Trump's strategy is retarded

Hear me out

Trump's idea is to double-down on the white vote, and use subtle white nationalist themes. But this strategy is legitimately retarded and incredibly short-term thinking.

The reality is that over 50% of children born in the USA are nonwhite. Within 20 years the white vote is going to be far less of a factor than today. And then where will the Republicans be? Unless you can convince large numbers of hispanics to adopt conservative values, the party is sunk.

This is what the math tells us. Trump's strategy is utterly doomed to failure. The Republican party is walking itself off a cliff

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White people can start having babies or die.

>Hear me out
You people need a new fucking script book already, jesus.

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White people are more likely to vote. Niggers and spics just don’t care.

These faggots think we can't see right through them.

>Trump's idea is to double-down...
This is what you think his idea is. This is called an opinion. Stopped reading after this point as the rest is pointless drivel.

>minutes before this post

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He's taking Hispanics' citizenship away. Everyone born from the 50s to the 90s is presumed to have a fake birth certificate and deported.

This will mean that they lied to obtain their childrens' citizenship, and their childrens children.

If Trump gets 8 years, the entire anchor baby Mexican population will be deported and unable to vote.

was there a war the Mexicans could have won but they all decided to take a nap and not even have one guy on look out then they surrendered before they a chance to pick up there guns? ow well must not have been a important war.

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Good thing Trump's non white numbers are only going up too

Trump is getting everyone

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>Hear me out
Nah neck yourself fag

he is doubling down on the hammer of justice. I am getting to like this WWE president thing. You retards where out rioting in the streets Hillary lost goated on by your fake news and vile corrupt people that putting them in jail you would have lost you retatred minds. Plz stay out of the wat while the big people are working you fucking tards.

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trumps strategy is to hand it to hillary another blond. he isnt a republican hes a blond. americans might not understand this but blonds had some faggy dream of being the only people in the world. they would talk freely about killing every one else including the sub human brunettes in europe

it was so common that it was almost mandatory to bleach your hair in europe. then the economy took a dive and they stopped and the blonds went ape shit. poisoning people at work and intentionally spreading aids and they got run off to norway and sweden mostly

trump made it a point to tell macron to end the violence against blonds. its all he cares about. he wants hillary to be elected . both of them can rot in hell

>The reality is that over 50% of children born in the USA are nonwhite.
That's why we have to kill all non whites, are you retarded or what

nope I think is relay is double down on drain the swamp not that the hoard of nat brained fucks has stopped rioting Hillary lost.

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>1 post by this ID
kys faggot
>in all fields

Is that why hes continuing to gain support from non white voters? Especially blacks? Fuck off faggot

lol dude what do you expect us to take this for face value?

suck my dick


nope I think is relay is doubling down on draining the swamp now that the hoard of nat brained fuck tards has stopped rioting Hillary lost. but communism will end the fascist Nazi corruption nat brain fucks. pls die

nope I think he is relay is doubling down on draining the swamp now that the hoard of nat brained fuck tards has stopped rioting Hillary lost. but communism will end the fascist Natzi corruption nat brain fucks. pls die

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It's not a strategy he's just being himself, genuine. So it will work because of that fact

>white nationalist theme
fuck off back to plebbit faggot

>Unless you can convince large numbers of hispanics to adopt conservative values
Yeah, you can't, they're invasive browns from Marxist shitholes who replicate their conditions wherever they go. Basically you're telling the Republican party they have to become progressive Democrats to win, when what they need to do is become more white nationalist and begin limiting and shutting down immigration and stripping rights and power from nonwhites. Political solutions will fail either way, civil race war is inevitable.

Glow much

>hear me out
How about no

The GOP isn't itself anymore and hasn't been in a long time. It struggles with an identity crisis that seperates the last of an old guard from the rising tide of non traditional conservatives ie; socially liberal economic conservatives, military vets, the gun lobby, etc who did not fit into the traditional spectrum of cultural conservatism but vote GOP for other reasons. Plenty every day conservatives that I associate with are pro-lgbt, and many aren't even very serious about Christianity if at all interested. I used to smoke pot every night with a pro Trump ARMY vet who hated religion and lived like a social liberal. That's the future of the Republican party.

Trump did the GOP a huge favor. He has the charisma and momentum that no one else in that party can replace. He also has an incredible ability to tap into the zeitgeist. He will strengthen the resolve of the GOP and reshape their bureaucracy while he sits in office, but after he is gone the GOP better have someone who can connect with a new conservative and independent population or they are going to get their ass kicked by liberals.

trump appeals to spics and niggers too
dems will help the gop by censoring the alt-retards

How dare you think white women should have children. They are strong and independent and its their God given choice to be whores for 35 yrs before they settle down. Why would any white woman care about the white race when they can post half nude selfies on the internet all day at Starbucks?

