This scares me

At first i thought it was fake. after it checked out i freaked.. What could this mean. Are they no longer afraid of being seen for what they truly are. Externalization of the agenda.

Attached: wtf.png (695x504, 57K)

Theyre scared shitless. They might have to go to war soon and there's no way of knowing who will get involved so they're talking shit. I hope russia grinds them into dust and china pisses on it



That suppose to be some sort of excuse to Israel slaughtering Palestinians?

>inbred sickly gaslighting kikes in charge of propaganda and optics

umm yeah? so? thats how its always been, you're just getting concerned now?

>jews thinking they're strong
wake me up when the larp is over

Whats weird is this is something i would expect straight out of a die hard NatSocs mouth. To hear it coming from Netyenahu btfo

>anybody touching israel
pretty sure the murica side of america would get involved and make the usa fight for jews

The next phase of the jew plan. They start coming out to condition us to being used to it, before the next phase starts and they take official control.

Note all the obvious jewishness, with jews coming out and admitting kill whitey. Or just look at all the israeli flags suddenly on Jow Forums

>jew need to display false strength such as surviving pyramid building or 6 gorillin to make up for the fact that they are a cross bewteen a rat and a slug
>no offense to rats or slugs

It's about the Middle East, not us goys

Its a response to Iran's erased from the pages of history comment.

Funny how Israel is so fashy and militaristic when their (((people))) go around the world telling others to hate themselves and their own country. It's like Jews play by a different set of rules than the rest of us do...

Attached: 1535587836049.jpg (823x1022, 90K)

Your naive if you think he's not also referencing the West.

look up "samson option"
israelis are way more savage than arabs. Probably on pair with africans

Based and red pilled

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Protip: Israeli jews are not the same as American jews.

Jews have one of the smallest ethnic populations so they are kind of calling themselves weak with this one

If whites still believed what it says in this tweet, all of our problems would be resolved. It's also the least Jewish thing I've ever seen.

What else are they gonna do? They blew their cover, all they got left is pretending they're human. Kosher Kebabs must be removed

Its about anyone who Israel views as a threat.

Protip: Israeli jews and American jews are jews.


Attached: jewish_strong.jpg (960x960, 101K)

Not an argument

Protip: In this world, pure evil and degeneracy manifest in the form of the jew

Q fags will be roped after libshits.

Who the fuck is this slack jawed faggot?

why so grumpy

makes redpilling the normies a fucking cakewalk at least

>israel acting strong
>while being completely dependent on the us for any sort of military intervention in the middle east

They're playing chicken with our car. It won't end well.

What's wrong with this? He's completely right. Weakness gets you nowhere.

Attached: numale.jpg (600x953, 166K)

>peace is made with the strong

I hope they actually believe this stupid notion



Willingness to put in Work has Made Israel strong and free.

He is implying that the Jewish people are superior, since they have not been erased from history

By that logic so are cockroaches.

Im disgusted that this guy lives in my hometown. Yes, hes as irritating and preachy as the picture implies.

They're invading again

Attached: 1535040486847.jpg (705x527, 247K)

There you are.

Attached: 19948251.jpg (802x854, 203K)

terry davis is a prophet with mutiple correct predictions, god's temple and a new word for us to use.

Israel is a cowardly nation filled with even more cowardly kikes if there ever is a conflict you can sure as shit bet that the Golem of Israel will take the hits for it

Are they talking about Jesus?


Wtf I love israel now?

Attached: Netenya-who.jpg (170x255, 16K)

It means Netenyaho's son invited Anglin and Weev to hang out in his house and they borrowed his dads computer to shit post on twitter.

except a HUGE percentage of them have duel citizenship and are, in fact, BOTH.
Even when they have their own country, they remain diaspora, nomadic, like a plague upon this earth.
Your destruction is their RELIGION.

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This is pure fascist rhetoric. Netanyahu is unironically one of the greatest fascist minds of the 21st century.

Bibi is a fucking retarded. Remember a couple months ago he tried to openly dump Israel's refugee population in the West? He gets by on dumb luck and having nepotistic jewish connections.

I'm actually okay with them killing niggers and shitskins.
The only thing I don't like is that they rob us, so that they can bribe our politicians and put shills in media, so that they make laws to stopping us from doing the same.
I would however kick them all out Israel. That is Christian sacred clay. Ship them all to Jew York.

Netanyahu is simply an enemy with sympathetic rhetoric user. He still hates us goyim.

that picture and the shit there has been debunked to hell and back. A simple Google search of those quotes will show you.

We need to find useful ways of redpilling normie, those fake pictures are stormfag boomer tier at this point

Israel is the biggest welfare recipient in the world. If and when America cuts off the spigot, as Ben Carson would say, they're fucked. As American power wanes so will Israeli power.

bibi is saying he's with potus.

Attached: jew.jpg (230x300, 33K)

>That picture has been debunked!
Sure kid, sure it has.

It means they're ready to roll over all of leftover Palestine.

>blocks your 0.01 shekel

Attached: 1516916242517.jpg (3884x7735, 3.62M)

Hello does anyone have some spare shekels?