how can we make anarchy work?
How can we make anarchy work?
Ask the niggers how they manage it
With a relatively small community of self sufficient and principled white men.
Move to Africa, it already has anarchy.
Comprehensible list of sustainable anarchist societies:
That's all, thank you
White people are incapable of living without morals.
is he driving a tank with a ps2 controller
Anarchy is not a magical state of existing where everybody follows the same idea of Utopia. It is a chaotic existence where the strong take what they want from the weak and the weak endure what they must. Most weak people find it advantageous to their survival if they find a strong male or group of males to support. In return those males give protection to their new servants. The main trouble with maintaining an Anarchy is that sooner or later, a whole bunch of tough guys figure out that they can organize into an army and get more resources and servants if they take over more territory. In the long run, governments form to attempt to prevent groups of tough guys for destroying each others villages.
Don't get me wrong. You are welcome to attempt it if you want to. Be aware that there are people in this world that do not peacefully surrender their possessions.
Mass suicide. Hell is anarchy and suicide will take you there.
A high IQ population of emotionally-balanced and reasonable people of good character.
In other words, not until 99.9% are dead.
They don't
Gee, I wonder why communities that don't have immutable rules that guarantees rights and therefore fair treatment to everyone, don't form into societies and eventually civilizations.
Gee, I wonder why communities that don't allow property rights generally end up in Fallout scenarios, where you're only good to be raped, looted and pillaged.
Gee, I wonder, it's almost like you can't actually trust people at their word, and it's almost like unless you have punishments for those that break agreements, both business and social, you have no method of stopping them and others from engaging in this process in the future.
Fucking checked
Again whites cannot live without morals without massive flaws in the system emerging. Everyone needs their boot to over come for the day.
Could you define anarchy first?
What you speak of Is inscribed into the Georgia guidestones,do that, and now you're no better than crusty elitist pedo globalists.
On that I happen to agree with them.
First step is to learn what it actually is including what human rights are.
Step two fight those who make the false claim of slavery over other people
Step three is to unleash the hidden patents and build a real eco-friendly civiliaztion
Isn’t that a double negative?
by giving all the power to one man
Anarchy isn't something people plan. It's something that occurs when a population sub 70 IQ niggers don't have the awareness to identify and solve certain problems. Nor do they have the agency to create and maintain a centralized governmental organization. Somalia is Ancapistan and it's not by choice.
You can't. You Have to establish social rules that an authority is used to impose them, become the moment someone says "nope I don't Care and fefes are nothing, about your NAP at this particular moment" you're going to have anarcho-tyranny. Then they consolidate power collectively with a gang that governs things and just real tyranny.
Even in a society without a directly-present overarching institute of authority, people develop a system of authority.
Western towns, everyone basically did as they please, yet always found themselves a sheriff and a court system to make sure some ass didn't let his horse shit in the water well. Tribes always develop a system of behavior and an authority to reign as chief.
Because it's Better than anarchy. It's better than some boyscout's honor I won't do no meanies I totally prom it system.
That people can abuse that is no different whatsoever than the fact people can abuse "anarchy." And the fact governments can be horrible, is no reason that living like tribal niggers, with 1000 tyrant thugs over their little steal-rape-murder-jaywalking perpetually, is any better at all. A minarchist bent is good. Off the deep end anarchism is blind.
What do morals have to do with anarchy? Are you incapable of forming and following your own moral compass? Do you need big daddy gov or big mommy church to do the thinking for you?
>immutable rules
Are shit, because they have to be constantly reevaluated to reflect the current state of things.
>don't allow property rights
The whole idea of ancap is based on property rights.
>punishments for those that break agreements
Breaking agreements is a violation of the NAP. You know the drill when the NAP gets violated.
>some ass didn't let his horse shit in the water well
If the ass's horse shit in the well, the owner of the well can just hunt down and either fine or kill the ass.
People are capable of policing themselves. Entrusting your own safety to someone else always leads to dependency, which leads to exploitation. Look at how Europe got fucked in the ass because the police that are supposed to "protect" the people is absolutely worthless and the people have nothing to defend themselves with against the hordes of violent muds and niggers.
The people just seemed much happier not under his rule but under the rule of patriotism,and love for ones family and culture.
Ancap makes you eat your baby to survive
None of you are ready for an cap scenario let alone the great war you all propagate.
>imagining 20 million liberals bayonetted while in fetal position by paratroopers if the USA ever fell....
it's going to take a lot of government regulation
Shoop da Woop
>rule of patriotism
Very easily exploitable. Uncle Sam needs you to die for the Holohoaxed kikes an ocean away, will you step up to the task like a true patriotic goy?
>Ancap makes you eat your baby to survive
That's just a fucking stupid train of thought. How do you explain all the "immoral" and "unethical" shit that's going on under state rule?
>None of you are ready
Most people are absolutely sick of government tyranny and want something new. The only reason people aren't ready is that guns and ammo aren't available enough.
>People are capable of policing themselves
If that were even remotely close to being true then your beloved AnCap system would have manifested itself a long time ago.
90% of "AnCaps" don't even actually believe it though. They know that society would immediately reform into some kind of statist structure and they think the brief lapse into anarchy would be their opportunity to get ahead and come out on top.
>make anarchy work
You answered your own question, kiddo.
>would have manifested itself a long time ago
And it did - the Wild West. Despite what you've seen in spaghetti westerns, it was not more violent than the rest of the country.
