No, really, what did he mean by this?
No, really, what did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Natural selection.
He means:
>Whites are cucks
>White men lost control of every institution and industry of power
>White men can cry about their rules and procedures and "muh empathy" all fucking day long, because it doesn't matter: only the victorious matter. Only strength matters.
These are lessons white men should have learned a long time ago, but to do that they would have to stop acting like whiny children and LARPing 24x7
Sounds like social Darwinism.
He means that the Jews have higher IQs than whites therefore they should rule whites, I kinda agree.
I do too. If whites were smarter and stronger than Jews than white men would have real power and influence--which they don't. In fact, white men have flooded into shitty blue collar and manual labor jobs with spics where they beat their chests and pretend they matter, when in reality, they spend their days fixing Mr. Shekelberg's toilet and air conditioner for modest pay.
Jews are winning
Jew-White relation is like White-Black relation
Same victim culture
Hes clearly flexing here.
He must be winning/in a position of power at the moment and thinks hes gonna win
I agree with this too. I'm tired of listening to white men blame everyone else for their fuckups, like importing cheap brown labor into their own countries and then losing control, and blaming the Jews for their short-sighted greed.
...Honestly I'm getting Jew-pilled about everything. I'm ready to become the best goyim ever and helps the Jews achieve whatever goals they have.
I'm really over the LARPing.