Would you support testing children for IQ at 5 and killing off the ones with a sub-90 score?
Would you support testing children for IQ at 5 and killing off the ones with a sub-90 score?
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Of course we want the niggers exterminated
Are you just looking for a way to get rid of gypsies?
Has there ever been a serious attempt to get rid of them?
You dont know how iq works do you?
Romanians used to keep them as slaves, which was the only time they were ever useful to society. But unless you believe in the Holocaust then no.
There was an attempt last century.
The second attempt came in 2007 when we joined the EU. :^)
Yes, it works so that there will always be sub-90 IQ people to kill off.
But everyone under 90 IQ should be sterilized, world wide.
And the bottom 1% reaching puberty, annually, from that point forward.
People are already seperated into caste depending on IQ. If you are an idiot in elementary school in canada you are put into the -3 or -4 streams as of this time, and no matter how well you do in these streams you will not go to uni. Maybe 40% of students are seperated into these streams. It is not unreasonable and has not caused any kind of protest, but as it catagorizes children, I would say its unfair. It is an extremely subtle yet intrinsic element of the new Canada. Are we redpilled Jow Forums?
what happened in 77?
That's Racist!