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Emails Link:

>Massive dump Clinton Emails
>Multiple References to Hillary as "ALICE IN WONDERLAND"

>Possible QAnon Vindication


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bump for justice

Thanks for the new bread. We’re in some serious shit here boys. Reposting from last thread:

With Q basically claiming that cia supercomputers are down and U.K. is cut off from our intel, and now we have a massive trove of fresh pizzagate data to sift through.

I’m forecasting a massive happening storm. We have seen this much seismic happening activity since the 2016 elections. What will happen this weekend? False flag? Suicide?

Pasting from the other thread since it's dead.

These are the ones she turned over voluntarily after her lawyers scoured through them, right? If so, don't expect to find anything that even resembles shady business. They made sure to delete all that.

The day someone steps forward with the 33k deleted e-mails, that's the day the Clintons get the noose.
I just hope someone other than China is sitting on them. Since it wouldn't be in Chinas interest to keep the DNC out of the White House, so their incentive to leak is near zero.
And if any leaker organizations had them, we'd have already seen them.

Only hope is some disgruntled NSA employee pulling a Snowden, or some backwards shitcountry like Turkey accidentally having stumbled upon them. Chances aren't high, though.

>inb4 muh concern shill

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just a dead baby
not a big deal

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If china has them does that mean israel probably does too?

Was supposed supposed to be a pretty massive week according to the Q drops

Don't forget, we're leading up to the 17th anniversary of 9/11 too

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Went through the whole thing. it's a giant nothingburger. literally all hogwash. don't bother.

>the 33k deleted e-mails
If someone had them, they would have put them out there by now, right?
What's the purpose in holding them back now?

of course mossad has it


yes, goy don't waste your time reading it.

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China and Israel are not friendly on the intelligence sharing front.

Although I wouldn't put it past Hillary to accidentally having coped her drives every now and again, and having one of her assistants handing it over some Israeli lobbyist with Mossad ties. Anything's possible, but it's pure conjection.

Only thing we know for sure is that China is sitting on it.

You're kidding right?
This is the exact type of asset that can start major wars or keep them from happening.

if i had them right now, i would become either a very rich user or a dead one using it as blackmail material. foreign governments on the other hand would not have to worry about death.

Theres a fair chance that israel got it and then gave it to china.. Atleast thats how they've behaved in the past.

I vaguely remember reading something about an ancient kike belief that to die by the hands of a goy is to be condemned to hell.

That's what I'm saying. If anything with incentive to leak was sitting on them, we'd have seen them by now.

China has no incentive to leak, since they want DNC in the White House. They've got strong ties leading all the way back to the 80s, possibly even longer.

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it was already reported a long time ago that 5+ other actors hackedd and accessed hillary's server.

What date was the letter sent on, I could not figure it out from the link provided?
That is just weird and also another example of the utter sycophancy she surrounded herself with. Also, I see disdain for King Nigger from her subordinates that would only be there if she was often vocal in that manner. She really must hate King Nigger. Why Alice? Drug trips or she went 'through the looking glass' to the other side? Visited Iran or North Korea?

The hanging skeleton is quite nice

Lmao you guys are the best shit posters now

Alice is the patron saint of pedophiles

Killary was really digging into NATO Russia

We all know she was plotting war with Russia, but more evidence, on how to get NATO in on it

WW3 Boyos.

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Trump is a nazi so who cares. Let's go to sleep.

3232 results for "dark" and "lord" combined, not 3232 results for "dark+lord" or "dark lord". Dumb faggot

>mentions qanon

oh no, he's retarded....

Apparently Saudi Arabia is Wonderland. Not sure why though

When did Israel become unfriendly intel-wise with China? They handed them the software from the Patriot missile system.

Just to add Lewis Carol was very much a pedophile, he has pictures of Alice nude. Scholars have no hard evidence of consummation, it is all but assumed.

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Source on that?

From what I can recall from the Senate hearings back then, the FBI would only confirm that foreign state actors "might have" gained access to the server, but that they either had no evidence, or they could not comment further due to it being an ongoing investigation.

In hindsight we know that they most likely knew about the Chinese having gained access at the time of the hearing, and that was their way of trying to avoid a catastrophe. But I've still not seen anything that would indicate other actors having gained access to the server.

The DWS/Awan thing is a whole other matter. DNC is obviously leaking to foreign intel across the board like a fucking sieve.

The NSA is sharing data with Israel. Before filtering out Americans dont ya know?

who do you think leaked those emails from chicago?

Mid-terms. 70 days left. Tick-tock...

If they don't show up by then, probably never will.

Is Hillary autistic? Her emails are full of weirdo shit like this


nigga please
go through the emails,
then kys boomer

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>China and Israel are not friendly on the intelligence sharing front.
Why not? They share American missile tech all the time.

Selling secret technology and voluntarily sharing intelligence are two different alleys.
Why on earth would China give the Israelis (whose current government favors the GOP), secrets that would crush the DNC (who China favors)?

>t. shill

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Wonderland was controlled by the man behind the curtain. Saudi Arabia is controlled by Israel pulling the strings. Alice finds the man behind the curtain is responsible for 911 and it is not saudi arabia.

>even more proof the bitch is a demon

And still nothing will happen.

When I try searching for "Alice" it says it returned 5 results, but no emails are listed. Am I retarded?

If trump is truly the god emperor then we should start seeing bombshells starting September and ramping into October.

