If this guy doesnt will well see a complete meltdown of latin america

If this guy doesnt will well see a complete meltdown of latin america
Pray he wins

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Jair Bolsonaro, he's a racist and homophobic congressman from Brazil who used to be a captain in the old military regime. He's leading the race for the presidency there, used to say things like "I'd abolish congress if elected president". Probably pro-Israel like the rest of them though.

>probably pro israel
Yes, very much so. He's the best candidate we got, but unfortunately BR threads are flooded with /ptg/ tier retards who sperg when faced with any criticism of him.
He's useful because of gun ownership, but to delude oneself into thinking he's a hero is fucking retarded. But hey, this is Brazil, I'm more than used to dealing with retards. It just gets old at some point, it isn't funny anymore.

Attached: bolsonaro bannon.jpg (768x512, 79K)

The dude in the last photo is his son, the same one with the Mossad tee here.

Attached: bolsonaro mossad.png (1387x670, 1022K)

you need to be pro-Israel, as a public position at least, for plausible deniability of nazism (for now).


His economist chief is another Chicago boy, and has stated privatizations are his main goal.
Nevermind that Boeing just bought 80% of Embraer, our national aviation company heavily involved with the country's defenses. Next thing you know our energy sources will be sold to multinationals, but hey don't call him anything but a staunch nationalist, otherwise you're a commie!

Attached: bolsonaro.jpg (645x546, 163K)

De que estado voce vem me'rmao?

Everyone in washington wears a m0ssad tee under their suit


Be advised and prepared to be invaded, i'm moving to us soil if doesn't get elected.

boeing is a good company you just need to give them shit like trump when they were overcharging for air force one

Eu sei que e ironico que eu digo isso com outra bandeira; mas eu te aviso que immigracao e a maior merda possiviel - Nao faz bicho.

I know, I'm not denying that, and I said it myself that he's useful to achieve gun ownership, what I'm criticizing is the blind worshipping that is often seen here. I thought that was clear when I referenced /ptg/. Unfortunately some people are still naive enough to think they can influence global politics by shitposting, they fool themselves into thinking these politicians don't represent groups themselves. For the same reason criticism of Israel is forbidden, no one is allowed to run for president "on their own", as in without being the face of some group. Yet there are idiots who refuse to face this reality.
And also unfortunately I have to reinforce his usefulness in every single paragraph so the discussion doesn't derail into muh commie. Cause y'know, why discuss politics in a politics board, right? Let's just talk shit.
I'm really tired of dealing with monkeys.

Attached: bolsonaro with degenerate.jpg (1200x899, 115K)

É bom sim, até meus primos já foram. Eu já dei bobeira demais.

Haha, Boeing abuses its workers to no end dude. I'm from Seattle and I've heard countless stories from people who worked there, it's a real shitty place.

It's going to be the same scenario as France with Le Pen.
He will win by a short margin in the first part, but he will probably be trashed in the ballotage against whoever is in front of him.

Te tigo isso, como alguem que morou em outro pais como immigrante por 5 anos ja. Ninguem te aceita realmente, voce sempre vai sei um estranho de fora com sutaque estranho. Voce ta longe do povo, e um sentimento horriviel. Os Americanos e Ingleses sao frio pra caralho, porra. A cultura e differente demas, e repito - Ninguem que a gente no pais deles cara. Aprendi isso em cinqo anos fora, e ja to indo volta daqui a pouco. Don't fall for this shit, immigration to other countries is a hollow depressing trap.

France was a pretty unique case, in that Le Pen had a pretty good chance of winning against Fillon before the scandal hit him. Brazilians are much more concerned about corruption than the French, and Bolsonaro is preferable to all the others in that regard.


Fuck you burger I don't give a shit about muh good company, you don't sell companies responsible for your countries' defense to foreigners. You might not think twice about it because your friends are sent to die for Israel all the time, but this shithole already gives us enough reasons to be stressed out, I'll be a dead man before I shut up before something this ridiculous. This is a fucking joke. Sell your army's suppliers to chinks then, let's see how you like it

Except the candidates are far more polirized and Brazil is in a far worst situation

Visinho! Sou de SC bicho! Um dos meus pais tambem sao gaucho.

