For FUCKS sake, Jow Forums!

For FUCKS sake, Jow Forums!

>This evening in the Jagiellonian Club there took place a meeting with Pawel Chorazy, PIS vice-minister for investment and development. What sort of migration policy does Poland need? As soon as there is a recording, it will be put up here. Below, some soundbites from the vice-minister. #PISoszukal (PISlied)

I will translate as I go, i'm too goddamned angry right now to do it all beforehand and dump all at once, bear with me faggots.

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>m. Pawel Chorazy was speaking about the new migration policy of Poland (Pis) bluntly: 1. in the interest of the polish state is the taking in of immigrants, their integration and permanent settlement.

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2. Promowany jest model łatwiejszego dojścia do obywatelstwa, bo 'to ludzi wiąże' i zostają.
3. Polityka dotycząca szkolnictwa jako metoda do sprowadzania większych ilości imigrantów.

I'll include the original post as well from now on.

2. A model of easier citizenship access will be promoted, because this will "tie people down", and make them stay.
3. School policy will be a method of bringing in more numbers of immigrants.

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Fucks sake, forgot to greentext. I'm fuming too much rn.

>4. Aroganckie stwierdzenie, że polscy repatrianci są za drodzy do sprowadzenia i nie znają języka. A następnie mówienie o ściąganiu imigrantów z takich krajów jak: Wietnam czy Indie i wydawanie na ich naukę języka, dopłatach do czynszów itd

>4. The arrogant statement, that polish repatriants are too expensive to bring back, and they don't know the language (ffs, WHAT?). Next he spoke of bringing in immigrants from countries like: Vietnam or India, and spending money on teaching them language, subsidising their rent, etc.

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Dopytany z publiczności o to czy zdolności językowe polskich repatriantów do nauki języka polskiego od Wietnamczyków czy Hindusów są mniejsze? Po chwili refleksji odpowiedział, że "repatrianci są jedną z grup priorytetowych"

> Asked by the public if the language capabilities of polish repatriants are lesser than those of Hindus? After a moment of thought he retorted that "repatriants are one of the priority groups"

5. Na pytanie od prowadzącego, czy politykę imigracyjną traktować jako sezonową i pytanie o to co zrobić w syt. w której koniunktura się pogorszy i będą bezrobotni zarówno Polacy i imigranci, odp "zależy nam na osadnictwie tych ludzi i ich zatrzymaniu"

> Asked by the meeting chairman, whether the immigration policy should be treated as seasonal, and what to do in case of an economic downturn and both migrants and Poles become unemployed, he said that "permanent settlement of those people is our priority"

6. "Nie będziemy sztucznie podnosić wypłat, żeby ludzie wracali z emigracji" w innym miejscu "lepiej przyjmować tańszych pracowników i utrzymywać niskie koszty produkcji przez to będziemy konkurencyjni" - taka jest polityka imigracyjna PIS!

>6. "We won't inflate wages artificially, so that people return from abroad" in another place: "its better to take in cheaper workers and keep production costs low, that way we'll remain competitive"- this is immigration policy of PIS!

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That's basically the gist of it, there is more of the same below, and quite a bit of outrage in other tweets. The chick posting this is cute, too, and belongs to a radical right group.

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So are people going to get angry about this in Poland or not?

I fucking hope so, its a new development so I don't know how publicised it'll get. I'll try my best to spread it among my normie friends. Most PIS voters I know voted against immigration, so there is hope it will push people towards voting radical nationalist next election.

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Fucking traitors. It became obvious when they appointed Morawiecki, but now the mask really did fall off. Hope this helps R11L, otherwise Poland is fucked.

Who cares you will not see any protest towards this because the immigrants are not muslim.

ha ha
enjoy the arab dick you cucks

I obviously don't know what the media in Poland is like, but see if you can get any reporters to pick up on it. That's the easiest way to spread anything.

This is why nobody wants to play with you, Hans. You're also wrong on the arab dick part, the PIS traitors want to bring in Azn micropenis, not that it makes it any better.

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At least they finally dropped the facade

Jewed to the max. TVN is literally a German agency, all the press is cucked. The internet is our only hope, basically.

We'll see what transpires on November 11th, I'll be there for sure. It should be a good litmus test of our national anger level.

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I'm rooting for you guys, clearly Poland is naturally less desirable to shitskins than other parts of Europe but I never underestimate the kike's ability to ruin things. Good luck.

Can't they just get more ukies?

We ran out of Ukies

>Jagiellonian Club
Serves you right for trusting the Litwin

Too hated in Poland. There is much bad blood between us, even if we are racially basically the same. Personally, I would let bygones be bygones, but don't count on it catching on.