The rare sheriff couldn't possibly keep all the peace, so the people had to do their part as well. Gun ownership was close to 100%, so everyone could fend for themselves.
No, it didn't.
The western territories were never independent of the US. They were administered from the beginning, paying American taxes with American currency and being subjected to American law, involuntarily.
Police today can't possible keep all the peace. We still have to do our part. Do you think the fact that in 2018 we have more guns than people and we can shoot people dead for breaking into our homes means we're AnCap?
Anarchy eventually morphs into an "Archy" of some kind because people tend towards drifting into a natural pecking order.
Anarchic states usually become "tribalistic" after a fashion, and Anarchist organizations are usually headed by strongmen.
The very manifestation of the phenomenon presupposes it's downfall.
>how can we make anarchy work?
you are already living at anarcho egoism
>Police today can't possible keep all the peace. We still have to do our part.
Kek, good luck with that. You'll get stomped by that very same police for "vigilantism".
Meanwhile, the Wild West was basically a free-for-all because law enforcement was spread very thin. Everyone could build wherever the fuck they wanted as long as it's not someone's land. Everyone could do whatever they wanted as long as it didn't bother anyone who'll shoot them.
The weak plebs will always follow someone, sure. Doesn't mean that everyone will succumb to some strongman.
I think its a "homemade" armored vehicule made by Isis.
Those who don't inevitably attract their own hangers-on and become strongmen in their turn.
Those among them who don't embrace this involuntary authority never actually make the most of their position, which weakens their leadership, and they are soon replaced by a more ruthless "alpha".
You could argue that anarchy always works because it's the default system when nothing else is currently in place and it has no standard of success other than simply existing due to a lack of anything else.
Now, if your goal is to have a system of pure anarchy with the same population and the same, or better, quality of life and services we have now, then I have some bad news for you kiddo.
Castle doctrine laws, look them up. No police force can universally enforce the law at a moment's notice.
>Everyone could build wherever the fuck they wanted as long as it's not someone's land.
>Everyone could do whatever they wanted as long as it didn't bother anyone who'll shoot them.
You're getting your impression of the American west from Hollywood movies.
Every single inch of land in the West was owned by either the Federal government directly or a state/territory government.
If you wanted to build somewhere and actually keep your land you had to follow the Homesteading acts and then file for your deed from the government.
And the fact that law officers were spread thin didn't mean much. If you broke the law and evaded justice the state would put a bounty on you.
This is not AnCap manifesting itself. This is the state promoting its own expansion into new lands by moving in settlers.
>The weak plebs will always follow someone, sure. Doesn't mean that everyone will succumb to some strongman.
The only people who don't succumb to the strongmen are the strongmen themselves. The people in charge, running things.
That's not you. You reckon you're too smart to need to follow someone, yet you lack the will to do what they do and take charge.
>there are only plebs and strongmen
There are also those who just want to be left alone. I sure as fuck don't want to be in charge. I just want to live self-sufficiently in isolation, periodically trading with my neighbors.
If that meant going on a bloody campaign against an uppity strongman, I'd be more than willing to do it and I'm sure I wouldn't be alone.
>just want to be left alone
So basically the majority of pleb uprisings throughout history?
First of all I like your creative approach to think out of the box and question things that have been proven to lead to destruction of society as we know it. As always proof however has been proven wrong over and over again, time and time again. Flat earth, round earth, flat earth, round earth, simulation, metaphysics, the matrix, VR, reality in general is a fun play-doh like substance you can form and shape however you like. The only problem with it... how many people will get killed in the process just to make your fantasy, your personal convenience turn into a reality? If the number is high... forget it. You will never find support. Like socialism, communism... it has the highest death toll on this planet so far... capitalism, libertarians... very low in comparison cos they teach self sufficiency. Anarchy however is kind of like "the devil may care" attitude. It will only serve the ones who don't give a shit about anything. It is close to nihilism. It's a bad place. And selfish. Don't get me wrong. it's good to be selfish to a degree. But anarchism means you're so selfish you don't see you impending death or any consequences at all for that matter. In this world, in this life, you have to believe in something. It keeps the blood flowing. Anarchy is just the result of a communist, socialist system that is rigged against you to succeed so you give up and want total annihilation. It's a trap set by the eternal jew who wants nothing else but perverse fantasies of total hedonism and absolute reign and power over the misfortunate brainwashed people who weren't taught any better, people who grew up inside Plato's cave.
With a bullet.
Nope. Those plebs were always manipulated by strongmen and never wanted freedom in the first place. In any case, the turmoils caused by the uprisings were never enough to significantly shake the foundations of the state and allow any breathing room for ancaps.
I'm hoping for a global cataclysm that will wipe out around 80% of the entire population.
>never wanted freedom in the first place
>but people can police themselves
>by the way, I need 80% of the global population to die before my system can work
It didn't work back when the population actually was 20% of what it is today, either.
Small homogeneous communities.
>how can we make anarchy work?
With rules... Haha.
Nah. Through might is the best way to enforce anarchy.
this for
>how can we make anarchy work?
Plot twist, anarchism doesn't work.
Your statement is a lie.
You have zero proof.
Rather shameful tbqh.
>Your statement is a lie.
No it's not
>You have zero proof.
Anarchy doesn't work specifically because were social creatures that have the need to analyze and quantify the world around us. Get more than two humans together and a hierarchy is formed. Even your "might makes right" meme requires a powerful force guiding the weak.
>Rather shameful tbqh.
What's shameful is being over the age of 12 and still believing in nonsense like anarchism