>A highly placed Vatican source told LifeSiteNews that Cardinal Gerhard Müller, together with his much-experienced three CDF priests, were dismissed by Pope Francis because they all had tried to follow loyally the Church's standing rules concerning abusive clergymen. >According to the source, Müller also “resisted” Pope Francis in 2014 when he wanted to re-instate the serial molester of boys, the Italian priest Don Inzoli, allowing him to perform some functions of the priesthood. >In 2012, Inzoli had been found guilty by an ecclesiastical court of abusing boys as young as 12 even in the confessional.
Without knowing all the facts they can suck a dick. That "whistleblower" is more concering than the pope making a decision on something without know the full story
The church is completely subverted at this point. A cabal of gay officials are in power now, and Francis is appointing more of their kind to the College of Cardinals so the next Pope is like him. Also, I found this quote interesting:
>In the course of these investigations, a number of other things came to light. First, a priest named Gerald Fitzgerald — who in 1947 founded a small religious order named Congregation of the Servants of the Paraclete to counsel priests who had difficulty with alcoholism, substance abuse, celibacy, and the like — had for decades been trying to alert the American bishops and officials in the Vatican (including Pope Paul VI) to the fact that priestly pederasty (which, he said, was unheard of before World War II) was a growing problem within the American Catholic Church. He had persistently tried to persuade the hierarchy to forbid the perpetrators’ supervision of boys and to laicize them, all to no avail. >priestly pederasty (which, he said, was unheard of before World War II) (((I wonder why)))
Bentley Carter
Why does the (((MSM))) always run these stories, but considers dirty old men who call themselves mohel Rabbis slurping on baby boy stump a religious ceremony that it nver covers, like this pic?
Francis is one of the highest profile supporters of mass immigration. Bringing him down is top priority of Jow Forums, no matter how your opinion about the church is in general.
Ethan Collins
I'm Catholic. But there's no way I can respect the current pope. Damned heretic.
Catholics aren't papists btw.
Chase King
When he was cardinal in buenos aires, he put father grassi, with rumours of child abuse in charge of a child foundation "felices los niños". Father grassi is now in jail for child abuse in that foundation. Non related to this, but he also helped lefties terrorist escape the country in the 70s.
Ian Jackson
The MSM is trying to bury this as much as possible. Francis is the best thing to happen to (((them))) in a long time