Honestly it's been a little too quiet, Trump been softening up the press with the fake news narrative, but it's time to start drawing blood.

Historically the house swings back to the power out of power after landslide elections.

ISIS became big in 2013, so this letter is after the BP oil spill in 2010 and before ISIS suddenly went strategic and looked like a trained well equipped force.

Think it’s a coincidence that Shumer just rolled over and stopped slow walking Trump’s LIFETIME APPOINTMENTS to the federal appeals court?

You know I find it very entertaining has statists always assume that there's just a tad bit of the government that's been taimted by corruption and never consider the fact that maybe they're using divide and conquer on their own group in order to allow a larger portion of the group to survive.

It's redacted.

Search for hmmm instead.

she hated his guts never used his name

he's laying low because he's writing big plots out with sqyad

just let the procedure take time, you can't rush perfection

these indictments have them REELING, false narrative counterpsyop worked well too, so right now one would be wise to restructure your defenses and develop another 11 steps to be ahead of them on. It will only as long as it takes for (((them))) to lick their wounds in the varying arena bodies they are being negotiated with in, across the spectrum of local to geopolitics.

>Madam monarch
These people are so fucking delusional

>Why Alice? Drug trips or she went 'through the looking glass' to the other side? Visited Iran or North Korea?
She visited Iran in secret as SS. The plane crashed on the return trip, think it was in Oman, or one of the smaller Emirates. That's when she hit her head and was MIA for a while. Came back with the autism glasses for her seizures.

>I see disdain for King Nigger from her subordinates

They fucking hated eachother, ever since the 2008 election. Hillary did what a Clinton does, which is play dirty. She was the one who brought up his birth certificate.

Didn't help that she was the one who pushed for intervention in Libya, which King Nigger initially believed to be a mistake, but allowed himself to be convinced by Hillary. The shitshow that followed did not make King Nigger any happier with her.

Yea just like how the IG report was claimed as a 'nothingburger'

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>Possible QAnon Vindication
Your desperation is disgusting.

just as the mails with obama in it being scrubbed from the data. i guess some emails can dissapear

Aww babies first bread. Cute. Anyways what's with the walnuts reference??

Have a bump.
They are willing to name China, but why don't they name the other foreign actors (israel)

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I'd like to thank the heros of the previous thread - ty


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Don't destroy his sensationalism... How is he supposed to rile up the gullible?


cause NSA USA ISRAEL are the same

I haven't exactly been paying too much attention to the conspiracy aspects, where everything is "part of the plan", but are you memeing? Or are there still people who believes that the whole Comey/Mueller/Cohen stuff was part of 4D chess to lock the swamp up?

If you're not memeing, you'd be better served by not sitting around waiting for some magical 4D chess to play out. Because chances are that it won't, and since people are just sitting around complacement, waiting for it happen, chances decrease even further. And by the time you realize that the whole 4D chess thing was just a conspiracy theory cooked up by people looking for comfort in the chaos, the DNC will have the White House again. Or just as bad, another neocon.

>the Catholic Church is full of pedophiles
no shit Sherlock, you needed Q to tell you this Besides broken clocks are right more often than Q.

>Make 1000's of predictions
>get a few right
>Q user lives!!!

Read like 30% of these and honestly it just made me tired. The shitposters have won, it's nap time.

What if nothing comes out of these e-mails and she just looks harmless?

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Someone said something about New Swabia emails???
Big, if true.

The Clowns already tried a Snowden2. It failed.

OH shit Bros WTF IS THIS?

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China paid for them. Israel probably got them for free. Or at least 40% off.

People here will think that she's hiding even more.

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>man behind the curtain
that sounds more like Return to Oz
so alice in wonderland stories has a man behind the curtain too? i thought it was just queen of hearts she confronted

oh no, you're retarded....

What the heck

The more you make disingenuous posts like this, the more curious you make others. You will lose and be hung for your crimes.

Alice goes to wonderland to become the Alice Wonderland has been waiting for, to fufill her destiny.

yawn i sure do feel sleepy
i think i'll take a comfy nap

>Implying Moshe wasn't able to haggle his way down to 60% off

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how more can people think shes hiding from the public when her team decided what mails to give the fbi to review + bleach every thing to bits smash all the blackberrys. using private servers. I MEAN when do people understand that bs

We'll know we've been passed fraudulent emails, it will be 1776 all over again as we march on Washington demanding the real ones

damn same

not sure why but i am very very sleepy

goodnight user


>Friday before Labor Day
Okay this is the real shit

No wonder that bitch is out of touch if these are the kinds of people she surrounds herself with.

It really is like watching social outcasts

Are these the same Clinton emails that Wikileaks was supposed to be releasing but then DAK happened?

Don’t be tired elektrik fren

twas the shilling against Q that made me investigate
sleepy sessions better be playing that silent executioner card soon, though, getting tired of waiting

>The Clowns already tried a Snowden2.

What did I miss?

the two stories are interchangeable and they are even attempting to merge the two into a crossover. A lot of symbology in those two stories.

guys I just put on my PJs and made a PB&J sandwich
I have a tall glass of milk and I'm wrapped up in my blanket

It's totally nap time

>Hillary doesn't know who did 911
Dude you are fucking high.

So is Q like 22 for 100,000 now?


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Is the sleepy/tired suggestion an attempt to create consensus? I’ve seen it repeatedly in these threads.

Bump for happening