Ive never understood the appeal of casual sex. it seems so pointless to me...

ive never understood the appeal of casual sex. it seems so pointless to me. society loves to shame virgins for "not being able to get laid" but why would i even want to "get laid"? how does sterile casual sex with promiscuous people benefit me? statistically speaking nothing is more damaging to marriages and families than casual sex. as someone who wants to get married and raise a family why wouldnt i choose to remain pure? for a board that loves to moralize about "traditional values" there is no shortage of degenerate fornicators here.

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Yeah yeah, post more hapas now.

You're an incel, we get it.
Go post in Jow Forums and never post on pol ever again

wait i've seen this exact post before

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So, you don't have human instincts, huh?

Are you a eunich?

lol virgin

>t. dicklet

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There's no point in talking about it

I remember showing a pretty intelligent girl all the statistics about what it does to your mentality, she even agreed that the statistics were valid

and guess what.... she's still a fucking slut

These "people" are controlled by their dopamine fuelled brains in the same way as an alcoholic or stoner, the only difference is that they don't even care about the damage it's doing to them

Fuck sluts, they're subhuman

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who's that girl? she's pretty