
How many of you on Jow Forums are Christian? Why or why not?

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About 60% of them I would say

I dont believe in the hebrew god or prophets.

Christian myself. Non-denominational but basically 80% fundamental Baptist and 20% Catholic.

Hard to tell how Christian pol is. Organic users of pol about 75%, shills about 0, except they are Luciferin.

About half of Jow Forumsacks are Christian.

I am a Christian because of the testimony of the Apostles.

I am a Christian. The why will be different for everyone, but for me it was the gradual revelation of the validity of the Word culminating in experiencing a timeless hell. After I stopped counting the years I asked Jesus for help, and I was back and only a few seconds went by.

Didn't have a stroke, or anything else the doctors could find. Even if it was something wrong with my brain, the fact that I could experience something like that AND be able to break it via faith? Well it compelled me.

Jews always pretend that most of the them were not the bulk of early converts. They also pretend that they haven't been PROsecuted through out history and will continue to be so.

They get power, have their corruption revealed, and scamper off. Soon there will be no place left to hide and no one to lie to.

I'm a Christian - Southern Baptist by upbringing. I wouldn't say I'm a good Christian by any means, but I am a devout one both in spite of and because of that.

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The catholic church has shifted its focus recently from diddling kids to funding shill bots, so that's mostly what you're going to see in this thread.

If you're anything besides agnostic you're larping.

Catholic church was taking over by godless communist who want to corrupt it from the inside.

>wants to corrupt
>catholic church
>wants to
>catholic church

you're a few centuries late m8

Lucifer infiltrates, gets purged, infiltrates again. It is like reading Kings or Chronicles.

Lucifer will always run the church. He is the master of the material plane, its only a matter of seeing through his lies.

I'm a Christian, though I was an atheist as a teenager. I was always interested in truth, and as I read actual textbooks, I started to realize that pop-science had a ton of false things in it, and that the universe was not only consistent with God, but seemed to point to his existence.

That's how I was brought up, and the more I thought about it or tried to poke holes in it, the more I figured it must be something pretty close to the truth.

Anglican here because i'm too lazy to remember all the saints names and i'm sick of learning latin

What. Can you go into more detail?

My forebearers weren't christian, I'm not a christian.

Christmas and Easter

I am not Christian, because any religion that tells White men to bow down on bended knee and worship a Jewish Rabbi as their god is poison to the White race.

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Daily reminder that Jesus was the first anti-semite

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based and saved

i worship freya lol

but my wife is Christian does that count

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Not even isaiah?! He told the jews God was not just theirs and they stoned him to death. Second isaiah was based too

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Not me, because it's not real and I don't like letting jews tell me what to do or think.

Daily reminder that a anti-semitic Kike is just controlled opposition. In this case, controlled opposition that preaches radical egalitarianism and the belief that all humans are created equal.

Jew Worship = CANCER in a White society

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christians are fucked in the head

talking about and thinking about sex becomes taboo. Constant fear of hell and god judging you

It counts for you being a huge and eternally cucked faggot.

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not this user. i think the bible has some competent teachings scattered throughout but i'm not going to be involved with anything that requires my unquestioning devotion and implores i convert others to a system of belief that's oft-literal (or commonly interpreted that way) to a degree that's vision-obscuring at best.

Globalist and Marxist. Just looking at Catholicism, most of the Priests are gay or child fuckers.

red pilled Jow Forumsacks who happen to be christian, how do you cope with the fact that the churchs forces and pushes the idea of loving your enemies and turning the other cheek?

I come from a protestant family and my relatives are strong believer of this ideas, thanks God I'm not like them, but I'm merely a believer

>believe in something that is obvious fantasy

haha no

what drew you to a norse deity particularly? i feel like i've seen an upswing in the popularity of worshiping figures of norse myth. recently.

>dipshit "Christian" cannut even spull

I'm a Christian and all I know that I am a sinner, recognize my sins and know that sin does exist. That's what makes me a Christian, knowing that sin is what making my life and your life a living fucking mess… But there is hope..

I Jesus name I pray..


>u are Christian because u dumb


If we should deify anyone even in a non religious sense it should be the first kike to denounce usery and be executed for it.

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yabut my goddess has super sweet wings tho so your argument is invalid

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my parents were neo pagans and my late father worshipped thor (this was the early 90s before the norse weeaboo upswing of the last 10 years or so)

because of that, after he passed, i found a lot of comfort in the norse gods. my dad was my hero, he was strong and brave and didn't fear death, he met it head on.

so long story short i ended up following his path.

how i ended up with a goddess of love instead of say, thor or odin or the more popular stereotype gods is a different story but yeah

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Biblical Christian. Once saved always saved, dispensational, I believe in the total depravity of man which makes him an affront to the Holiness of God; the only reconciliation for which was the deflection of the wrath required against us (sinners) onto the Son of God, who being God himself, was able to bear that wrath and rise from the dead, bridging the gap between God and man if one but simply believe in His sacrifice.

