What Did He Mean By This?

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He is trying to reconstruct history in a way that he can justify being a member of an explicitly white political party. This guy is a liar and very low iq

You are foolish and transparent. Two different things do not have to be mutually exclusive.

I told him to go back to India a few weeks ago when Red Ice tore him a new asshole (no pun intended)

>white nationalism is now left and right wing
I fail to see how this is bad

He's right

White nationalists are just white welfare niggers

Says the retard posting from a white nationalist country that is collapsing because white nationalists got replaced with jewish globalists

It always was. There's a big difference between wanting to preserve the integrity of your nation and advocating for an outward push to commit genocide against all the races you dislike. That's the conservative/liberal divide in a nutshell. Spencer's opinion on Turkey is that we should purge the Turkish people from existence. That's a left-leaning stance.

This user gets it, so he gets (You).

This user gets chaired. (pic related)

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brown ppl and jews are now desperately trying to "act based" in hopes that whites let them stay
they know who is winning