Our GDP is only going to grow by 2% this year! Everyone get scared! Very scared! Are you scared enough yet? Scared enough to let us bring 500,000 Africans into your country this year, and another 500,000 next year? Good, good.”

Do you guys honestly believe this crap though? We blast the left all the time for just making shit up that feels right without thinking it through and all you have to do is look at 1818 to 1918 and compare it to what's been happening since you marxist shits have been infiltrating and gaining power, putting in place policies and so on alongside the neo-con corporatists.

GDP for example is so annoying, it's such a flawed Keynsian metric that does crazy shit like saying that paying people to dig and fill holes = more growth than not and as you point out just flooding a country with migrants to consume more and get more money churning = good.

You're just misrepresenting how this plays out long term and blaming corporatism/socialism on capitalism. I'll give you an example to so you can see; boomers vote in a welfare state (so did their parents), next minute birth rates are down and the only way to maintain a socialist welfare state is to flood the country with cheap labour or else you get an ageing population like Japan. That's not a problem in a capitalist country because the economy is flexible and fluctuates according to what the society needs. You're looking at issues deliberately put in placed and caused by these fucking marxist/statist shits and going "see see! markets did that!" , no nigger markets are just trying to fix this shit.The inputs into the system are terrible it's doing the best it can with its hands and feet tied together with red commie ropes.

What you need to do is abolish Socialism, let the economy crash to scare the welfare seeking foreigners away and then let the labour market recover so we can get back to increasing incomes and living standards just like we did from 1818-1918 and tried to do after 1918 but unfortunately even that level of momentum eventually grinds to a halt thanks to fiat central fucking banking.

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> Measuring a nation’s “success” by GDP is such a smokescreen tactic.
Couldn't agree more.

Here's a thought: Don't be the equivalent of the shill libertarians. Do whatever it takes to get that ethnostate, then we can have a two-party system debating the merits of economic policy without the need to tether basic, necessary social policy to one or the other economic model. If you do anything else, you are exactly like the libertarians who vote Dem on everything because they are actually godless sodomites who want no constraints on their conduct and act surprised when G-G-GOMMUNISTS? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???

When are there ever Libertarians that vote Dem over Republican or Libertarian or abstain?

>Capitalists are guilty of three things:
>- Doing nothing to stop Marxists
>- Supporting globalism along with leftists
>- Extreme individualism

not respecting the borders of the country they're in.. taking advantage of poorer countries to outsource work or importing people from those countries to drive pay and benefits down in general at home.

not respecting their country's founding principals... free speech, privacy, etc.

My principle argument is that it is precisely (global) capitalism that will prevent us from every getting the ethnostate. Because the capitalists have the most power to decide the direction of the country, and it will always be more profitable for them to have a surplus of cheap labour and a culturally weak population.

There’s a reason nearly EVERY MEDIA OUTLET attacks Trump when he talks about building walls and kicking out immigrants. Media outlets speak for the big money. And though lots of companies are enjoying tax cuts under trump, they fear him, because they fear he might cut off their access to cheap labour.

And again, the obvious question needs to be addressed:

We all know capitalists are just in it for the profit. Why, then, do they seem so allied with the sjws and progressives? Why do they push degeneracy and race mixing more than anyone? Why do they get the media outlets they control to keep bashing “racist” “populist” movements?

Because it makes them money, that’s why.

Constantly. All my adult life, libertarians have pretended to care about economics, but will vote Dem because dude weed lmao or some other pissant social issue that the dems raise a clamor over just in time for the election.

Primaries are the chance to replace pro-business with pro-nation candidates. We've been pretty successful at that this year. Once you're past the primaries, you need to vote for asses that will fill seats and approve agency heads and judges that won't actively act to subvert the law to make real Americans legally third-class denizens.

Did you not read that bit about globalism, cos what you just posted is globalism 101

Only if its Fascism

It's precisely because of pic related. Self-interested human nature + power = trampling over whoever you can to get it and use the centralized powers to entrench your position and exploit people against the wishes of society itself.

It's why Mises talked at length about the differences each policy had under a centralized statist anti-liberty government vs a more decentralized classical liberal free view of the world.

He, I and we all know that these are nothing but programs put in place by people with power to increase and maintain their power.

As Bastiat had said (please consider this lads)
> Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter — by peaceful or revolutionary means — into the making of laws.
This not only points at the constant screeching about womens rights and minority rights but it also highlights the problem of migration when you enter an area where others can plunder you or you can try and gain sufferage so that you can in term plunder the local native population through welfare and so on.

This is distinctly different than the movement of people across states and localities in a country because this is purely social and economical, it doesn't have the same impact as what I would consider political migration. Of course if people move states it impacts on voting results and thats another reason why democracy is dogshit but the core problem is that there exists a ring of power for Californians, Women, Brown people etc to try and gain to exert political control on others, when that power does not exist or is dispersed you have no greater effect than that of someone moving from country to city for a white collar job or city to country for a blue collar one. Or even Neighbourhoods like a natural process of social mobility and natural flexibility.

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It's pretty sneaky for Marxists to try and entice their opponents by trying to mix the ethno-groups rheotric with your own propaganda. What an unholy filthy mix that is.

I’m not a Marxist necessarily man. I’ve just finally put it together why everything I’m the most pissed about follows naturally from global capitalism. Literally a week ago I was sure everything was the fault of the Jews, but I had a lightbulb moment and now feel like I know what’s actially going on.

Would you possibly consider (since you're in such an open-minded mood) that it's not generalizations at all (jews, capitalists, marxists, aliens, demons) but in fact a small group of people with the power in the world that use whatever they want/can to get more power?

I spent a long time looking deeply into the conspiracies of cultural marxism, of jews, even of reptiles and recently the lefties "neo-liberal" conspiracy and what I found that that people are just trying to put labels on and lump into groups people that at the end of the day just have power and want more of it.

The reason I'm a Libertarian is not just pro freedom but anti-centralized power, that leads to anti-statism for sure but at the end of the day I don't want to be controlled and exploited by (((them))).

I feel like trying to label them into groups when it's largely the same few thousand people is only a coping mechanism to continue our divisive politics of us vs them of fighting each other which helps them because the more we fight each other the less we actually focus on the exact individuals doing what they're doing.

It's time to name names and do away with vagarity and get specific.