ITT: We propose the borders of the future Ethnostate.
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Yes those are the borders
You already posted it op
And it's not that shitty little red line
Those borders look good.
Great idea!
...That is if you'd like to stake it on being killed by a super volcano that nobody knows when it'll go off
I prefer these borders.
It has to be the pacific northwest. the liberals in portland will have to be defeated and expelled, but it beats new england
Deport the Mexicans to South America, MANIFEST DESTINY MUST BE FULFILLED
if you want manifest destiny then deport all of south america to africa or something
Don't forget deporting all those pacific islanders to Asia as well if you want true manifest destiny
yay i made it senpai
Mars will be the White ethnostate after Elon creates the Mars Reich
Yellowstone would have a 60 mile radius at most, if it ever even happened that is
Yes, MONTANA! But we do have a lot of native niggers, as long as we build walls around their reservations I'm good.
looks good to me
these borders would be 1000x million times more easier to defend.
texas gets its own country and maybe more
Mars will become the Homo Deus ethnostate after whites who are sent there evolve into martians over the course of thousands of years.
>Communist Quarantine (to be destroyed)
I like this timeline
I'm for an open borders planet that means all other races are extinct
Imagine the smell of this user's room.
Enough with this ethnostate where you put one race inside of an area. As long as there is a remote chance of border crossing, your ethnostate becomes full of shit again. Either put them on an island and nuke it or kill them all off.
I got an idea.
white international club
Help Jow Forumsacks join political parties
Help Jow Forumsacks gain multiple citizenship
Help Jow Forumsacks vote in all elections they have right to
We can be minorities in our own countries or we can be a majority in every country!!!
Need money for lawyers/migration agents etc
They created an internationalist sword, lets use it
Become the jew
Just sweat and mildew, not that bad
The real ethnostate is in south america with it's abundant greenery.
I think we should air drop all our niggers and other non whites into israel
These are the borders of the ethnostate.
Based, but we have a lot of work to do.
Heck we could take northern Utah too
Is there a large military presence/base there?
You guys already lost, better luck next time
Why landlocked ya sperg?
We have everything we need until all the libtards starve to death because theyre retarded, then we take Washington and Oregon
That would have ruled. Polk was right
I guess we need all of the Dakotas, at least
You could just have one or two super highways that transport vehicles and supplies.
No, we're not giving them California. That's the best real estate on the continent. We'll drive them into the sea if we have to
Alabama,Mississippi, La, maybe Tennessee and Georgia. White people in other states are hopelessly cucked.
The only reasonable scenario for something that large would be when the US finally declares bankruptcy. That will shut down so many financial, governmental, and corporate institutions that it'll give you faggots a chance to separate and reform lines.
We get Jefferson, the rest is lost, at least for now. Notice how it is still a commie quarantine.
>Doesn't understand the massive amount of toxic ash that will cover that north west area and kill anything that breathes it. Sure lets say it's a 60 mile radius but the blast isn't the issue the Ash that comes from one of these is.
Right you mean in like 2-5 years?
why is ot not all of the US and Canada along with Greenland?
>US finally declares bankruptcy
t. NVA
Because most white people are fucking brainwashed faggots
I believe we have nukes, so there are a few posts here, but it's not like we're packing in military like the south east. I am at KY going to UK right now, and jesus there are like 3 main army bases and a few NG posts in this state alone (counting the national guard units)
With that
I don't know why I added that addendum at the end of the sentence...
Kill yourself you gloablist shitskin.
>We get Jefferson, the rest is lost, at least for now. Notice how it is still a commie quarantine.
If Jefferson actually split off from California I'd leave the San Franpsycho area and move up to Humboldt.
I've been wanting to do it for a long time, but the job market is just too terrible up there. If it was its own State that would definitely change, though.
So we have found the Jewish nigger, or just Jigger for short.
Why the Yutacan peninsula? And why Cuba?
Why don't you just wipe us out now and get it over with? Nigger.
Im the OP you fucking simp
pushing them all the way across the panama canal would certainly make maintaining a border wall easier...
For the ports and naval access to Panama.
and still you have all the points of a Jigger. Instead of insulting most whites, how bout you point them in the right direction. that is how you relieve yourself of Jigger tendencies.
So we send all the niggers, yellow niggers, sand niggers and any other niggers and faggots to that area and the rest is out ethnostate right?
You're not one of those retards that would carve out a chunk of landlocked space in the middle of a continent for the ethnostate are you?
yes good let me into whitelandia
Theyre virtue signaling, nigger loving, jew slave, goyim faggots.
>how bout you point them in the right direction
>literally started an ethnostate thread
Oh the irony, stop defending self loathing, braindead zombies that are ushering in you, mine, and all of our deaths unconsciously
>texas claiming the colorado rockies
The Ethnostate is the only solution
And you didn't read my first post stating than any ethnostate with land borders is a failure before it's even thought of. And I don't defend them, we'll need some of them to keep the state going because if it were just those who wanted the ethnostate, we'd last two generations from lack of people.
Not if everyone in the state agrees that the ethnostate is the solution and we maintain a strong white conservative culture/education.
What if they send a nigger to Mars? Would you make sure he has an "accident"?
