Would you support the US in the annexation of Canada?

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No. They dug their own grave, now they can rot in it.

No. We don't need 34 million more Liberal faggots. Stop making this thread every day.

if we kill all of the faggots first

only after you destroy the two incorporation contracts binding you to the queen and her cousins the banking clan

if it were possible to have the land without the people then sure

Yes, but only after they go through a period of territory status. 20 years or so so they can stop being leftist faggots.

I live in Canada, and I do not trust the cuck government with Justin Trudeau. Hell yeah i would support the Us annexing us.

Why the fuck would we want to add a bunch of chinks and french LARPers? We already have to deal with an assload of niggers and spics.

What about Mexico?