A number of politics thinks Nazis are great and Hitler was the second coming. They also hates Jews, yet George Soros is a Jew. He joined the naizs in finding Jews during the war. So is he a good guy or a bad guy? If they had won he would of been on the winning side. Help me figure this out.......
Paradox question for pol
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Soros did not know what he was doing. So he shouldn't be blamed for helping the Nazis in WWII. He should be blamed for what is is knowingly doing right now.
jews have no self esteem and do anything to reach their goal
jews gonna jew
He rounded up his own people and fed them to the Nazis. No matter where you stand on the issue of WW2, this is objectively evil behavior. George Soros is 9th Circle Of Hell evil.
He can be whatever
>Saturn is still a shriveled up cock with a cock ring and a shit stain shaped like a hexagon
he is a bad guy for everyone. the ultimate opportunist.
This is true, and why Mel Gibson calling that Hollywood petty thief an Oven Dodger is so fucking funny, but Soros in WWII was just a boy, so we should STOP getting bad karma from brining that up. He has done plenty as an adult to feel our scorn.
Another reason to love Mel
>Help me figure this out
pol/ is not 1 person