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>how do you cope with the fact that the churchs forces and pushes the idea of loving your enemies and turning the other cheek?
Loving your enemies means desiring ultimate good for them (i.e. that they repent of their wickedness and turn to God's side), and not doing what your enemies want you to do or getting gushy about them - they are still your enemies. This advice from Jesus has done a lot of good in my life, e.g. turning former enemies into friends in cases where we were not all that different from each other. It has also helped me to see cases where it was me who was at fault and get over my arrogance and apologize. It is also what allowed Christianity to gradually convert the Roman empire (which was trying to stomp it out), instead of fighting against it and losing like the Jews did.

Exactly. It is foolish to hate the muslims when it is better for all of us if they could just go home. Hating the people who dislocated them is much more intelligent.

why are you guys so salty at christians and the christian generals here? he is right about the corruption. read the alta vendita

anyways im a christian too, though that is all ill say as this feels like a data gathering thread

let them gather their data. Our posts are for the anonymous reader.

Right? I hate when people casually mention something like this and then disappear instead of elaborating in essay format and then hosting a lengthy Q&A.

very cool that you have that lineage and share a spiritual connection with your father user. i've been researching various non-traditional forms of spirituality for the past few months and am very interested by the variety of people's paths.

Christianity is the way

Roman religion is not christian it is the antichrist

Jesus didn't say that in John 8:44
When he's talking about them being children of satan, he means every human. Not just the jews, because all humans are part of the darkness, which is why they needed to be saved through him.

wow thank you :)

im not used to getting such a kind response about it.

what about the other quotes, when he refers to the sins of the people who pretend to be jews but are the synagogue of satan?

Becoming Christian stopped the voices in my head and the shadows in my eyes. I shit you not!

Christianity is the only thing that stops me for offing myself. Atheists have problems with god not because they are sUpEr sMaRt but because they had daddy problems and cant accept god as their father. I was kinda like that too . Anyway the apostles let people kill them for what they sow and thats a historifal fact. If you truly study more religions you will come to the conclusion that only christianity makes sense. Pagans are the fucking worst, its like turning society back to gentilism and worshiping meme gods. B b but my ! Yeah well your ancesters like mine converted for a reason. And you if you say "ughhh they converted them by force :((" if you re a fucking pagan chances are you re proud of the raping and killing of monks and nuns and you re also proud of pillaging. You should be thankful the christians didnt completly eradicate you

Elaborate. You use truth in a faith necessary claim...why?

You shouls watch the testimony of david wood. He has an anti muslim channel. He smashed his fathers head with a hammer and he thought he could control time and weather, he thought animals and ants ruled the world. He turned to christ and everythint stopped. Then he found a muslim, son of missionaries, and became friends and they would always argue about god, eventually the muslim "nabeel qurashi" had a dream after praying for a vision about a great feast. He woke up and called david,david told him it was a passage from the bible and he checked it and the passage was describing the dream. He became a christian and converted quite a lot of muslims to christianity. He has a book "seeking allah finding jesus"

there is something you might realize at some point in time- that your life is not entirely meaningless or arbitrary. I am not who you are responding to, but I believe this is the foundation of a lot of mid life conversions.

Not me.There are too many CONTRADICTIONS,and no,god works in mysterious ways is not an answer

I'm still registered in the church but I do not consider myself christian.
I grew up in a protestant congregation, many pentecostal people in that crowd.
It was the church first and foremost that taught me to hate multiculturalism, as the church and the people in the church praised Africa.
We very early on had to sing songs from Africa, were encouraged to go to youth camps in Africa and had to enact plays about the horrors of history (like slavery, hiroshima bombings, holocaust) during my confirmation.

They endlessly collected money to give to Africans and South-Americans, and I've seen quite a few girls end up with mixed children to the delight of the older generation, who you'd think would have the biggest issue with it - but they were the most happy with it.
I've seen nothing but what I would call the biggest amount of degeneracy in the church and christianity, and nothing therein ever gave me serenity or hope.

/pol / is a pagan board

Why would I follow a foreign religion like (((Christianity)))? I'm white.. My people have religions and cultures that long predate desert Abrahamic religions..

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>control opposition till death
gotta admire the commitment 2bh

>Christianity is the only thing that stops me for offing myself.
Sad life. I feel bad for you.
>Atheists have problems with god not because they are sUpEr sMaRt but because they had daddy problems and cant accept god as their father
No, and this sounds like you are projecting. What's your best proof for a God?