That's because you're not an anglo, you shouldn't be in England. Stop being such a fucking leech.
>muh they're cold
you belong in this shithole monkey, I'd take "coldness" over the brazilian temperament any time of the day. You're no one there because you don't belong there. I have relatives in Germany and they never had any trouble adapting, guess what: BECAUSE THEY'RE ETHNICALLY GERMAN. If you're not English you should get the fuck out of England, you're in no place to give others advice if you were stupid enough to take such a childish decision.
Guess what? I'm not gonna move to Poland and expect to be seen as one of them, because I am not. One would expect you would have learned a thing or two about it from browsing this board, but it seems that the vast majority of brazilians are indeed trash, wherever they are. Even the ones that manage to go abroad aren't much better than the ones who stayed.

>muh gente fria
>england for immigration

>complains about how they're cold like a typical carioca
There is indeed no hope for this place

Another great example of why the mods of Jow Forums all need to be let go. Lazy, dumb pieces of shit, the lot of them.

>Respondendo Portugues com Ingles grosso

Bicho, eu nao sabia isso 5 anos atraz, se sabia, nao estaria aqui. Eu ja SEI que isso aqui nao e meu lugar, e estou voltando. So vim aqui pra fazer minha faculdade de Engenharia, que so falta mas um ano. Ja estou voltando. Teus primos e voce podem ser 'Ethnically German' mas ainda sao Brasileiro. Se voce realmente prefere a 'frieza' da cultura deles, que funciona pra eles, voce deve ser um daqueles que se odeia porque nao e Anglo/Euro. Se nao parece muito orgulhoso nao. Nao tem povo melhor pra nos doque Brasileiros.

Nao fiz escolha muito bem mesmo kkkkk. Mas a America e a mesma porra; se voce immigra voce vai sofre de 'culture clash'.

Bolsonaro is pretty much a walking textbook definition of conservative.
And that's a good thing when you remember that every other pick is socialist.

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Are most Brazilians white or brown?

your mom wins in the cum gobbling contest

Donald Trump shit hisself recently. This is a warning to the American people.

>you might be ethnically german but you're still brazilian
>you don't sound proud to be brazilian, keep in mind there's nothing better than brazilians!
kek, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Some of us don't feel at home in niggerdom, but to each its own

brown, but a different shade than most spics you see there. Either way, it's depressing. I wonder how many years it will take for the remaining whites to be completely annihilated, percentages have dropped so much already.


1. O sul do Brasil e tipo 85% Branco acho que eles dizem. Alias isso nem faz differenca, as racas no Brasil sao, contrario a America, 100% a mesma cultura se na mesma regiao.
2. Dos, se voce nao gosta dos meztisos/negginhos isso diz mas sobre voce doque eles bicho, eles sao Brasileiros que nem fazem nada de mal. Claro os mestizos Bolivianos e os negginhos da Angola/Ghana sao literalmente um cancer, e ate concordo ai.

Holy cow just look at those titters

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this guy is fucking based

True far rightists always support Israel over Muzzies. No I'm not shilling Orban, Trump, Putin, Salvini, Bolsonaro none of them go for the anti zionism meme.

National socialism is a variant of socialism just one that Marxists and progressive socialists consider heretical because its a lot less biolenist in nature.

The guy flew to israel to baptize as a born again christian, defends to change the embassy to jerusalem and campaign with a foreign policy based only on pro-us and israel rhetoric, is a literally an us republican neocon and monkeys think of him as a savior, its so pathetic.

If he will give us guns and do literally nothing else he is the best president of the history of this country
I would do anything to get him elected

brazilian skin looks like THAT? whoa...

Attached: just huwhite.jpg (500x355, 31K)

I am 100% on board of a free market and usage of guns and ammunition but Its not like we will be creating an program to give free guns and shit, the best he can do is relax the law but only to a certain degree its still up to the congress to do it, and from what am seeing the congress will be pretty much the same old left-center and center oriented crap. On the crime front am expecting a reduction but not a full blown duterte or anything more dramatically.

Sport fisherman is such a cuck hobby.
>mah beer
>mah sun pollution
>oh and we baited some hooks and left them in the water to make it look like we were doing something besides getting lit at 1 o’clock in the afternoon