Why do you think it is that the "poor and stupid" are the ones always complaining about Jews?

Why do you think it is that the "poor and stupid" are the ones always complaining about Jews?

It's always some man-child with no job, some trailer park trash, some muslim in a third world shithole, some alcoholic slav in a rotting hovel. Literally nobody else. Why is this? Is anti-semitism and a lack of success/low intelligence correlated?

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Are you a bot?
will a kekistan flag come here?

Are you on this site 24/7??

between work and home I pull about 14 hours.


You have no life. No wonder youre so bitter.

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why do you bump this guy's threads? le ebin discord invade?

>somehow knows who hates jews on an anonymous board
>all of his enemies are conveniently far beneath him
There is a reason you have been kicked out of every country, shlomo.

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They're working together.
A memenazi makes a one post by this id thread, then some more meme flaggots come and post pictures out of their cringe folder.

>You have no life.
sure don't.
What do you hope to accomplish?

>says he hates censorship
>wabts to censor others
Fuck off

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