Jack to testify before Congress! Everyone post evidence of biased censorship within this thread. This is the final push to undeniably verify the double standard in regards to political censorship on the internet. LETS DO THIS!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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BUZZFEED is a hate factory

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These people are sick

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This is what a healthy conversation looks like on twitter

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Congressional questioning is fucking infuriating. I mean I'm glad that congress is calling up Jack and that bitch from Facebook but our elected officials ask terrible questions. Probably because a good number of them are part of the swamp and also have shared in these companies. For instance the last time people from these companies testified there was a congressmen, obviously Jewish and from Florida, who was chimping out about Flat Earth videos. He also included conspiracy videos into his bullshit questioning about child abuse on youtube which pissed me off.


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Do you allow 3rd parties to access and alter your algorithms? Be it the comment sorting algorithm or the search bar algorithm or the twitter feed algorithm or the trending algorithm?

Do you intentionally stifle and suppress certain trending topics?

Where exactly do you outsource your moderation staff to? Who are the 3rd party moderation staff?

How can you moderate the content on your websites based on vague bullshit terms like Hate Speech.

How many outside groups have the ability or power to remove content from your websites?

I'm gonna think of more quesstions

Yes you might be escorted out for making a ruckus but someone needs to be able to call bullshit in real time.

How low of a bar did zuckerberg set?

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He better testify against the other big tech cartels or he's gonna get shut down with the rest of em

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Checking in to Twitter dot com for another healthy conversation

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This has to be the most disturbing one i have seen

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Twitter is undeniably biased. This information needs to get to congress

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I think the Senators need to ask why Jack
Literally Employs Proud Communists?
I don't have any screenshots handy but I know you boys can pull up some.

Because being a commie in america is not illegal.

Evidence here

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and here

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Depends on what they allow the communists to do.
Regardless it warrants an explanation.

Twitter is a nigger mind control platform.

It is not Twitter.

It is roving packs of massreport bots doing leftists' bidding.

Go back to the old model of blocking if you don't like what you see.

He was practicing lying to Hannity today. Denied shadowbanning. It's a joke. Put these people out of the censor business, out of all business. They can't be trusted. Systemic liars.

You couldn't ARCHIVE THIS? You stupid fucking nigger.

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are you serious?
its not even a secret that they shadowban


I must have been listening to a rerun. This article has a summary - he denies shadowbanning for political purposes. Said it's behavior not politics. Liar.


Here you go bud

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has Jack fired the employees who admitted to being biased and to misusing user data in the Veritas videos?
would Jack submit the code that determines what is seen in feeds to an independent panel of experts for review?
Jack admitted in that CNN interview that Twitter is a left wing company, are his hiring practices discriminatory?

This applies. Hopefully Trump DOJ breaks them all up. All social media needs to be bent over and fucked hard.

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that's just for plausible deniability
if the right wing tried that, they would refuse to enforce the same rules

but he should be asked about what measures Twitter takes to make sure people reporting content are not simply targeting competitors or others they don't like

also, ask about what information Twitter gives to repressive regimes looking to stifle dissent?
does Twitter meddle in the elections/affairs of foreign countries?


I remember when making even a joke about harming the president was enough to get you locked up.

is Jack a saranist?

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if you use twitter in any way, you are a dunce

Journalists are such fucking cancer.
Just smart enough to write witty nonsense, but too dumb to actually fucking understand anything. What an incredibly bad combination of traits they have...

Seriously, don't forget these are "Arts majors", they are fucking idiots at the end of the day, that just parrot either the status quo, or what they're told to say by whoever is paying off their student loan.

twitter will be the only media conglomerate to leave unscathed