That being said, there are plenty of Polish diaspora in the East, we call them the abandoned. We should be working on getting those people back to the homeland, as well as changing the tax laws so that coming back is economically feasible for people like me. I mean, I'm 100% going back one day, but at this point I need to save money like mad to ever have a chance at a decent life and family.

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do a major riot like in German but 3/4 times bigger, it's easier to gather anti-immigrant people in Poland than in German right?

I often hang around with normies and sebas
they seem to like Ukrainians

every year we have an anti-migration march ( 80 000 - 100 000 people )

And when I warned you about le based pinoys, you laughed at me.
This is literally the same shit that happened in 60's Sweden, it is going to slowly but surely accelerate in the next years.

I fucking knew this will end like this. PiSkikes on Jow Forums pls lys

Poos will colonize quickly and Pooland meme becomes reality

They're already in damage control mode

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Why is a Polish nationalist in the UK???

I just bought a holiday flat in Poland dont tell me its over now with nice white ethnostate.


That the things he said are his own opinion on the matter and that the government is not taking it seriously

He says that he's alone with thoes ideas and that no one in the party would vote for this.

Skurwiele, the day of the rope is coming. I wish Macierewicz would stand at the front of the army, conducted a coup d'etat and institute a capitalist junta. A na drzewie zamiast lisci, beda wisiec komunisci.

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i remember there's one old Polish man who vocal about anti-immigration (i forget the name, is it Jan something ?) what's his opinion about this?

kek, the eternal jew will win again
i want to die..

What's the problem Marek?
You must go back!
> Make Poolan great again

The minister of the interior is distancing himself from Chorazy's comments

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The third post mentions that this isn't prbably true, considering an another minister (Emilewicz) has the same stance on immigration and that our PM probably wouldn't let them say such things without it being a government scheme.
Not surprised desu.

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Go back and die there

Poolan' is for poolaks
Britain is for Brits and poolaks

The way kike mind works

back where?

macierewicz jest takim samym zdrajca. z michnikiem zaczeli solidarnosc tylko dlatego, ze wladza w rosji sie zmieniala i trzeba bylo nas poprzerzucac na druga strone kurtyny.
Korwin ma racje ze tu trzeba zrobic to co w Chile swego czasu

You'll have where to stay, once Krauts are going to kick your dumb head on the way out

kek the butthurt brit is already here

>CEO: Jim Samples

Ale jest rozglos na ten temat, i ludzie zauwazaja ze nagle pojawily sie ciapaki w wiekszych miastach. Co, mysleli ze ludzie nie zauwaza?

britain is rightfull Polish clay.
you are giving it to any nigger anyway so you shouldn't care and we are the second biggest ethnicity

no juz ich ponad 2.5 raza wiecej nawpuszczali niz platforma... te kurwy musza wisiec

You should pay for living here heavily
You will not ever save no money, economy is on downturn, because of immigrants.
Going back, when?

I feel, encouragement feeling needs. Should we kick every single polak in the nuts, every single time we meet one?
Feels right

Najwiekszy ich blad to bylo to, ze wpuscili parenascie tysiecy ludzi z islamskich krajow... Ludzie sa na nich duzo bardziej wyczuleni niz na hindusow czy ukraincow

It's always those (((Germans))).

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What do you expect? They ruin countries because of their desire for gibs and then also vote leftist parties to let in more Pollacks.

>Should we kick every single polak in the nuts, every single time we meet one?
Sure, you certainly don't have the balls to do it to a Paki, I wonder why

Gdyby udalo sie zrobić to co w Chile, ja pierdole, to byloby genialne kurwa. Dlaczego my nie mamy El Generala.

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Who's that?

Jim Samples, don't you see that nose? Clearly (((German))), goy!

Try it you pussy. I dare you.

Prędzej Włochy albo Hiszpania.

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Bo duzo ludzi jeszcze mysli jak za komuny

Isn't Jewish tho, just the eternal American

>Gdyby udalo sie zrobić to co w Chile, ja pierdole, to byloby genialne kurwa. Dlaczego my nie mamy El Generala.
You should have listened

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Dmowski was a civnat

Wpuszczanie Wietnamcow i Pajeetow samo w sobie nie jest tragedia, ale ten skurwol mowi, ze sa oni bardziej wartosciowi niz etniczni Polacy. Przy tym spieroleniu imigracyjnym, jaki PiS robi, przyjmując setki tysięcy Ukraińców, uważalbym na to, co sie mowi. The helicopter is the only solution.

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civnat that hated Jews and German?
civnat that predicted the Czech question and WW2?

Niestety, lots of gib-me-dats.
A nie etnonat?

A Pole whingeing about immigration who is an immigrant himself and probably taking full advantage of our welfare system. Yep, those old American comics had it right, Polacks are as dumb as fuck and as shameless as any other gypsy scum.

You're no better than kikes, pic related.