Because burning in hell for eternity sounds like a bad idea.

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I never made the claim it was arbitrary or meaningless. Just because atheism doesn't control me like theism does for believers doesn't mean I can't believe in other things.

christianity was a fuckn fairy tale concocted to bring marxism to rome

how dumb do you have to be not to see this

I’m Christian just because it brings out the real autism in faggots when it comes up in conversation

Was never raised to be one and feel nothing for the religion.

So does actively importing niggers and jews into your country.

What a fucking logic, stop using arabic numerals and go back roman, stop using the latin alphabet wich is a combination of etruscan and greek and greek is also intluenced by the jewish alphabet. The world alphabet comes from the letters alpha beta wich come from the jewish letters aleph and bet. Now go right in fucking runes you degenerate

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I don't follow your line of thinking here.

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I used to be until I realized it was a like scheme to alienate white people from our heritage.


oh wow; me neither
I know where it was coming from, but not why it was connected

>doesn't understand how language works
Commonality of language and the history of a word aren't always the same thing.

Please share this story with us, dude.

Lol well feel free to bridge the gap. Personally, theists tend to give me one post responses so you have the spotlight.

The Jewish temples and (((community centers))) and the catholic charities are some of the main funders of bringing in niggers and mudslimes.

Because Jesus is the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but through him
>the bible is 100% true just often misinterpreted
>Earth is Flat
>Jews are Satans literal children (Giant dna reason for the flood and commanded genocide of philistian giants)
>Provides the only perfect moral code ever created on earth all others are copies or imitation of it
>Spiritually it gives you peace and safety from death and suffering by giving you salvation from your sins
>new heaven new earth with no jews or satan

Why do you love this evil world and its sin more than Jesus?

what does this mean. did i miss something. stroke and doctors?

Christianity is weaponized alienation from life and existence, pure nihilistic trash. Capitalism is the nihilism of protestant Christianity that has been abstracted to a system of social relationships, no longer needing mere belief to function - participation is compulsory.

>The world alphabet comes from the letters alpha beta wich come from the jewish letters aleph and bet.

No, dipshit, the Jews forged their entire history to make it appear that they were this ancient, wise culture. The Greeks were reading and writing for thousands of years before Hebrew was even invented.


Yeah, I enjoy hearing theists talk about (((them))) like they aren't their gods chosen ones, and blindly tying them in with non-believers instead of being honest. But I don't blame them, blindly believing in something will start this cycle.

567849 trump worshiping sodomites just died at facebook. 13713 non-sodomites survived.

pass it on

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This is similar to the story about how my people became christians, where the king had gone insane and thought he was a pig or whatever after imprisoning a christian who was converting everyone away from paganism. Then the king's daughter had a dream to save the converter and bring him to the king to save the king from his insanity.

But uhhh anyway, it's nice to hear stuff like that still goes on today.

I am as anti semite as the next guy on pol. In fact I got that information from an anti semite book. But flat out lying to push your anti jew agenda is fucking sad.

There is only one way forward
Only true descendants of Holy Roman Empire united under Tsar Putin can purge degeneracy

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No. Not only is the christian god just as fake as the thousands of other gods that christians know are fake, but even the prophet, JC, was fictitious. Didn't exist. Hell, even Islam had a actual (but of course fraudulent) prophet whose existence is verifiable. Poor old christ tards. they literally got nothing.

But they aren't the chosen ones. What are you even talking about?

I will never worship a Semite. No White man should bend the knee to some desert god, no matter how 'le based " he is for throwing out some kikes form his JEWISH temple.

The Jews are the chosen ones

Taking any religion literally is really stupid. It’s all just energy. Christianity does a poor job at describing spiritual energy in my opinion except for some forms of Gnosticism. I could get behind Charles Manson’s form of Gnosticism but I also like Taoism, Tengrism, Indo-European Paganism, and Shamanism.

According to the ones who call themselves Jews, I guess.

Why are so many priests pedophiles?
Why are so many self-proclaimed loving and tolerant children of god actually racist and sexist homophobes?
Why do they reject facts backed by science when they contradict a book of fairy tales?
Why do they make up reasons to be scared of death?
They're willfully ignorant and self loathing hypocrites driven by fear.

Jewish infiltration. All Jews are pedophiles and they worship money.

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

All true. Standby for godtard asses going full Krakatoa.

this senpai, orthodox-fascism is the only way to save this degenerate earth

And the bible, but that's exactly my point, the thing they worship thinks another group of people they hate are the chosen people. Its chucked in every possible way.