I'm about to death
Lucky me I have a terminal illness you don't have to bother with, what should I do with my remaining days?
I have nothing to gain by posting here I just want some recommendations.
I'm about to death
smoke some dmt
start a fight with a worthy adversary
go to the place in OP
start a happening
Damn, are you really dying?
take a lot of lsd
Just think.. well it was cool I at least knew what it was like to be alive. Many consciousnesses never know what it like to be alive, so you scored in a way. I would go for some nice walks in nature.. tell those people you love that you love them, and again just think..heyy it was not all that bad.. i got to know what life was like. We will all follow you soon anyway. Take care man.. you done good.
Go to south africa and liberate the Boers from the Ghouls.
You should go:
>Rocky mountain climbin
>2.7 sec on a bull named fuManchu
I would purchase a 300 horsepower seadoo and fly off Niagara falls
pray to Jesus and go out brave brother.
Home made chemical gas explosion in israel DO IT NIGGER
charter a sailboat then never come back, just ail off into the horizon and visit some tropical islands
i love that song
don't completely discount having anal sex before you go. I find it superior to vaginal sex.
This is why I love my fellow ameriniggers.
We are unabashedly unafraid of being sincere and genuine. You have always been the spirit of realness on this board. I have always loved you faggots.
all the crazy shit you wanted to but was too chicken like robbing a bank, jumping off a building... just make you're terminal and not like Ahmad Elatab
glow in the dark nigger
Go to Italy or somewhere with a lot of greenery, montana if you don't want to leave the country. Live out your days there.
if i was so glow in the dark then maybe someone would actually help me.
Holy shit lads, op just flew over my house
If you’re actually dying kill some people
didnt help McStain
I hear Iceland is nice this time of year. I’ve always wanted to see the northern lights, personally
Like yourself
smoke dmt, reveal the jews
Maybe tell us how you can be helped.
Appalachia is super comfy and the Trail is very well maintained and not too strenuous of a hike. Lots of waterfalls and rivers too. People are nice and will be friendly, not like in cities. Johnson City TN is really nice and cheap to live, but you will get shit healthcare there. I know a few really good spots there that I would visit if I knew my time was running out.
I second this, here in montana it's comfy as fuck
Tell me I mean anything
Just whisper sweet nothings into my ear
do you like music?
you have to listen to alan watts before you die
Depends on how much time you have left, and how old you are. Either way I'd recommend seeing either a wise professional or a close and trusted family member about it.
I love you all so much. It's been crazy. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Death is not the end, user. The Truth is eternal and so is your soul. Trust in God.
We'll carry on the legacy user. Gas the kikes race war now.
Thread Theme : youtu.be
Dont Go fren! We still havn't gassed heebs together or barreled roll into the San Francisco skies to drop the BIg Anti Gay bomb.
Plez dont leave yet....
I want to read about it in the news.
Don’t fuck it up user.
Last post best post
Love is for Fags
man, you got to check out this song before you die
i have so much to show you before you die...want to make a discord or something?
love is for people who face mortality.
Enjoy time with your loved ones. Walk in the light. Howl at the moon. Know that death is the beginning of something not the end. I wish you well user.
love you too fren
thanks user. I liked it.
We love you user and we will miss your presece here. Go out with a bang, and rest with our ancestors.
That’s a very pleasant song user. Thanks for sharing
Dude the feels are hitting.
My honest answer for you. Get right with the lord. Live out eternity in heaven after you go. Be well user.
Say this prayer and keep it in your heart without ceasing:
"Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner."
Find your nearest Orthodox Church, get Baptized. What do you have to lose?
If it makes you feel any better, you won't vanish into nothingness when you die. There is an after life. You don't have to believe me, just have yourself a nice laugh when you see your self standing over your physical body once it happens.
God speed.
A second and third opinion. Seriously.
Wherever you go, put in a good word for your old pal user, that son of a bitch is gonna need someone to defend him.
And flip McCain off too, if you end up in hell.
God speed you user, with whatever you decide to do. Keep an eye on us from up above and we'll all meet up again on the other side.
yeah check out the artist
Top notch song fren
OP has passed on.
Beat the high score.
What is the prognoses? What is klling you?
If you'd rather not make a grand exit, I've always wanted to go to Newfoundland.
Yes, even though we never knew each other in person, we'll all meet in user heaven.
how long do you have? are you hospitalized?
>take out all your money
>go to nearest casino to play roulette and put it all on black/red
>if lose, you're dead anyway
>if win, donate to charity of your choice, or possible /ourguys/-movement
What if its the wrong move?
Hmm? EVer think of that?
Why would the almighty condemn all his children to death and torment if they didnt believe that a man who claimed to be god was god?
Why not just worship God?
What if I'm correct? Pascals Wager. Again, OP has nothing to lose and an eternity to gain.
It would have been /pol of you to post this one:
Moreover, your idea is a modern misunderstanding and warping. That arguement didn't exist prior to the 19th century.
After we die, we will be with the Lord, as He is everywhere present, yet the "suffering" you mention isnt from Him as He us love, but rather our rejection of Him. Think of it, aren't you miserable around someone you hate?
thanks br0
this is the only answer
Perhaps do something meaningful for our fucking leaf neighbors and shoot Turdough in the dick.
Loads of blow, high end escorts, and then beat the high score.
Kill some reporters please