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I already heard some hints that your gov wants to severely limit this year Marsz in Warsaw. I thought about it as especially bad idea. And now this. There may be something even bigger behind the scene (we all know (((what))) be very careful Polebros.

On 11th nation should be ready to show their anger. Czechs will be there as well.

I read his book, in his opinion foreigners could become Poles as long as they adapted Polish values
I kind of understand him though, II RP was only 55% Polish

It's sad that all that has remained for brits is lash out in frustration while their country burns and they can't do anything about it. You cucks should have been so vocal 20 years ago.

Thanks for support, Czech-bro.

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t. Paki

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you made your bed, now lie in it

now leave this thread, you are humiliating yourself

>British flag
Fuck off traitor.

The eternal Anglo: too cucked to lash out on Pakis and other mudslimes who rape their women so they pick on other Europeans

why do you care anyway? you are an immigrant yourself

I'll be there as well, we need to make a statement against invaders


if you ever read your gov statistics you would know poles are less likely to be on welfare in UK than ethnic british or french

Them sweet little immigrant (((polaks))), kill them on sight

The pole cannot into basic logic and morality and reacts violently and incoherently to both.

You lot should pay for abandoning Poland in WW2

>Mad because they want to import Asians

oh wow it's fucking nothing.
I'd trade in all our niggers and muslims for double the amount of asians.

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and pakis are better in what way exactly?

le shitskin is le mad :^)

That's what Poles want, so you would be left with your beloved Pakis tete a tete. But the shitstorm OP is trying to make is about our gov wanting to import new immigrants instead of emmigrants from Poland. Gov elections are in 2019 so hopefully we can get rid of these bastards in time.

it includes pajeets and turks...

Thanks for at least a somewhat coherent reply which seems to be beyond much of your countryman. Being accused of being an immigrant to my own country by a race of people proud of their ability to swarm into and exploit better nations but who are themselves viscerally anti-immigrant is fucking surreal retardation.

As to your point, are you forgetting in-work benefits, the millions being paid in child credits to children in poland and the burden on the education system and the NHS my proud immigrant anti-immigrant friend? I think you are. I'm sorry but poles are just as much a burden as any other mass migrant group.

That's how we overthrow previous rulling party. They pissed us off with declarations of agreeing for relocation of immigrants. But elections are in late 2019 and I know that our gov is making some agreements with Philipines that could end as early as in 2018, so it might be too late.

>tfw no nationalist religious gf

why are you asking me this question?

We are paying them 50% lesser wages for poor workmanship, but still, they are doing it.

zdrada, mości panowie

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Being in the UK made me a White Nationalist, friendo. There is a joke among the diaspora around here. You know the difference between a tourist and a racist? About 6 weeks.

You're too weak to be of consequence right now, so your opinion is irrelevant. It might change eventually, I honestly hope it will. But at the same time I doubt it. Yes, I live in the UK, yes I see the problem with that. In my defence, I was blind to the problems facing the West before I started living here some years back, and experiencing "diversity" first hand. As to when I'm going back, that's for me to know and for you to fume over, you impotent cuck. At the least you can be assured that I have no plans of staying here and raising a family. Even if I wanted to it would be too dangerous, frankly.

Also, I find it amusing that my command of the English language is obviously quite a bit better than yours.

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>Also, I find it amusing that my command of the English language is obviously quite a bit better than yours.
that's because he ain't british

you should have realised it by now

I never in my life have taken welfare, and the Polish diaspora is one of the most productive parts of your society, there is actual data on that. We are the immigrants who take the least benefits, and work the most. Deal with it.

That being said, it would be ideal to get us all back to Poland and leave you to deal with the Pakis and other scum alone.

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>Indii with one "i"
okay, this is epic

Oh, you're Asian. Excuse me while I ignore your every opinion, you subhuman wretch.

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You're a whiny little bitch. Poles did not create your welfare system and they certainly aren't responsible for the immigration policy of your government. Your government presents Poles with an opportunity and they take - and who do you blame, you fucking cuck? The Poles. And then you vote labour again.

Here's a quick fix for your problems - instead of obsessing about people doing what they're allowed to do focus on prohibiting things that you consider harmful. You know, like we do in Poland when it comes to these matters.

"Better nations", fucking hell. That's coming from a citizen of a country that's been turning a blind eye to mass-scale child rape for decades. I don't remember any Polish girls being minced into kebab meat, but then again it could've happened in Britain.

In all honesty, if my countrymen weren't so fucking naive about the whole "West is the Best" thing and could judge your shitty little island by its own merits, the number of Polish immigrants in the UK would be zero.

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the difference is: we are against 3rd world migration into poland while we don't mind europeans, and you are against poles migrating into your country, while you don't mind all the globe.

that's why you will be living in a thrid world country before we make reconquista