Why do you think it is that the "poor and stupid" are the ones always complaining about Jews?
It's always some man-child with no job, some trailer park trash, some muslim in a third world shithole, some alcoholic slav in a rotting hovel. Literally nobody else. Why is this? Is anti-semitism and a lack of success/low intelligence correlated?
why do you bump this guy's threads? le ebin discord invade?
Jonathan Butler
>somehow knows who hates jews on an anonymous board >all of his enemies are conveniently far beneath him There is a reason you have been kicked out of every country, shlomo.
They're working together. A memenazi makes a one post by this id thread, then some more meme flaggots come and post pictures out of their cringe folder.
>You have no life. sure don't. What do you hope to accomplish?
Aiden Miller
>says he hates censorship >wabts to censor others Fuck off