
What's the alt-right's obsession with this guy? He's a terrible philosopher to use if you're trying to give your movement intellectual credibility. Any decent idea he had can be found in better thinkers like Nietzsche, Schmitt, de Maistre, or Spengler. Once you remove the stuff that that's not original to him, all you have left is LARPing as a dark Aryan mage. Why base your worldview on the writings of the philosophical equivalent of a DnD character?

The right, including the far right, has a legitimate intellectual heritage. This guy is meme-tier

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A literal nevöhööd.

Your arguments about him are ad hominem attacks.

His arguments are simple truths. Either they resonate with you or they do not. That said, if they don’t resonate with you, you are a pleb.

>simple truths
But they aren't. Spiritual claims about some transcendent order are hardly self-evident or obvious. It doesn't help that Evola hardy ever argues for his positions in a philosophically respectable way and instead just sort of asserts things

Haha pleb

I'd rather be a pleb than a brainlet who's legitimately impressed by some dude claiming magic is totally real and relying on primitive cultures as his "proof". I bet you're into astrology too

fedora tipped

Evola is retarded but their are a bunch of larping neo-monarchists and aspiring aristocrats to keep his autism alive

Not familiar with this clown. But reminds me of Scientology.

So what's your sign user? You seem like such a scorpio

>The right, including the far right, has a legitimate intellectual heritage. This guy is meme-tier

Agreed, it was always pisses me off to see some alt-righter bring up Evola, usually it's just name dropping, but it actually get worse when they start talking about the shit he wrote. Talking about dumb shit like Kali Yuga is a very effective way to lose all credibility in matter of seconds. It's unscientific, dumb and simply useless.

confirmed for not having read anything of Evola

Such a meme the entire axis and mainly the nazis relied on him for his works and his efforts on studying rare books and esoteric knowledge

>a nazi talking shit about the most active political journalist at the time of Mussolini’s rule which started before Hitler was even in power

>a nazi talking shit about the true fascist ideology his leader literally subverted into a race bait war for the Rothschilds

lol plebs are hilariously pathetic (but also sad)

the whole point of evolas work is that they are completely unscientific

Jedem das Seine...

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I thought his metaphysics of war was a great read alongside Plato's Republic. Ride the tiger has also been influential to me.

Spengler and Evola go hand in hand.

Scorpio is literally Der Übermensch

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That's why Evola himself said that his work was esoteric in nature. I like Evola, but I don't really go,around recommending him because a sizeable amount of people won't understand or relate it.

Muh based Hindu culture. Christianity sucks. We should all have buttsex. Oh you're born on a farm with 180 IQ? Too bad you should stay there and plow the field till you die.
Yea, I'll stick to Maistre and Ilyin

>implying that 180 IQ isn’t farm oriented-IQ

Evola literally advocated rape, describing it as a "natural expression of male desire". He's nigger-tier.

This guy HAS TO love Evola, I'm 100% sure that he resonates with him on so many levels.

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A worldview is better based off the works of pic related. It is beyond red pilled, if you can realize the higher concepts of what he talks about.

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found the roastie.

go back to /lit/ you (((intellectual))) pre-cumbaby.

"The negative, destructive phase of Nietzsche's thought ends with the affirmation of immanence: all transcendent values, systems of ends and of higher truths, are interpreted as functions of life. In its turn, the essence of life - and more generally of nature - is the will to power. The superman is also defined as a function of the will to power and domination. One can see from this that Nietzsche's nihilism stops halfway. It sets up a new table of values, including a good and an evil. It presents a new ideal with dogmatic affirmation, whereas in reality this ideal is only one of many that could take shape in "life," and which is not in fact justified in and of itself, without a particular choice and without faith in it. The fact that the fixed point of reference set up beyond nihilism lacks a true foundation so long as one insists on pure immanence is already apparent in the part of Nietzsche's thought that deals with historical criticism and sociology. The entire world of "higher" values is interpreted there as reflecting a "decadence." But at the same time these values are seen as the weapons of a hidden will to power on the part of a certain human group, which has used them to hamper another group whose life and ideals resemble those of the superman. The instinct of decadence itself is then presented as a special variety of the will to power."
Julius Evola
Ride the Tiger

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IF you could recommend one book by him, what would it be and why?

How do we reclaim magic and mysticism from the left and hippies?

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Spiritlet detected