Empirical Truth

Hello godtards. You know all of those thousands of other gods that you know are fake? Yes? Daily reminder that YOUR favourite god is equally fake. Time to grow up.

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Yea fuck saturn that fake nigger ball.

KYS & sage

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Even if I did that, your favourite god would remain fake and you would remain an idiot.

Then how did the prophecies concerning Christ from centuries before his birth foresee details of his life and mission? Isaiah foretold his birth by a virgin in Bethlehem and sacrifice for the world and rejection by the Jews - Psalms foretold his crucifixion, Genesis 3 predicted the virgin birth ("seed of the woman"), then there is the constant foreshadowing - i.e. the sacrifice of Isaac, the Passover lamb whose blood averts the wrath of God. It's endless.
Christ is Lord - accept him and inherit eternal life.

this is that sort of stuff faggots make and think people find clever, isn't it?

the bible never says other gods are fake, only that christians shall put no other god before the christian god. fun fact, there is nothing stopping christians from also being buddhists insofar as they are christians first and do not worship idols. many christians believe in aspects of other religions as long as they don't contradict scripture. even the bible tells of other deities.

Your baby jesus was a fictional character.
1. No reliable records of his existence despite reliable records existing for others at that time.
2. Nothing written of him until several decades after his claimed time, despite alleged miracles.
3. His story was a clear and obvious plagiarism from centuries-older myths.

Stating obvious facts is not claimed to be clever. We are trying to drag tards like you out of the stone age.

no fuck you kike, IXCX Christ is Logos

>christians shall put no other god before the christian god
And that's because the core business of religion is to separate fools from their cash. Competition is not good for business.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that if you regaled the average godtard with the myth of Barraiya, the Australian Aboriginal god credited with creating the first vagina, he would view it as nothing more than a quaint, primitive myth. And he would be right. And the same goes for your favourite god.

You can't spell kike without kek. Also....

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you know scientists are prone to disagree with each other and often regard each other's theories "quaint?"
politicians, sports fans, and gaymers, as well.
what you are describing is a perfectly normal and healthy function of human societies called "argument" and it's literally more plentiful than water on this planet.
do you actually have a point to make or is this just summer trolling?

>imagine being this guy

Someone needs to find out what the word "theory" means in the context of science.
My point was crystal clear in the original post. Your god is fake. Doesn't exist. You have been scammed. I offer you this fact for free. In contrast, the religion business will lie to your face and then pass around the collection plate.

Imagine, as a grown adult, believing in a magic, invisible, floating faggot in the sky who likes to zap up universes with his magic wand.

yay, summer!
put a point on the board for me, i called it.

you're full of shit kike, a true skinbag of refuse
end yourself

Long Live Christ
Orthodoxy or Death
Expell all hostile jews
Live Aryan or Die Trying

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It's winter in Australia mate. Maybe you should try talking about hats instead.

Careful with that edge Mr Hicks, you might hurt yourself.

Can't think? Can't reason? Too frightened to even question your dogma? Got absolutely nothing? Press JOO button!!

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as opposed to something was created from nothing?

So, we have no coherent points or reasoned arguments from the godtards yet, but we do have JOO! and EDGE! All we need now is FEDORA! and REDDIT! and the tards will declare victory.

Just imagine being that stupid.

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What was created from nothing?

that's right , when dealing with a kike the only thing you can can give to them (You) is a big FUCK YOU

so FUCK YOU kike

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How did you arrive at the conclusion that I'm a kike? Walk me through the "reasoning".

Why argue with someone who is so angry and immature? I pity you.


>claiming the moral high ground in lieu of an actual reasoned reply

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>down to one-syllable replies
Might be time to switch off your life-support machine

leave Christian mom alone. she's beautiful.

Jesus is coming soon my 15 year old bro. the world is stranger, more wonderful, and more evil than you realize

you're a funny guy, you should become a clown

I'm very suspicious of being offered something for free from a kike

>Jesus is coming soon my 51 year old bro
FTFY. Seriously.

I wear a size 15 shoe, so I'm half way there.

You got kikes on the brain, mate. You got a Ron Jeremy fetish or something?

saucy little cunt. surprisingly Jesus loves you too. probably loves you more since you are a troubled youth

>empirical truth
I’m an atheist but God is not and has never been conceived of as an empirical thing, which means, categorically, that God can neither be proved or disproved scientifically. But this is probably bait

good stuff, now go train in clowning instead of trying to persuade Christians they are wrong you contrarian , Christ-white-hating kike.

>please argue with me

I wasn't joking. I'm 51.

Atheist you say? Then why are you capitalising god and using it in the singular?
Also, you would not make this same point about countless other fictitious creations (tooth fairy, goblins, easter bunny). You would confidently dismiss them as non-existent despite the fact that they also cannot be disproven.

>kike kike kike kike kike kike
You're a deep thinker mate

>got nothing
Godtards. Always the same. Nothing.

that's right motherfucker, noones your pal in here get OUT

kek. Post manbobs and benis.

suck my balls

I believe all gods are nonexistent. I capitalized God because of convention, and because in most discussions we are tacitly talking about the Judeo-Christian God, who is identified by the capital G. I understand your anthropological point about the multitude of other gods believed in throughout human history, and I’ve always found it compelling against the case for God/gods, for they all can’t be true. However, my point was a purely philosophical point. God/gods don’t have bodies (usually, at least) and are transcendent of space and time, not empirical objects.

Can I take a look at them first....

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Let the record show that the only coherent post in the entire thread, aside from the most erudite OP's posts, came from a fellow atheist.

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Jesus was a Buddhist. Why do you think the church hides majority of his life from you? Because he travelled to Tibet and the Himalayas to learn Buddhism and bring the peaceful cool religion from the cold and green mountains of the east to the hot brown and crazy deserts of the middle East.

>Jesus was fictitious. Didn't actually exist.

>all of those thousands of other gods that you know are fake
The gods aren't fake, Paganism is the Truth and YWHW is a jewish demon. Viva Nhanderuvuçu!

(((Yeshua))) existed, but he wasn't a god

Out kike
The Orthodox Church hides nothing, that's why it's alive and the only one so.

Nope. Fiction.

I think Jesus is a pretty cool guy. Eh catches lots of fish and doesn't afraid of anything.

Get fucked already antichrist

>nu-/b/ memes

Yup. Wifey is likely gonna want some heavy 7" atheist cock tonight.

The Logboy is real. jesus is fiction. Logboy wins.

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