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Pay the Toll troll...

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Why would white folks want kids when taking care of dogs is such a chore?

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All those shit skins multiplying? Nah bro, I gotta drink beer, watch niggerball, and take pictures of my cat dude.

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Nice framing rabbi. Trump has already doubled black support. Getting a few of them off the plantation is enough to sink the dems.

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The Republican strategy is to keep most people working but poor. The fundies and the rich can control them more easily. Unfortunately the Dems are no better. They want everyone to depend on the government. The only real difference is the names of those running the show.

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wtf i hate trump now

I'm with her now, hildog 2020

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So he'll lose the election that he can't participate in 20 years from now. He got elected once and he can probably do it again. You think he counts on the white vote, but he's actually gaining in popularity with nonwhite people. He's fluent in "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" and a lot of people like that.

Trump is too tight with the asshole fundies who want to control our lives. Fuck him.

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well well-written and cogent analysis, user

>Trump's strategy is retarded
You're retarded.

Hear me out
Trump is shaking up the world
What a time to be alive

I only hope you are correct. A fiscally conservative party that doesn't feel the need to meddle in the private lives of citizens is what we need. Sadly it is the fundies and crazies who show up to the Trump rallies.

He's not an overly religious man and he funded a lot of his campaign himself. He truly is an outsider, whether people want to admit it or not.

Unwillingness to listen to new-ideas shows signs of autism and retardation, jebidiah.

You are correct, but he has allowed the fascist fundies way too much influence in policy making. In return they call him "God's anointed" Trump does eat that shit up.

You covered both sides. I like you. The only thing that matters is the actual product of "productivity". Ideally we would like everyone to have complete freedom, all possible data with the education to make sense of it all for whatever project takes their fancy. But until then some institution is going to capture that value and direct it. What would it take to reach that?

>deport millions
>expect no civil war when military is comprised of hispanics, blacks, asians and non-racists
>expects UN to not kick USA out and make them a social pariah
>isolate america
>invade america
>divide america
all according to plan goyim

Good. Faggotry should be illegal. When did people start pretending that the “fundies” did anything wrong? I say their only problem was not breeding enough.

Fascism is also good. Again, who cares? We are on Jow Forums.

Yeah, more taxcuts to progressive transnational corporations and cheap labor open borders policies and the child consenting is exactly what we need!
- t. kikeservative

>deally we would like everyone to have complete freedom
Yeah, the majority of morons need complete freedom, that's fucking right-wing as fuck and not leftist utopian retardation!

He's going for the patriot vote, not the white vote. lol
He's not going to become a race baiting democrat faggot that panders only to niggers and spics.

>The reality is that over 50% of children born in the USA are nonwhite.
Do tell?
>The white birth rate in America has staged a near miraculous comeback and was a majority of live births in 2016—reversing a decade long decline—if the figures in the latest National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) report is accurate.
>The Hispanic birth rate—one of the biggest drivers of the nonwhite population explosion of recent years—has, according to these figures, fallen substantially.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with deporting illegal immigrants.

1 post by this I'd. Hmm who could be behind this?

Don't be shocked when you are told to go fuck yourself when trying to control the bodies of others.

>You goys should really stop doing that thing that ultimately I don't want

Doubling down on the vote that remains the majority is actually a smart strategy, unlike the Dems that are driving that demographic further right. The only thing Trump needs to convince Hispanics of is to stop coming - you're not wanted here.

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We don't have to own all of the fucked up policies of the political party bosses. Closing the border is one of the policies that should be supported. Just don't tell consenting adults what they are allowed to do in their bedrooms and bodies.

>Trump is white nationalist
>50% of newborns are nonwhite
>Hurr what about 20 years
Let's just say by some extreme chance Trump is a white nationalist, do you think in 20 years time of WN leadership minorites would still be as plentiful or as equal as now? Lmao you're the retard here OP.

He didn't say just illegals, all Hispanics. But good luck trying to deport 13 million who a good number happen to be Christian. The idea is to use the jew's tricks, not become the jew.

How about we deport Jews instead? Starting with anti dual citizenship laws.

Isnt his approval among black voters 30% now and the rise of Candice Owens shows that minorities are willing to vote republican?
Keep in mind his approval rating ranges from 45% to 50%, add 10% due to media bias and i'd say he's pretty damn popular.

>Within 20 years
By then Trump won't be running for office, so why would he care?