niggers are rapists
niggers are thugs
niggers are evil
niggers are smelly
niggers are ugly
niggers are subhumans
niggers are apes
niggers are monsters
niggers are evil
niggers are murderers
niggers are cursed
niggers aren't as evolved
niggers have more in common with apes than people
niggers love to rape white women
niggers will destroy whites if given the opportunity
niggers will destroy any society in which they are given "equal rights" or allowed to co-exist with the general human populace
nigger countries are shitholes
niggers always complain
niggers have wide noses
niggers have disgusting nappy hair
niggers have no souls
niggers are rude
niggers are mean
niggers are retarded
niggers speak broken English
niggers are prideful
nigger music sounds horrible
nigger food gives you heart attacks
nigger skin looks likes dirt/shit/coal/dark shadows
niggers want revenge for the past
niggers always destroy the neighborhood
niggers act like victims
niggers disproportionately commit more crimes
nigger mothers defend their niglet thugs children
niggers are lazy
niggers are worthless
niggers are parasites
I hate niggers
Niggers are rapists
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm going to leave this here.
>Jews Killed Tupac Confirmed
>Files released Thursday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the 1996 murder of rapper Tupac Shakur state that the star had received death threats from the Jewish Defense League, an organization that has been characterized as terrorist group.
>Shakur was shot dead in Las Vegas in September 1996, in a murder case which remain unsolved.
Black people are smart
Black people are musical
Black people have rhythm
Black people dominate track and sport
Black people are beautiful
Black people invented rap
Black people cook chicken better
Black people are presidents
I love black people
Black people are Americans
Black people are citizens
Black people deserve civil rights
Black people can be good or bad
Black people are different from each other
Black people can be skilled or unskilled
Black people can do anything white people can
Our country couldn’t be what it is today without black people’s contribution
Black people are smart-...compared to animals yes, compared to other races , no
Black people are musical.... Its shit, seriously, you have had like 2 good singers
Black people have rhythm... ? This matters why ?
Black people dominate track and sport... Bred slave stock ,yeah
Black people are beautiful... For the most part no they aren't
Black people invented rap... This is not helping your argument
Black people cook chicken better..not sure thats a fact
Black people are presidents.. true but not very good ones generally.
I love black people...I don't know what to do for you. Youre condition is beyond my abilities.
*gets robbed and raped*
forgot the most important part
>are a weapon of the jew
thats why society is destroying itself, give women and nogs agency and they will tear the world apart with simplistic views and ooga booga tribalism. Blacks JUST started understanding the concept of humility albeit it flawed by yelling "SIT DOWN BE HUMBLE" on twitter when they 'roast' a whitey for questioning whether criminals deserve getting shot by police.
niggers are not always black
>the first three
>listing something every group of peoples has achieved easily as an achievement
Black people just jive easier to dumber beats, hence mumble rap and overblown bass systems.
I've been starting to wonder if black people are even good in sport or if theyre just put there by (((THEM))) so they're idolized. That one little chink who was half the size of a bunch of NBA players, Lin something got onto the cover of sports illustrated twice in a row and single handedly dominated every team while carrying his own, then chalked it up to teamwork.