Because Cuba was apart of the United States, they purchased it for $20m (along with Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines) and they became (((independent)))
>Annex all the Americas
>Abolish all welfare
>Reintroduce extremely modest welfare in the United States State of Cuba
>Free relocation to Cuba
>Add high levels of birth control into Cuban water
>Cubas population swells to 600m (most of the shitskins)
>Cuba has terribly low birthrate of 2-5 births per 100k (12-30k)
>Swolen population rapidly fades away
>More room for others, more shitskins move there
>Americas slowly self-cleanses
is omaha in it? its literally at the tip of it
Anyone who isnt advocating for preservation of the white race and maintaining a white majority in America is by default a Communist automatically, because America only exists in the state it has until now because it was invented by, established, and maintained by whites. And if that isnt obvious enough, now that its suddenly becoming less than majority white were on the brink of descending into communism and total collapse, what a cohencidence.
This is why anyone thats left with an ounce of intelligence would have to conclude that a Physical White Ethnostate is the only form in which a free nation could exist throughout the ages, which is why we need to establish one now before we get taken over by commies and its too late.
I unironically like this idea.
Midwest, Cascadia, and Rocky Mountain would effectively be part of a white union
>United States of America
Continuation of the former United States of America. Includes New England, the Tri-State Area, and States around Washington, DC. The only country with widespread recognition.
Loose alliance with Aztlan and the European Union. Capital: Washington, DC
>Confederate States of America
Approximate confederation of states that made up the former Confederacy without Texas and Florida. Retains many values from the old CSA with the exception of slavery. Oklahoma included as the CSA lacked the oil reserves of neighboring countries. Some states enforce strict segregation, some states allow normal participation of blacks. Allows the African Autonomous Region to exist at Behest of USA and foreign pressures. Close relationship with the Republic of Texas. Capital: Richmond
>Free State of Florida
Florida went off on its own. Loose recognition from the CSA and Republic of Texas. Largely independent and unpredictable, with refugees from numerous states moving in. Capital: Tallahassee
>United Midwestern Confederation
Made up of states in the Rust Belt and Great Plains. Includes the Great Lakes and Appalachia. Functional ethnostate, with blacks and other minorities in Midwestern cities being largely expelled to AAR, CSA, or USA. Broad European culture with strong resurgence of German, Slavic, and Scandinavian languages. Part of a loose federation with the Rocky Mountain Republic and Republic of Cascadia
Capital: Chicago
>Republic of Texas
Independent Texas with more territory from the original Republic of Texas. Holds land between the Rio Grande and Arkansas Rivers, including the Oklahoma Panhandle. Large Mexican population, fiercely pro-Texas due to expulsion of separatists and refugees from Aztlan. Strong alliance with CSA. Capital: Austin
>Rocky Mountain Republic
Includes most of Colorado, Montana, Nevada, with all of Wyoming and Utah, and Native regions of the Southwest. Counties with strong presence declared allegiance to RMR on a promise to uphold tribal agreements and protect from Aztlan raids, in addition to general understanding of Indian autonomy in Rocky Mountain states. Clark County occupied for strategic control of the Colorado River. Includes Mormon parts of Idaho and white-majority areas of Eastern California. Capital: Denver
>Republic of Cascadia
Ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest making up all of Washington and Oregon, Northern California, Northwest Nevada, and all but the Southeastern Part of Idaho. Most militantly pro-white state, carried out ethnic cleansing in Northern California. Capital: Boise
>Federation of Aztlan
Southwestern nation made up of Mexican-majority areas of California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Failed to take land from Texas and was pushed back by both Cascadia and RMR. Far-left remnants of San Fransisco and Los Angeles control the nation and keep a close association to the recognized USA, Mexico, and Canada. Capital: Los Angeles.
>African Autonomous Region
After widespread racial violence in the South and an influx of refugees from midwestern cities, an agreement was struck to allow nominal autonomy of black-majority areas of the Black Belt. In exchange for formal recognition by USA and allies the CSA has disengaged from these counties. Poorest areas on North America, kept afloat by US and European aid. Capital: Jackson
>what is Australia and New Zealand.
Jefferson wanted Anglo-Americans to populate all of the Americas
Current borders will not change. You think we've gone through all this to just hand territory over to shitskins and communists? Think again. Mass removal is imminent.
Cumberland Valley and Eastern Kentucky and Southwestern Virginia and Southern West Virginia. It's the only viable option.
Those areas would have been much better off
New england not the super volcano. We have to cleanse one real sjw stronghold boston. Everything else will be easy.
The only thing that pisses me off about these threads, is that 90% of the time the OP decides the most suitable thing would be a landlocked ethnostate.
It's exactly the method to use.
An ethnostate would only be relinquishing territory and WILL NEVER WORK, it's running away to only be swarmed again later.
The only way Europeans survive is to take control of EVERYTHING and to force the non-white birthrate dangerously low. The world could be 99% white in 100 years without ever killing anyone
And the best part is, no coercion will be necessary. All we have to do is tell them "move 2 cuba and you can fuck all dem bitches an neva pay no child support" and they'll learn to swim just to get there.
Or we could transport them to "transit camps" around the border for "resettlement" out of North America
The world will be our ethnostate.
Heres the 2.0 version, the only problem will be the commies pouring out of Commiefornia into Oregon, which is why I didnt include OR in the first map, but this is totally plausible as the vast majority of these areas are already mostly white and conservative.
The American Ethnostate
>Colorado having a choice in the matter.
DESU I am ok with this cause atleast it won't be like last time when you wanted to replace all of us with blacks.
Imagine how fucked America would be.
>Austin is the capital of the republic of Texas
The first thing we do is build a wall around it, the second thing we do is ignore it.
This is the correct border. Niggers, spics, and assorted degenerates all get banished to Mexico.