Why do white women fetishize and obsess over black men?


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Q user predicted this

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go away footfags

Oh my God who cares?

cope whiteboi

You mean American "white" girls, not European white girls.

>when the nation is so cucked that theres even a cult around it

I'd rather it be on their forehead but either way it makes em easy to spot

Same way East Asian women fetishize white men.

Also blacks are low inhibition and American blacks are taller + BBC meme + Thug Lyf. Women dig that shit.

For the same reason some women fuck dogs, or shit in public for giggles. There's a sense of thrill in doing something dangerous/gross/wrong.

They mostly don’t, but those that do only do so mostly out of a sense of masochism

*dies from nigger rage*
nothin personnel, roastie

This would come as a surprise to some of you, but most people will just fuck anything if they are horny enough.

Think of it as the new yellow star. It will be useful later.

The AVG black in the US is not taller.

all fields

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Hell, I think I would rather have my girl get fucked by a big dog than a black dude.

But which do you find to be hotter?

>showing on the ankles of so many white women
>the pic is literally a photoshop
Wew lad

Won't work faggots will still reply seriously without saging and mods won't do anything. Appreciate the effort though

Queen of Aids